Cameron20275's Comments (151)

View Cameron20275's portfolio
Below are comments about Cameron20275's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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OMG Cam! This looks great! This has been added to my favorites list. Great job!
- Chelsea on June 1, 2022
Cameron, Beautiful picture of the western part of our country. Seems like we need to make a road trip.
- Granddad Eric on May 13, 2022
Hi Cameron! I love the detail and color in your artwork! They remind me of jelly beans or pretty pebbles on the beach! Great job keeping them all lined up, too. :)
- Ma on April 6, 2022
Awww, Cam! This farm landscape is beautiful! The colors are amazing and I absolutely love the rolling hills. Although my favorite part is the rotund cow! LOL! Great job, Boobie!
- Candyce (Mother) on December 9, 2021
Cam, I love your painting! The colors are very vibrant and warm. Love you fat little cow crazing up on the hill. :) You did a wonderful job with your painting!
- Ma on April 6, 2022
Cameron, You done a great job on your latest art work. This is definitely an outstanding original piece to be shared with everyone!
- Granddad Eric on December 9, 2021
Cameron I think your picture has an outstanding use of colors and perception
- Pop Pop on December 9, 2021
Great work, Cameron, or should I say our budding Van Gogh! The colors in your painting are very vibrant and mesh together so well. Wonderful job, as usual!
- Ma on December 9, 2021
Hey Cameron! Your pinch art monster is awesome and scary at the same time! Great job, sir!
- Ma on December 9, 2021
Great job Cam! Your artwork reminds me of the beach, and you know I love the beach ??
- Aunt Pat on December 9, 2021
I love your pic, Cameron! It's very beautiful. You're such a great artist - enjoy your summer! Love you ~~ Ma!!
- Ma on April 6, 2022
My goodness, Cam! That looks just like what I would imagine a dragon eye would look like -- fierce and piercing like he/she can see right through you!!! You did a fantastic job and what a great imagination you have!
- Ma on December 9, 2021
Hi Cam! I love your art work! Great job! ????????????????
- Aunt Pat on December 9, 2021
Hi Cameron! I have been enjoying your artwork this year! I know it's more challenging to create great works of art virtually and you've been doing an incredible job! I'm glad that you're enjoying working with pastels. They create awesome shading and context to your artwork. Keep up the good work!
- Ma on December 9, 2021
This is SOOOOO DOPE Cam!!! Beautiful butterfly :)
- GG on April 6, 2022
WOW, Cam Man! I LOVE this! It's like I'm there seeing the Northern Lights!
- Chelsea on March 11, 2020
Cam, I love the vibrant color of your bird against the gray, snowy sky! I also like his "Elvis" hairdo! You did a wonderful job. Ma
- Ma on January 29, 2020
I absolutely love Henri Matisse! But I love your work even better! You are awesome!
- Candyce (Mother) on December 11, 2019
He's so cute Boobie! He reminds me of how you lay in bed when you're trying to go to sleep! LOL!
- Candyce (Mother) on December 11, 2019
I always enjoy your artwork, Cam! This art piece is particularly nice. It makes me want to take to the slopes...and I cannot ski! :)
- Ma on December 11, 2019
Look at my Superhero flying through the sky! And of course his trusty sidekick Cinnamon is with him! I love it and I love you! XOXO
- Candyce (Mother) on October 24, 2019
I love the colors in this piece Cam! And I also love how the red background allows the blue flowers to stick out! I always did love using oil pastels. Great job Boobie! XOXOXO
- Candyce (Mother) on October 24, 2019
YAY!! Cam's artwork is back for Grade Two!! Yes, you are a superhero to all of your friends, family and the whole world -- save us Mr. Superhero!! Love, Ma
- on October 24, 2019
Now who might this happy fellow be? I’d like to be his friend, too!! Awesome artwork Cameron! ??
