Benjamin16348's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Benjamin16348's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is a really cool basket. Looks like a rainbow. Great job dude!!!!
-- Michael
- on February 22, 2018
Woah. I love the color blending you did here! I want to know how you did this because it is really cool with all the weaving! You're an artist, dude! I'm proud of you!
-- Bubba
- on February 22, 2018
Amazing! I love it because it tells a story!
-- Laura
- on November 15, 2017
Brilliant work Ben! I love the colors and the designs, but especially the details. I can picture myself running through the field! Love it so much!!!
-- Laura
- on November 15, 2017
Seriously awesome! I like that you used so many different colors, and that you also left some spaces white! I would definitely hang this up in my house! Great job!
-- Melissa
- on September 14, 2017