Alexander20574's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Alexander20574's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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You did a great job getting the feeling of volume from the cross contour lines!
-- Noel
- on May 10, 2018
Great Pop style!
-- Noel
- on May 10, 2018
I love this notan study Alex! Keep up the great work!
-- Noel
- on May 10, 2018
This is my favorite Muppet and I think you really captured his character. Great choice of colors!
-- Kathy
- on May 5, 2018
This is so funny. You really captured the chef's personality Alex. Hard to believe you did this with Q-tips. Another great job.
-- Grandma Glo
- on May 5, 2018
I like your cartoon-style work!
-- Kathy
- on May 1, 2018
Wow, they just keep getting better and better. Love the expression on Mr. Hot Dog's face, ha ha ha.
-- Granny & Grandpa Joe
- on May 5, 2018
Oooooo! This is my favorite so far! I love the subject matter, of course. But your skills with different materials is really impressive!
-- Kathy
- on April 23, 2018
I love this one!
-- Judy
- on April 23, 2018
Alex, we love this one. It really shows your creativity. Grandpa Joe said that this is his favorite.
-- Grandma Glo and Grandpa Joe
- on April 23, 2018
Great shading and detail.
-- Mark (Dad)
- on April 23, 2018
This is great Alex!
-- Mark (Dad)
- on April 23, 2018
Ha-ha! This is one of my favorites! It looks like a cat dreaming.
-- Kathy
- on April 13, 2018
This guy looks like one of our friends from Big Bend.
-- Kathy
- on April 13, 2018
I love this!
-- Kathy
- on April 13, 2018
I wish you could see from this photo how cool this looks in 3D! It's great to see you working with different mediums. Great job!
-- Kathy
- on April 13, 2018
Alex I have been admiring your artwork for years and I'm amazed at how much your have progressed in your talent and grown as an artist. Thanks for allowing me to follow as you go forward with your work. We are so proud of you.
-- Granny Glo
- on April 13, 2018
That's amazing!
-- Kathy
- on March 31, 2018
That is beautiful!
-- Kathy
- on March 31, 2018
I love this one!
-- Kathy
- on October 26, 2017
Alex, your art is showing so much growth and maturity! I'm really enjoying getting to see you explore in these new areas.
-- Kathy
- on October 26, 2017