Addison, this hand is so life-like. Keep up your interest in drawing; you have a great amount of talent.
- Audrey on June 7, 2023
Reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow ! Great Job Addison
- Grandpa Curt on May 10, 2023
Addison, I really like the shading on the pirate's hat and the texture of his hair. His cheekbones and lips are also well-formed. I would have thought that this was drawn by someone much older. He reminds me of "Pirates of the Caribbean." NICE JOB!
- Audrey on May 10, 2023
Your pirate looks very menacing, Addison, which is exactly what pirates were! You did a great job capturing that in your drawing!
- Mimi on May 3, 2023
Very Patriotic Addison ! I believe that is from Iwo Jima
- Grandpa Curt on March 15, 2023
Nice work Addison, Very Creative !
- Grandpa Curt on March 15, 2023
Addison, when I first looked at this, I assumed you had colored a pre-printed picture of this historic day during World War II. Then I realized you not only colored it, you actually DREW it also! It is an EXACT likeness of the famous photo that was taken so many years ago. Your ability amazes me every time a new piece of your artwork is added to this site. Cannot wait to see what you'll do next! Love, Mimi
- Mimi on February 1, 2023
Oh my, Addison, this is an outstanding reproduction of the Iwo Jima Memorial! You are so very talented!!
- Grandma Audrey on January 18, 2023
Addison, I really like your use of different purples to create a 3-D look to the letters of your name. Also, the "droplets" are placed in an attractive manner.
- Grandma Audrey on October 26, 2022
Addison, your artwork is SO interesting! The colors, shading and detail you always use makes everything so clear and vivid. Honestly, you are a very talented artist and I always look forward to seeing your next masterpiece! Great job!
- Love, Mimi on September 21, 2022
Addison, your artwork is SO interesting! The colors, shading and detail you always use makes everything so clear and vivid. Honestly, you are a very talented artist and I always look forward to seeing your next masterpiece! Great job!
- Love, Mimi on September 21, 2022
Addison, your artistic talent continues to grow. The sun blends so softly into the pink sky. I like the perspective of the sea gulls flying in front of the sun. I bet I know the two figures in the picture! You did a good job of creating the human forms.
- Audrey on September 21, 2022
Very Nice work Addison I love the birds in the Sky
- Grandpa Curt on September 21, 2022
Very Nice Addison I like all the Pink in the sky and the Moon in the background of the Deer ! Great work !
- Grandpa Curt on April 2, 2022
Very nice picture with good detail of the bridge as you go over the lake.
- Grandpa Bob on April 2, 2022
Great work Addison I like the Metallic Green Very Cool !
- Grandpa Curt on January 20, 2022
Very nice job Addison. Very patriotic.
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Great job, Addison! I love how you displayed the American flag.
- Kiley on January 20, 2022
Very nice nighttime picture of a windmill. I love the shinning stars in the sky and glowing partial moon. The colorful sky reminds me of the way the sky looks just before the sun comes up in the morning. Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Good job making a coil pot. Nice wrapping of your clay. I like the colorful way you decorated it. Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
You put together a very nice ocean scene. I like the birds, turtle, and jelly fish. Good job.
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Wow, Addison! This is a great picture of a cardinal on a snow covered branch! I love the detail you included on the tree branch. Everything looks very realistic! Love, Mimi
- Mary(fan) on January 20, 2022
Wow, Addison! This is a great picture of a cardinal on a snow covered branch! I love everything about it, and notice you even thought to include the cardinal's shadow on the tree branch. You are a great artist! Love, Mimi
- Mary(fan) on January 20, 2022
Nicely drawn Robin. He looks very life like sitting there on the snow covered branch. You did a very good job on this drawing. Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Beautiful landscape. It would be very relaxing to sit under the shade trees by the pond wathing the birds flying off into the lovely sky. Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Good job drawing your pumpkin patch. I really like the sun flowers in the background. Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Very nice hot air balloon. I like the colors of the balloon. Good job attaching the balloon to the basket. Looks like you are flying above the clouds. Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on January 20, 2022
Love the heart in the middle of the flower pedals. The colors are bold which gives off a good feeling to me looking at the painting.
- Grandpa Bob on May 6, 2020
Good drawing of snowman at night under all the stars. I can almost feel how cold it is.
- Grandpa Bob on May 6, 2020
I like the way you mixed the colors in your sculpture. The top hat is a nice touch.
- Grandpa Bob on March 11, 2020
Addison, I like your pumpkin patch picture. It makes me feel like I am really out in a field full of pumpkins. Nice job.
- Grandpa Bob on January 8, 2020
You created a lovely self-portrait. I even recognize the necklace you are wearing in it. Good detail work to include your earrings and a purple blouse. Nice job Addison.
- Grandpa Bob on December 11, 2019
Very nice picture of a bug in a person's garden. The bug looks like it is enjoying the flowers around it. It looks like the bug blends in with the flowers around. Very pretty.
- Grandpa Bob on December 4, 2019
I like the way you worked your colors together to make new colors for your painting of different things in one picture. Good job.
- Grandpa Bob on December 4, 2019
Your window mill and tulip fields make feel like I am in Holland. Very good use of colors to make your picture so vivid looking.
- Grandpa Bob on December 4, 2019
I really like your Cat and the Hat drawing. Love his top hat and bow tie.
- Grandpa Bob on December 4, 2019
Very good drawing of Abraham Lincoln. You did a nice job on his beard.
