Eliana1660's Comments (41)

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Below are comments about Eliana1660's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your artwork portfolio is certainly expanding. So many different media! Good work, very nice!
- Lowell on March 31, 2022
Ellie Van Gogh. I like it.
- Lowell on December 29, 2021
I like the perspective, very nice. Light the candles!
- Lowell on December 29, 2021
That looks like it was fun to do. I bet it was hard to keep things symmetrical, and you did very well
- Lowell on December 29, 2021
Lovely. This has a very peaceful feel to it, I like it very much.
- Lowell on December 2, 2021
I bet that heart was difficult to make. Looks great!!
- Dad on December 2, 2021
That is a very floppy bunny. I think. Or a dog with a mustache.
- Lowell on June 8, 2021
This artwork makes me think of m c Escher. Pretty awesome, Ellie.
- Lowell on June 8, 2021
Lots of detail in this. Good use of the space, too. Good job.
- Lowell on June 8, 2021
Eliana, this is a very nice picture. Love you. Grampy
- Mike on June 8, 2021
Beautiful, Ellie! Love the colors and design. Very nice for spring.
- Molly on June 8, 2021
AMAZING! Perfect llama.
- Molly on June 8, 2021
Two ice cream cones, both blue three scoopers. Hmm, I wonder what you have on your mind. What a big, beautiful ice cream cone!
- Lowell on January 28, 2021
Must be a great horned owl, because it has horns, and it is great! If I was a mouse I would not want to see an owl like this one. I am afraid I would be a dinner guest. Nice job, Ellie.
- Lowell on January 28, 2021
That is certainly a very happy looking bunny. Don’t let penny see it, because she would have to chase your bunny, and your bunny needs legs to run away. I am glad you are back to making artwork.
- Lowell on October 28, 2020
I feel like that penguin is looking at me, or maybe my fish sandwich. Hey penguin, leave my lunch alone! As always, nice work, Ellie.
- Lowell on May 6, 2020
I am running out of glowing compliments for you! I love your artwork, and this is another jewel. Awesome, keep up your good work.
- Lowell on December 4, 2019
Lots of shapes! A spiral, squares, lines! I always love your artworks!
- Lowell on December 4, 2019
Renee and I think this is a great piece of art. We are happy we are able to see your artwork.
- Lowell on December 4, 2019
Neat creature. I love the cutie mark.
- Dad on October 9, 2019
So many bright colors. This artwork makes me happy.
- Lowell on October 9, 2019
I think your monster will find some friends, and friends will make him happier.
- Lowell on October 9, 2019
You are a fine artist Ellie. Your mom is quite artistic too. Well done.
-- Lowell
- on October 9, 2019
Good use of colors, and you are getting really good at writing your name
-- Lowell
- on October 9, 2019
You are getting a very impressive portfolio. Once again, very nice job!
-- Lowell
- on October 9, 2019
Wow!! That is a fast looking roller coaster. I would like to take a ride on it! All roller coasters should be that pretty.
-- Lowell
- on March 16, 2019
Very nice. Lots of hearts. I like it.
-- Lowell
- on March 16, 2019
That is a lovely tree. Now you have made two very good trees as art projects. Very well done. Not all trees get to be this attractive.
-- Lowell
- on March 16, 2019
Loud mouth collage! I guess so! I can almost hear it yelling in Chippewa. Yikes.
-- Lowell
- on March 16, 2019
I need to know more about this piece of artwork. It seems to tell a story, and I would like to know more. Good work, Ellie!
-- Lowell
- on November 21, 2018
Another fine piece of work. You are becoming my favorite artist.
-- Lowell
- on October 24, 2018
Yay! School artwork again! I always look forward to seeing what you have created. Good job!
-- Lowell
- on October 17, 2018
What a great new project, Ellie! Well done!
-- Lowell
- on May 23, 2018
Your artist instinct was right on for this piece, Ellie. Another gem, in my opinion. Well done!
-- Lowell
- on April 18, 2018
Beautiful! You're getting so good at this, Ellie!
-- Molly
- on April 17, 2018
Wow! A new milestone in art for you! It is awesome! Congratulations on the good work!
-- Lowell
- on April 11, 2018
Good job, Ellie! More beautiful artwork is great!
-- Lowell
- on April 4, 2018
Wow, eliana! You are getting a very nice art portfolio! Beautiful work, again! I could not do what you have done.
-- Lowell
- on March 21, 2018
Very colorful, and I liked the use of so much space. Your artworks have been great, and so different.
-- Lowell
- on February 28, 2018
Lovely! The different sized trees make me think of big sisters and little sisters. Very nice!
-- Lowell
- on January 10, 2018
-- Lowell
- on October 4, 2017