You did a great job on making a beautiful picture with the inspiration of using triangles and teals.
- Pat on October 5, 2022
Always good work and of course using teal, your favorite color.
- Richelle (Mother) on September 28, 2022
Great use of color and design, O! I like the way that it all came together.
- Papa Rick on September 28, 2022
What a pretty Sunflower! That was your Grandpa Patrick's favorite flower. He would have been proud of your work. It looks very real
- Papa Rick on May 4, 2022
Beautiful sunflower, I cannot wait until ours grow!
- Richelle (Mother) on April 26, 2022
Oaks, you are certainly growing up quickly and that is certainly proven out in your artwork. Your Panda is very realistic. Great job!!
- Papa Rick on April 19, 2022
Wow Oaks, this is great!
- Richelle (Mother) on March 31, 2022
You Go Party Girls ! Love ya, Bama
- Pat on January 12, 2022
You did a great job making your family home portrait and your horse waiting in the fence for you to come and ride
- Pat on January 12, 2022
Another great job, O. I agree with your mom, the Santa hat on the cow is a great touch. To go with the season, the tree is bare of it's leaves. Nice details!
- PaPa Rick on January 12, 2022
Everything that makes you happy.
- Mom on January 4, 2022
I love the Santa Hat on the cow. Great work!
- Mom on January 4, 2022
Those are pretty Pumpkins O! Super colorful. Maybe we can work together and have make pumpkins like those for at Bama and PaPa's house!
- PaPa Rick on December 9, 2021
Very pretty pumpkins. I wish I had luck growing them that big.
- Richelle (Mother) on December 2, 2021
I love all the Fall colors in your tree and I will bet your squirrel is hiding it’s acorns for a long cold winter. All your art work shows great thought, keep up the great work!
- Pat on November 10, 2021
You did really good with this Oaks. The detail on the squirrels leg is great.
- Richelle (Mother) on October 28, 2021
That is a great squirrel and tree too. You showed the leaves changing too. Great job!
- Papa Rick on October 28, 2021
Looks like your favorite evening snack, Ice cream.
- Richelle (Mother) on September 21, 2021
Wow.. That is so cool. It looks like one of those floats in a Chinese New Year parade...
- Papa Rick on April 21, 2021
I love the fire coming out of your dragon's mouth.
- Richelle (Mother) on April 13, 2021
As always, very colorful. I like how you wrote your name is cursive on both sides.
- Richelle (Mother) on March 9, 2021
Great job Oaks... Like your Mom said, the cool features in the face makes it look cool. You use lots of bright colors too. Great job
- PaPa Rick on January 20, 2021
This is great Oakleigh. I love the design you added to the face. Good job!
- Richelle (Mother) on January 19, 2021
Wow Oaks, the eye's on the owl are very intriguing. Good job!
- Richelle (Mother) on November 2, 2020
What an Awesome Amazing picture ! Keep up the great work .
- Pat on November 2, 2020
Oakleigh... with all of those pretty colors, I can tell you were looking at trees in their fall colors. You did a great job, as always
- Papa Rick on October 27, 2020
What a wonderful Lion masterpiece!?? it reminds me of when we go to the zoo and have such a great time together. Keep up the great work, I love ??seeing your creations ! Love Bama
- Pat on March 25, 2020
I love the polka dot background! The picture reminds me of a very tropical place, we need to go to the beach soon!
- Richelle (Mother) on November 20, 2019
You are quite the artist O... You always use colors that are pretty together and a lot of times you have animals in the pictures too! I know that you love all sorts of animals. This is a great picture
- Papa Rick on November 27, 2019
Your artwork just keeps getting better, keep up the good work!
- Bama on October 9, 2019
Your mom is right, what a great thing it was for you to put hearts on the planets. It shows that you made them with love. You did a great job!
- Papa Rick on October 9, 2019
I love how your Planets in the stars are surrounded by hearts!
- Richelle (Mother) on October 7, 2019
looks like the hot air balloon we seen on Labor Day weekend at dinner!
- Richelle (Mother) on September 18, 2019
What a great hot air balloon! I wish your 'ba ma, mom and dad and your sister and brother were all together with you and my flying somewhere fun in that balloon. We love you!