- Grandpa Bob on December 4, 2019
I like the color combination and the different size color lines you worked into your weaving project. Nice job. -- Grandpa Bob
- on May 8, 2019
I like your Pufferfish & Pinch Pot sculture. You did a very good job on it. Grandpa Bob -- Grandpa Bob
- on May 8, 2019
Nice looking giraff. Very realistic looking. Make me feel warm today in the cold of Independence. Nice job on this project Addison. Grandp Bob -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 30, 2019
Good looking multicolor cat Addison. We could call it a patchwork cat!??. Good job. Grandpa Bob -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 30, 2019
Addison this is a beautiful winter scene. I love the lovely layered color sky. Very well done picture. ???? -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 16, 2019
I like all the different colored and shaped snowflakes. They are like real snow flakes where no two are alike. Pretty snow coming down on the tall buildings. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
Very pretty winter picture with the snow coming down on the trees. I really like the way you used all the different shades of blue coming out from the moon. Very good picture. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
I like this one a lot! You did a great job! -- Laura
- on January 2, 2019
Wonderful strong color combining in this picture. The outfit is tied together with the socks and design on the blouse. Colors make the picture come alive. Beautiful. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
I like the different sizes, shapes, and colors, of the pumpkins in your pumpkin patch. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
Love the colors. I like the way the colors weave in and out of each other. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
Addison you did a nice job on your cat. I like the eyes. It looks like the cat is sitting outside at night. Nice picture. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
Nice job of creating a life like butterfly. I really like how you made the wings look so delicate that you can see through them just like you can with a real butterfly. Good job. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
I love the exciting colors and patterns you put in your picture. You did a great job of using different colors and shades of colors inside your lines to create a beautiful design in your picture. Well done. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 2, 2019
Oh my goodness, Addison.....I LOVE this picture!! The different shades of blue for the water and the bright reds and yellows really make the picture pop; you are a fantastic artist! -- Mimi
- on October 24, 2018
Pretty tulip garden! -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 25, 2018
Just like we'll see at the Tulip Festival! Good job!! -- Grandma Audrey
- on April 25, 2018
Addison I love the pretty long blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 25, 2018
Addison nice flower pot. I like the straight flower stems and colorful nicely shaped flowers. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 25, 2018
Addison, you did a very nice job of weaving. That isn't always easy when there isn't a border frame. The colors you used are very eye-catching. I like how the colors of the flowers coordinate with the pot. Naturally, you had to make sure that there were purple ones too! -- Grandma Audrey
- on April 25, 2018
You did a great job of blending bright colors together in this. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 25, 2018
I love your beautiful flower basket and the colorful flowers you put in the basket. All the bright pretty colors make me feel good. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 25, 2018
I like the purple color. The animals are probably sad to have people telling them good bye for the day. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 3, 2018
Colorful and beautiful snowflakes. I like the way all the snowflakes are different. The polar bear looks warm with her hat and blank. She has a beautiful sky to look at. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 3, 2018
Very friendly peaceful looking bird and animals. They make feel good. -- Grandpa Bob
- on April 3, 2018
Addison, this is wonderful work. Watercolors are hard to work with, and yours are great. I really like the ocean life--especially with only being able to see the tail of the whale. The turtle is very realistic--especially the shell and eye! -- Grandma Audrey
- on April 3, 2018
Addison, this is great work. Watercolors are hard to work with, and yours are wonderful. I really like your ocean life. I think it's cool that all you can see of the whale is its tail! Also, that turtle is very realistic--especially its shell and eye! -- Grandma Audrey
- on April 3, 2018
Addison, this is great work. Watercolors are hard to work with, and yours are wonderful. I really like your ocean life. I think it's cool that all you can see of the whale is its tail! Also, that turtle is very realistic--especially its shell and eye! -- Audrey
- on April 3, 2018
I love this piece Addison! The colors are vibrant and I love the green turtle. -- Aunt Kiley
- on April 3, 2018
Great use of colors! Lots of detail. Nice work. -- Nick
- on January 24, 2018
Addison that is a very nice piece of artwork, I really like all the different colors and Shapes you used. -- Grandpa Curt
- on January 17, 2018
Very colorful painting Addison. I like the way you combined the colors when you did the painting. Great job. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 10, 2018
Addison great job. Beautiful piece of work with clay. Love the many colors you used. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 10, 2018
I love your use of colors in her Picaso drawing. You did a great job using color to create an abstract drawing. I can tell that purple is one of your favorite colors. -- Grandpa Bob
- on January 10, 2018
Addison, it doesn't surprise me that most of your painting is purple! The shape of the head and hair is very good. I like the way the pink cheeks and blue eyes contrast with the purple. -- Audrey
- on January 10, 2018
Addison, I just love this bird--the color choices, the hearts on the head, and the shape of the bird! -- Grandma Audrey
- on October 25, 2017
Addison, I like the colors you picked from the color wheel. Grandpa Bob -- Bob
- on October 18, 2017
Addison, Good job drawing your lines and using your colors paint the boxes. Grandpa Bob -- Bob
- on October 18, 2017
Addison, I like the way you used the primary colors to paint a colorful picture. Grandpa Bob -- Bob
- on October 18, 2017
Addison, Pretty bird. Good shaped bird and I like the stars on the tail feathers. -- Bob
- on October 18, 2017
The colors say "sad" the smiley face says "happy". Maybe this was done on a day that she had to wear a dress to school (sad) but knew they were having chicken nuggets for lunch (happy)? -- Nick
- on October 18, 2017
I think she was going for "minimalist" here. -- Nick
- on October 18, 2017
Great job painting inside the black strips of paper. I like all the blue! -- Nick