This drawing is well done. I love the mountains and the background sky. Keep it going!
- Kathy on February 23, 2022
This is a nice, bright orange pumpkin! I love pumpkins.
- Kathy on October 20, 2021
Nice artwork! Love the layers and many colors. Love, Grandma L.
- Kathy on June 2, 2021
Love the black and white animal drawing. You are talented! Keep the artwork coming. I enjoy seeing it. Love, Grandma L.
- Kathy on March 24, 2021
Your bird is beautiful! We should start seeing more birds as spring will be here soon.
- Kathy on March 11, 2020
I love your snowman. Snowmen make me happy and this one does too. Love, Grandma Lietz
- Kathy Lietz on November 28, 2019
Love the bats! Look like they are flying in the night. Grandma L.
- Kathy on November 28, 2019
Really cool arm and hand Brick! Could you imagine if your arm and hand had this many tattoos?!? You sure put a lot of detail on here! And I think I even saw a little chicken on one finger.
- Joe on November 2, 2019
Nice artwork. Like what you’re doing in 2nd grade. Grandma Lietz
- Kathy on November 2, 2019
Scary monster! You have had a lot of nice artwork this school year. I’ve enjoyed seeing them. Love, Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on November 2, 2019
We keep amazing me with your art. -- Kathy
- on November 2, 2019
Cool ladybug. It reminds me of the poem “Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home.” -- Kathy
- on November 2, 2019
I like the hearts on the palms of the hands. -- Kathy
- on March 27, 2019
This is amazing. Love the bright color red. Keep up the good work. -- Kathy
- on March 27, 2019
This is a super looking fish. Almost good enough to eat. -- Kathy
- on March 27, 2019
Beautiful winter scene and house. You are very talented. Love, Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on December 19, 2018
I like your sailboat. I would like to take a ride on one like this with all the beautiful colors. You can drive it. Love, Grandma L -- Kathy
- on December 12, 2018
Woah Brick! Your painting makes me feel like I’m floating on the water as it is getting darker outside. Very very nice! -- Joe
- on December 10, 2018
This robot is cool and kind of scary. Love, Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on December 10, 2018
Woah Brick, this is a cool robot looking creature! I like its robot joints. It looks tough, but also friendly. Great job Big Boy! -Dad -- Joe
- on December 10, 2018
Your picture reminds me that winter is coming. Nice work. Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on November 5, 2018
Really cool Brick! It reminds me of a peaceful Christmas evening. -- Joe
- on November 5, 2018
I love pumpkins. You drew one beautifully. Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on November 5, 2018
Wow! This is unique. When we’re together tell me more about this art work. I want to know. Love, Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on October 17, 2018
What an awesome turtle! Such an interesting shell. Grandma Lietz -- Kathy
- on October 17, 2018
Wow! How did you draw this? -- Kathy
- on May 23, 2018
You amaze me with your art! -- Kathy
- on May 23, 2018
This is an interesting picture. You’ll have to tell me how you drew it.Love, Grandma L. -- Kathy
- on May 9, 2018
Woah Brick! This project blew me away!!! You must have spent a lot of time working on it. You are so talented! -- Joe
- on May 2, 2018
I love you as a super hero. You got it on paper perfectly. Love and hugs, Grandma L. -- Kathy
- on March 7, 2018
This is really nice work Brick. I like how simple the colored circles are and how they stand out against the lines and other markings. -- Joe
- on March 7, 2018
Cool bird! You have very nice details on it. I also like how the red background covers enough paper to meet up with the grass. You obviously planned things out well when you put the sun in your picture. -- Joe
- on March 7, 2018
This is a really awesome piece of art Brick! Way to go!!! I love the cape, the trophy (I think that's what it is), the letter B, and the smile on your face! You are a really good artist! -- Joe
- on March 7, 2018
Brick, this is a beautiful room decorated for the holidays. It shows great imagination. -- Kathy
- on January 10, 2018
Super cool Brick! -- Joe
- on January 10, 2018
Brick, It is a treat to be able to see more of your art. You have a great imagination which shows through in your art. -- Kathy
- on December 13, 2017
Brick, this is really nice. I like how bright your colors look against a black background. You did such a great job of staying in the lines when you colored. I wish our family lived in this castle. -- Joe
- on November 22, 2017
Brick, Love your castle picture. It looks like it’s made with sand. Grandma L. -- Kathy
- on November 22, 2017
Brick, Beautiful use of different shapes and colors. -- Grandma Lietz
- on October 11, 2017
Brick, this is a really great work of art! I love the different types of lines you used, the cool circles, and the awesome colors you chose. I think they go together very well. And it looks like you took your time and colored so neatly! I'm very proud of you! -Dad -- Joe