this one makes me say "A penny for your thoughts" it looks like a moody piece of art to me! Very nice work!
- Gma on May 3, 2021
I remember going to the library to see this one! Such good work! Keep it up... you have a gift for art!
- Gma on May 3, 2021
Oh My! You know I love my birds! This is awesome! Love this and you too!
- Gma on May 3, 2021
Oh Avery, I love love love your fish! He looks so HAPPY! I love you too!
- Gma on May 3, 2021
thats fishtabulous would look great on a beach t shirt love u papa
- Papa on May 3, 2021
Avery, your artwork is beautiful!! You have such a gift.... maybe you'll be a famous artist one day. Actually you already are in ours eyes. Nana and Papa are so proud of you and love you tremendously!!!
- Nana on May 3, 2021
avery that is fishtabulous needs to be on beach t shirt
- Papa on May 3, 2021
Wow! This is a wow owl for sure! You are such a fine artist! Gma & Gdaddy are very proud of you!
- Gma on May 3, 2021
Avery, that is the coolest piece of artwork. LOVE your imagination!! Love you! -- Nana
- on May 3, 2021
Avery, this is wonderful! I love it! Keep it up! Love, GeeMa -- Julia
- on January 3, 2019
Great job Avery! You are such an artist. Love you bunches... Nana -- Chris
- on January 3, 2019
Avery, this is so beautiful! Keep up the amazing work! -- G-MA Julia
- on May 11, 2018
One of my favorites!! So bright and cheery... love it Avery! -- Nana
- on May 11, 2018
Another beautiful piece of artwork Avery! Great job Scooter.. love you -- Nana
- on April 3, 2018
I love this new piece of artwork!! Love you! -- Nana
- on April 3, 2018
That's your cat fairy rose Looks jus like her -- Papa
- on April 3, 2018
Love Averys artwork -- Papa
- on March 8, 2018
Great work Aves! You are quite the artist! -- G-Ma
- on March 8, 2018
Love your snowman! Love you Scooter! -- Nana
- on February 10, 2018
Another fantastic piece of art Scooter! I am so proud of you! Love you bunches!! Nana -- Nana
- on February 10, 2018
Avery has talent -- Papa
- on February 10, 2018
Another masterpiece by Avery Love nana and papa -- Papa
- on February 10, 2018
Another beautiful piece of art! You are amazing scooter! Love you ... Nana and Papa -- Chris