Isabella23617's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Isabella23617's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great work Bella!
- Debbie on December 11, 2019
This is my favorite!!!
-- Debbie
- on March 6, 2019
Great job Bella! I love it!
-- Debbie
- on March 6, 2019
Great work Bella
-- Will
- on February 27, 2019
I love this bella it is such a beautiful sunset!
-- Mommy
- on November 27, 2018
I love this! One day I want to see it in real life! :-)
-- Mom
- on November 6, 2018
This is so cute!!! You did a really good job on it!
-- Debbie
- on June 6, 2018
I love this! Great job!!
-- Debbie
- on June 6, 2018
Bella I love this! You really added everything that is important to you! I love you so much my smart sweet girl!
-- Angela
- on May 22, 2018
Awww bella I love these baby turtles! They are so cute! Good job baby! Love, mommy
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2018
I love this one! I’m so proud of your art Isabella great job!!
-- Mom
- on April 10, 2018
I really love this one Isabella! It’s one of my favorites so far for sure! We have to find a great spot For this one here at home! ??
-- Mommy
- on March 1, 2018
You did such a good job on this one! I love the colors!
-- Debbie
- on February 27, 2018
Awesome job Bella! Love ?? DAD
-- Alexander
- on February 27, 2018
Wow bella I really love this roosters colorful tail! So pretty! Keep up the great work in art! ??
-- Mommy
- on February 21, 2018
I love this so much! So many shades of pink! It’s so pretty! Great job Bella! Your a great artist!
-- Mommy
- on November 20, 2017
Great job Kiddo! You love them owls
-- Will
- on November 20, 2017
I love it Bella! You are drawing so well. I love the horse!
-- Debbie
- on November 8, 2017
Isabella I love this! The drawing is awesome! You really added detail to the horse I love it! Your a great artist! <3
-- Mom
- on November 1, 2017
Wow Isabella I love these colors and the details of the bird! Her eyelashes are adorable! LOVE IT! :-)
-- Angie
- on October 16, 2017
Great job Bella! I love it!
-- Debbie
- on October 16, 2017