- on September 18, 2019
Very beautiful artwork sis. The hearts all over really show the big heart that you have. -- Richelle
- on April 25, 2019
Oaks.. You are so creative. With the heart in the middle of it, it is like you are saying "No bowl is empty if it has love in it". That is really smart for a girl your age. We are all very proud of you and love you very much. This art project of yours is awesome -- Papa Rick
- on April 25, 2019
Very pretty picture. The heart flower petals are very creative! -- Richelle
- on March 25, 2019
Those are great baby bumblebees Oaks. Look out for those stingers! :) I love the smiles on their faces too. This is really good! -- Papa Rick
- on March 25, 2019
This heart is as beautiful as you are, I love the way you drew her winking and her long eyelashes! All the pretty colors and shapes surrounding it makes it even more unique, just like you are. Love Bama -- Pat
- on March 11, 2019
The heart is almost as beautiful as yours! -- Richelle
- on March 7, 2019
What a great heart... All of the colors behind it makes the heart really stand out. Great job.. It looks great -- Papa Rick
- on March 7, 2019
I love seeing your creative masterpieces. The swirls of hot on one side and cold on the other are very neat. Good job O! -- Richelle
- on February 8, 2019
Your art is as adorable as you are, great colors and style. Keep up the great job ! -- Pat
- on February 8, 2019
What a great penguin! It is so cold where he is at that he needed a scarf and a stocking hat too! Great job Oaks -- Papa Rick
- on February 8, 2019
Hey there kiddo.. That is a cool Dancing Santa. When Santa us up in the sky delivering presents, he is up there near the stars. I like the star shape of your picture! -- Papa Rick
- on December 20, 2018
I love your imagination and creativity. Great job sis! -- Mom
- on November 16, 2018
Your owl is flying just like Papa and I will be doing tomorrow when we fly back home from Florida. You are a very good artist! Seeing you, Tills and your Mom and Dad on Thanksgiving will be great. We love it when we all get together with you all, Britley and Judd and Cassidy, Mike and Maddy. It is always a lot of fun. WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU -- Pat
- on November 27, 2018
Hi Oaks, What a great owl you made. As soon as I saw the eyes, I knew exactly what your project was all about. The wings look like it is just getting ready to fly away!! GREAT JOB!! -- Papa Rick
- on November 27, 2018
Oakleigh, That is a cool, fun looking playground that you made in your art class. BaMa liked it a lot too. Great job, kiddo. Keep up the great work!! -- Papa Rick
- on September 23, 2018
That looks like a Baby Duck party! That picture rocks, Oakleigh! Great job. We sure to love you. Your pictures keep getting better and better!! -- Papa Rick
- on May 23, 2018
Your picture of Mr. Rabbit is awesome. You used such pretty colors, he looks like he could jump right off the picture he looks so real. Great job Oaks -- Papa Rick
- on May 17, 2018
What a pretty flower! Dandilion's were one of my favorite flowers when I was growing up. Your picture looks almost like a real one. Nice job! -- Rick
- on May 2, 2018
Love all the colors Oaks! -- Aunt Erin
- on May 2, 2018
Oakleigh, your flower is very pretty and very creative! -- Mom
- on April 24, 2018
That's a BIG SMILE :) -- Aunt Erin
- on March 28, 2018
That is an awesome painting Oaks! -- Aunt Erin
- on March 28, 2018
That Panda looks like he is having fun, eating his bamboo and rolling around on the ground. He is a lucky Panda to have you drawing his picture and you did a great job making this picture. Awesomely done OAKS!! -- Papa Rick
- on February 21, 2018
Your Panda Bear is as cute as you are ! Love Bama -- Pat
- on February 21, 2018
Very cute Panda Sis! -- Richelle
- on February 7, 2018
Oakleigh, What a cool Valentine Panda! He (or she) looks so happy with that great big smile. The ears are so colorful too. My favorite part is that you made the eyes in the shape of hearts, just for Valentine's Day. What a great idea. Happy Valentine's Day Oaks! Bama and I sure do love you, millions of times a lot! :) -- Papa Rick
- on February 7, 2018
Such a cute Valentines Bear, you did a great job with your shapes and colors, perfect like you ! -- Pat
- on February 7, 2018
Is this a surprised emoji? It looks like this when typed :O The mouth part likes surprised to me. Great job, as always!!! -- Papa Rick
- on January 31, 2018
I especially like your smiley face emoji.. The best part about it is that we received it on your 6th birthday.. No wonder you are smiling!! Oh what shiny teeth you have!! LOL -- Papa Rick
- on January 31, 2018
What a great mixture of colors, Oakleigh! You have black, yellow, red, blue, green and brown and maybe even a couple more. It is REALLY cool! Bama and I love looking at your work. You are a real artist!! We love you -- PaPa Rick
- on January 31, 2018
Awesome picture Oaks! -- Erin
- on January 31, 2018
This is awesome! It looks just like Papa Rick when he wakes up in the morning in a dark room.. See how messy my hair is? LOL. -- Papa Rick
- on November 15, 2017
This is really cool, like the orange strip is driving through a tunnel. Great idea!! -- Papa Rick
- on November 15, 2017
This looks like a bunch of bridges, like the one we used to drive over in Florida and you told me to drive faster, Papa, drive faster!! -- Papa Rick
- on November 15, 2017
This is a really good cat picture. You can tell that you have had a lot of cats. Could this picture be Snowflake? -- Papa Rick
- on November 15, 2017
These are really pretty colors Oakleigh. You do very good work -- Papa Rick
- on November 15, 2017
This is really pretty, Oaks. You can tell that you have your Bama and your Mom and Dad's art skills. Papa isn't the best artist but I am pretty good at being silly. -- Papa Rick
- on November 15, 2017
This is awesome great job Oaks! -- Aunt Erin
- on November 15, 2017
Hi Oakleigh, this reminds me of a silly clown or Papa Rick ! Great job . Bama -- Pat
- on November 8, 2017
Oakleigh, this art looks like a flag of some type, maybe it should be our family flag ! Bama and Papa -- Pat
- on November 8, 2017
Oakleigh, these colors are so cool together, the way the strips are placed it reminds us of bridges or roads. Papa & Bama -- Pat
- on November 8, 2017
Wow, your artwork on this black cat reminds us of a few of your kittens, keep up the good work. Bama and Papa -- Pat
- on November 8, 2017
Oakleigh, your artwork is so creative and beautiful, keep up the good work. Papa and Bama are very proud and happy we get to see your projects ! -- Pat