-- Ma
- on June 5, 2019
I love this - the colors are beautiful!! Great job Cameron!! Love Ma
-- Ma
- on June 5, 2019
Now that’s a happy shark I can learn to love swimming about the beautiful reef! Great artistry as usual Cameron!! Love Ma
-- Ma
- on June 5, 2019
Cameron, your balloon art is magnificent! You did a wonderful job and you’re such a talented artist!! Love Ma
-- Ma
- on June 5, 2019
You know how I love bright colors!!! This starfish is beautiful and I almost want to get a fish tank so we can put him in it! You did a great job baby!
-- Mommy
- on April 10, 2019
Beautiful Bew! I love the colors and the gorgeous scenery! You are better than Monet!
-- Mommy
- on April 10, 2019
Cameron your Monet impressionist painting is so beautiful! I did a similar one last year, but yours is so much prettier and more colorful, too! I just love it!! Please continue making beautiful art for us all to enjoy -- Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on April 10, 2019
Cam, what a handsome starfish you have created! I hope I get to see him in all his glowing glory in the aquarium! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on April 10, 2019
Wow Cam!! I can see your imagination all in this beautiful picture. The colors remind me that spring is coming this week and that means we can enjoy some nice weather together. I LOVE IT!!! Luv GG
-- GG
- on April 10, 2019
One of my fave fruits! Beautiful picture my love!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
He can wear all the masks he wants, but he's still gonna be covered in gravy! Yum! Lol!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
He looks just like the raccoons at Gramma's house! I wonder if he knows you drew him in all his finest glory!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
This picture is simply gorgeous! The colors are amazing...I have to hang this one up!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
These ornaments are lovely! We are so hanging these up on the tree next year! XO!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
I wish I had a brand new sports car under the Christmas tree! You would get to school on time every morning! LOL!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
Baby Jesus looks so happy! Love the use of colors! XO
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
So Beautiful! Your sun is amazing! And so life like! I'm getting warmer already :-)
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
Such a magnificent bird! You really captured the essence of Winter with this picture!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
He is TOO CUTE! I wonder if he would come home with us? lol
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
Oh, what a lovely picture Cam! I feel like I'm in Holland running through a field of, love, love!
-- Mommy
- on March 13, 2019
I absolutely love your painting, Cam, especially the pink and green!
-- Ma
- on March 13, 2019
Cam, I love your big, handsome, happy moose! He’s looking right at me!! You are a great artist.
-- Ma
- on March 13, 2019
Cameron, your cardinal is beautiful! He looks like he's jumping from limb to limb enjoying a lovely spring day!! Another great piece of art -- thank you. :)
-- Ma
- on March 13, 2019
WOW! I really love the movement on your beautiful work of art! You're such a wonderful artist -- keep making magic!! Love MA
-- Ma Sandra
- on March 13, 2019
Cam that’s a pretty sweet car you have there! It reminds me of the cars we saw yesterday at Ralph Breaks the Internet! Great job, sir!!
-- Ma
- on March 13, 2019
This is a beautiful project, Cam! You did a wonderful job - quite the artist! Smooches ??
-- Ma
- on December 12, 2018
Would someone come look at this turkey here!! I know he would be oh so delicious with that colorful belly...good disguise Cam but I'm ready to eat your turkey :) your so creative!!
-- GG
- on December 12, 2018
This little fellow looks like the dude that hangs out by the deck! LOL
-- Ma
- on December 12, 2018
Ha! I had to look several times to find Mr. Turkey! I'm glad he survived Thanksgiving :) Love Ma
-- Ma
- on December 12, 2018
Best disguised TURKEY..I have ever seen! Undercover Turkey 007.. Great Job Cam!! Love Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Your Raccoon friend looks so cute and cuddley, I love his mask. Good job Cam.!!! Love Gramma xoxo
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Beautiful! Looks so yummy!!!
