Zachary22199's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Zachary22199's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is excellent! Love the detail you used! Keep up the great work!
- Laura on September 29, 2021
Zack, I really like this artwork project you created. It is very pretty and I like all the colors. Keep up the awesome work. I will have to figure out what to buy with this on it. Love you, Grandma Cheryl
- Cheryl on September 29, 2021
Zack, your artwork, when you take your time, focus, and really get into it, is always so impressive! This is one of those great works of art you have completed. The passion you had for this project really shone through. Love, Mom
- Lisa (Mother) on September 24, 2021
Hi Zack, I love your dolphin picture. Now I have to buy 2 things because I want your sign language picture too.
- Cheryl on March 11, 2021
So colorful and complex! Great work!!
- Aunt Laura on February 17, 2021
This work is wonderful!!! Not only very colorful, well designed and composed, I love it.
- Grandpa on February 17, 2021
I was very surprised at the work you put into this. Excellent job!
- Lisa (Mother) on November 15, 2020
I love the color selection!!
- Lisa (Mother) on November 15, 2020
This one is one if my favorites! I can tell you took your time.
- Lisa (Mother) on November 15, 2020
Ohhh sooo cool, Zack!! This one looks amazing!!! Great job!!!
- Laura on November 15, 2020
Ohh i like these donuts!! Great job, Zack!!
- Laura on October 15, 2020
I’m so proud of how much effort you are putting into tour artwork! Love you!
- Lisa (Mother) on October 4, 2020
Wow, Zack! This looks like something M.C. Escher would do!!! Great job!
- Lisa (Mother) on September 16, 2020
Hey Zack, very interesting vehicle. Is that a monster truck? Love the colors.
- Lisa (Mother) on November 20, 2019
Great work! You are diversifying your talent in art. I love the detail on the outside of the container.
- Henry on November 13, 2019
Well done!! You captured a brilliant vanishing point that made your art 3-D!!! It certainly pops!
-- Grandpa Henry
- on July 8, 2018
Honey, this is fantastic. I love the detail and colors!
-- Mom
- on May 16, 2018
Looks delicious! Making me hungry! Nice work!!
-- Laura
- on May 16, 2018
Hey Zack! Very cute bear!!!!
-- Mom
- on February 13, 2018
Very cute! Good job, Zack!
-- Laura
- on February 7, 2018
Amazingly creative use of colors and patterns! Excellent work!!
-- Laura
- on January 22, 2018
What a wonderful work of art. I love the fact that it is drawn to the edge of the paper and includes a multitude of patterns and such a variety of colors!!! Good work!!!
-- Grandpa Henry
- on January 22, 2018
Great work Zack! My favorite if the “Ice Bear” :)
-- Laura
- on January 22, 2018
I love it!!! Interesting concept!!
-- Henry
- on January 22, 2018
Holy smokes, Zack. Excellent job! I'm impressed with all of the shapes, colors, and designs!!
-- Mom
- on January 16, 2018
What a wonderfully creative desert scene!!! I love your choice of colors and the very deep perspective! Great Job!!!
-- Henry
- on November 8, 2017
Beautiful desert landscape! Wonderful use of colors!! Great job Zack!!
-- Aunt Laura
- on November 1, 2017
Zack, you did such a great job with the coloring and the needles on the cacti. I love the different sizes and depth they bring to the picture, too. Excellent work!
-- Mom
- on October 17, 2017
This is awesome!! So patriotic!! Keep up the great work!! Can't wait to see more!
-- Aunt Laura
- on October 16, 2017
Great job Zack! I love you!
-- Cheryl
- on October 10, 2017
What an amazing work of art! Wonderful!
-- Grandpa Henry
- on October 3, 2017
Wow, Zack. This is one of the best drawings I have ever seen you do. Keep up the amazing work and I love you to pieces.
-- Lisa
- on October 2, 2017
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