Becca124's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Becca124's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- on August 21, 2007
- on August 21, 2007
- on August 21, 2007
Hey I LOVE them
- on August 21, 2007
- on August 21, 2007
this is awsome miss you ttyl monkey out - Jaime ;~)
- on August 11, 2007
hey, i really love your art! i think it is just so cool! My name is Jordan and i am in 6th grade and i live in South Caroilna. I am an aspiring artist myself and i go to L.I.S in lexington, SC. maybe you could check out my art sometime! my screen name is Jordan2678. i bet it is really cool to live in Hawaii! Feel free to leave a comment! you don't have to approve this comment, but i really like your art and think you are very talented!
- on May 27, 2007
I remember when we made these I miss you so much you have always been a terrific friend I hope we will see each other again soon I wanted to say nice job on all of your artwork they look better than mine I still have stuff I need to send you and Maddie so tell her thank you for the jacket and I will send her stuff soon and I apoligise for the long time it is taking me to send stuff and thank you for being a great friend and sending me alot of letters and the pictures and frames and everything, I miss you two so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sssssssssssooooooooooooo much and I will call you later Monkey out, love Jaime
- on April 3, 2007
- on April 3, 2007
all yor work is so cool I can't wait to see you whenever from Jaime:)
- on October 27, 2006
I like your joke Maddie
- on August 15, 2006
I love it!
- on May 27, 2006
I just LoVE it!
- on May 27, 2006
I just love your work it's wounderful
- on May 27, 2006
I can't believe how good you are!
- on May 27, 2006
Your work glows!
- on May 27, 2006
Becca Your work is very nice!
- on May 9, 2006
- on April 28, 2006
Becca your artwork is amazing I just love it!!!!!!
- on April 17, 2006
I love you work!
- on March 23, 2006
Becca your artwork is fantastic!
- on March 23, 2006
Becca, your artwork is so beautiful and charming I just love it!
-- from Becca
- on March 17, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on February 3, 2006