-- Chelsea
- on November 21, 2018
I love this sunflower, this works for me!! Thanks Cam ! Love, Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Your progress is impressive . Cameron , The Artist ! You have arrived!! I'am very proud of your Artistic accomplishments. Love, Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Even though the fish tank is the center of attraction, all of the colors in the picture stand out. Beautiful work! Kissee face... Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
These guys look like they are playing music. They must be members of a musical group. Great detail! Two Thumbs up , Cam.. They look CoooL! XO Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Very nice portrait! It is very detailed. Way to go, Cam!! Xoxo Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Life like , scary but cute, it jumps out at you. Love your colors . It could pass for a scene in "Under the Sea". Hee hee , xoxo Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Your colored strips of paper make me think of flying a kite! Colorful , airy and light!! Great job Cam. Hugs & kisses Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on November 21, 2018
Cameron I love your self portrait! You look so handsome and I love your crown! Love, MA
-- Ma
- on November 21, 2018
This is really cute and super modern!!! I have to do this one day with my students! ??????
-- Candyce
- on October 1, 2018
Yasssssssss! Shark game on 1000!!! Your picture looks just like the illustrations in the book! Let me find out that you have been moonlighting as an illustrator! ??
-- Candyce
- on October 1, 2018
Awwwww! Your sunflower is amazing!!! So full of life and detail! You never cease to make me proud! Xoxoxo
-- Candyce
- on October 1, 2018
Cameron this artwork is stunning! You have so many layers of textures and depth. WOW!! I am low key amazed - only because you always create beautiful works of art! ????
-- Ma
- on October 1, 2018
I love this artwork Cam! Your shark is so scary! You are a great artist — keep being my little Picasso.
-- Ma
- on October 1, 2018
I love how you captured this underwater scene Cam!
-- Kierra
- on October 1, 2018
Unda da sea!!! I love it Cam!! Your Godmommy lovessss aquatic did such an amazing job. We must visit the aquarium together soon.
-- GG
- on September 26, 2018
Wow, Cam-man, your art-work is A-Mazing! Love, Aunt Judy
-- Judy
- on September 26, 2018
Ladies Man!! How beautiful! What a great piece of art work to start the year off! I love it!
-- Mrs Johnson
- on September 12, 2018
You picked my fave color for this! I just love how you made the flowers pop out at us! Such great artistry! Love Always, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on June 19, 2018
Oh Cam! The colors are gorgeous and the peacock is one of my fave animals! You did an amazing job! Xoxo, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on June 19, 2018
What colorful sailboats. It seems you made it a nice day to race. I like the one with the white sail best. Good job as always, Cam. Kissy Face, Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on June 19, 2018
Wow Cam , I like your 3D flowers!! They really jump out at you!! love Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on June 19, 2018
What pretty flowers you have created, Cam! I love their beautiful colors and shapes. I have always enjoyed the work of Andy Warhol. He was quite a character, too. I remember seeing him on TV -nd in magazines when I was growing up. Eccentric but facinating man and fantastic artis. And so are you!! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on June 19, 2018
Tooooo cute! I need an umbrella like this one! Can you make it for me? Lol Kisses!!!
-- Candyce
- on May 30, 2018
You know how much Mommy loves bright colors! I love how your picture has gold undertones! So nice! Love you!
