Amelia, your lion cubs are beautiful! I very much enjoy seeing your masterpieces. Love the vibrant colors. Keep up the great work. Love you Chickadee. -- Monica
- on April 4, 2018
Amelia, your snowperson is delightful. I especially love the little pink bow. You are a very talented artist. Maybe we can paint together soon. Love you Chickadee.......keep up the good work! -- Monica
- on January 19, 2018
WOW, Amelia has created a masterpiece. I love the beautiful bright colors you have chosen for these cute little guys. Keep up the great work. Love you baby girl. -- Grandma
- on November 1, 2017
Amelia - I love how you express yourself in your artwork! And your color choices are a perfect compliment to each other! I can't wait to see how you progress in your artistic abilities throughout the year, both in school and at home! I love you baby girl!! <3 -- Mommy