I am so proud of Zachary’s beautiful artwork. He is so talented and this picture is really special because it is from our hometown and where his daddy grew up. ??????
- Denise on December 4, 2019
Great job Zachary. Love your patterns!
- Denise on October 16, 2019
Buzz is looking good. Amazing drawing by my very creative grandson! -- Denise
- on June 26, 2019
I love it. This is the most creative caterpillar I have ever seen. Good job Z!! -- Denise
- on June 26, 2019
Amazing! You did such a great job down to every little detail! Love that penguin hat buddy! ?? -- Mom??
- on February 7, 2019
As usual, wonderful drawing. You are so talented Zachary. I'm proud of you. Love you, Grandma. -- Denise
- on February 7, 2019
Your latest artwork is so colorful and cute. Reminds me of Spring. Another great job!! Love you, Grandma -- Denise
- on May 16, 2018
I love your latest creation Zachary. Your work is always so creative and colorful. I'm very proud of you. -- Grandma
- on April 18, 2018
I love your snowman, Zach. You do such great artwork! -- Denise
- on February 21, 2018
Awesome gingerbread man, Zachary. We love your artwork. You make us proud!! -- Denise