-- Candyce
- on May 30, 2018
Gaaaaaaah! This work is awesome!!! The water looks so real! I just wanna dip my toes in it! Monet would be so proud! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on May 30, 2018
I love the colors - so bright!! Love, MA
-- Ma
- on May 30, 2018
Well, somebody looks like he's ready for the rain! I love the colorful umbrella and those cute rain boots for sloshing through puddles. I don't this this little guy is going to get wet at all! :) Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on May 30, 2018
Your painting of the sailboats is so lovely and peaceful. I wish I could sail away on one of your boats into the beautiful sunset. Great work, as always, Cameron! You're quite the artist!! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on May 30, 2018
The aerial view really allows me to see how shiny and colorful it is! Just lovely! XO, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Love the leaf! Very cool colors and such a nice shape! You did an awesome job! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
LOVE!!!!!!! That is! XOXO, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Love this piece! The colors are very nice! Very, very cool! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Baby Jesus looks so happy! Very, very cute!!! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
I still have this piece hanging up in my classroom! I absolutely love it! You are such an amazing artist! God has really blessed you! Love Always, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
The creation of this piece was no small task! Look at all the steps you had to take in order to create this wonderful piece! I absolutely love it! Mr. Squirrel looks nice an warm while he's chilling in the snow! And the beautiful sky makes me want to be outside with him! I love it so much! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
I remember learning about the color wheel! How wonderful that you are learning all about colors and how they are created at such an early age. Let me know when you are ready to explore with color some more! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Wonderful job! This fish looks like it could jump off the page! I wonder if he will come swimming with us this summer? Love ya! Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Very nice colors! And you draw better circles than I do! LOL! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
I love the colors on this piece. It's simple yet elegant! Clearly something that could be found at any DC art gallery! The final piece where all of the squares were put together was simply beautiful! You and your classmates did a fantastic job! Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
You must have created this piece with me in mind, because everyone knows how I feel about bright colors! I love this piece! Just gorgeous! Love you so much, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
My God!! What can't you do??? This piece is amazing! I can instantly tell that they are musicians! You are the best artist I have ever seen! I'm just in awe of you! Love you so much and I'm so happy that you love art! Love Always, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Cam!!!! I absolutely LOVE this piece of art! The colors are great and seeing you on the ladder had me laughing and smiling all day! I am definitely buying this piece of art! And by the way, I will get the moon for you ANYTIME! XOXOXOXO Love, Mommy
-- Candyce
- on April 25, 2018
Cameron, I absolutely adore your new artwork with you climbing up the ladder to the moon! Your picture is beautiful -- you're so talented!! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on April 25, 2018
-- Chelsea
- on April 25, 2018
Cam, you continue to amaze me with your beautiful artwork! You are a very talented artist. I look forward to discussing this piece with you in more detail! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on March 21, 2018
Wow Cam! The colors really pop! I can't wait to see the final collaborative art piece at the auction. Hmmmmm....should I bid? :)
-- Ma
- on March 21, 2018
This is a beautiful painting , very colorful. Just in time for spring, love it, good job Cam! Love you, Gramma
-- Gramma
- on March 21, 2018
Cam! Your One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish painting is absolutely beautiful!! I love it so much. It's the most stunning fish I've ever seen on a canvas!! You are a very talented artist and I hope you will continue to make fantastic works of art!! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on March 7, 2018
What a pretty fishy!!! And blue is my FAVORITE color! I looooove!
-- Chelsea
- on March 7, 2018
I've added this portrait to my list of favorite artwork by you! WOW, excellent work!! I wish I knew how to paint like you when I was your age! Keep using your great talent to make beautiful artwork ;o)
-- Aunt Tara
- on February 7, 2018
THIS IS THE BEST PENGUIN EVER!!!!! So cute! And the background is AMAZING! The color and texture are beautiful. Are you sure you're only six!?
-- Chelsea
- on February 7, 2018
Cameron I love, Love, LOVE you baby penguin. He’s so colorful and cute! You are a wonderful artist. Thank you for sharing your awesome talent!! LOVE, MA
-- MA
- on February 7, 2018
Awwww! I love hearts! Your picture is beautiful and the colors and awesome! My heart belongs to this picture! Xoxoxoxo
-- Mommy
- on January 31, 2018
Oh Em Gee! He is THE CUTEST PENGUIN I HAVE EVER SEEN!! You did an amazing job! And the background makes me want to go outside in the snow! The perfect Winter picture! Xoxoxo
-- Mommy
- on January 31, 2018
He is so cute! I love the vibrant royal blue water in the background. He looks like he is having fun. Great Job Cam!! Love , Gramma xoxo
-- Charmaine
- on January 31, 2018
Wow he is cute, swaddled in his Xmas Craddle wrapped nice and tight covered with your blanket of warm colors. Great job Cam! Love Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on December 27, 2017
Such a shinning star! It's sooo cute. Such as you are! Great Job Cameron. Smooches Gramma
-- Charmaine
- on December 27, 2017
Beautiful!! Absolutely beautiful!! I’m amazed at your skill set and you continue to approve. Love it and love you!
-- Johnson
- on December 27, 2017
Such a wonderful star! Can’t wait to hang it on our tree!
-- Mommy
- on December 19, 2017
Baby Jesus never looked cuter! The Lord is pleased!
-- Mommy
- on December 19, 2017
Such a beautiful ornament Cam!!! You certainly have a way with a paintbrush! Great job! ??
-- Mommy
- on December 19, 2017
These colors are beautiful Cameron! Excellent job!!
-- Ma
- on December 16, 2017
A beautiful shining star - just like you!
-- Ma
- on December 16, 2017
Cameron, your baby Jesus is very beautiful. I love his smile. He’s a happy baby - just like you were! Thank you for sharing your artistic talent! Merry Christmas!!
-- Ma
- on December 16, 2017
Woah Cam are my eyes deceiving me or are those Rasta colors??!! I absolutely LOOOOOVE this painting so much! Ask your mom what “Rasta” is and know that I must have been in your head while you created this masterpiece!! My fav <3
-- GG
- on December 6, 2017
Ayyye Mon! You givin' me RASTA VIBES wit dis ting here, I LOVE IT!!! KEEP up the awesome work, I'm SO PROUD of you!!
-- Aunt Tara
- on December 6, 2017
I love your color choices here! And the cool way that you created the lines, just like a real leaf! Your talent is evident and I can't wait to see all of the beautiful pieces you continue to create! Just gorgeous! Love Always!
-- Mommy
- on November 29, 2017
This turkey is the CUTEST turkey I have ever seen! He is rotund just like me! LOLOLOLOL! Great job my love! XO
-- Mommy
- on November 29, 2017
Cam!!! This piece speaks to me in so many ways! Your interpretation is better than the original! I predict that your work will be shown in galleries around the world! I love that you are learning so much AND that you are able to share details about your work and the artists! You are the BOMB!!! Love you Bewbie!
-- Mommy
- on November 29, 2017
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I am so in love with this Cam! You did an excellent job!!!!
-- Dainnese
- on November 29, 2017
Cameron I love the work Man Man! I see you're just like daddy and mommy and I see that your artwork and skills are improving drastically! Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing the next piece! Dad
-- Daddy
- on November 29, 2017
Cool Turkey , like the yellow tail! Great job! Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on November 29, 2017
There they are again. My favorite colors. A Very nice leaf. Keep the pieces coming. Love Grandma
-- Charmaine
- on November 29, 2017
It's very beautiful. I really like this piece. It has my favorite colors. It reminds me of the tree leaves on the trees in the mountains of Skyline Drive, Va. Keep up the work!! Love Grandma xoxo
-- Charmaine
- on November 29, 2017
Cam this is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I am so impressed by all your artwork! Keep it up!!!! Love you ??????
-- Dainnese
- on November 21, 2017
Excellent use of color and shape. Keep up the good work Cam
-- Buddy
- on November 17, 2017
Wow son you have really come along with your painting! I love this artwork piece and I am so proud of you! I always knew you would be better than me with the artwork! Keep working and growing with your art!
-- Daddy
- on November 17, 2017
Cameron you are an excellent artist! I love the symmetry of this particular piece based on Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night". In fact, I like your picture even better because you have so many more interesting things going on in yours! And I love the beautiful stars in the sky so much!
-- MA
- on November 17, 2017
Cameron, I'm quite impressed with all of your art work. You are showing your ability to show color and content working together. You are becoming a future Picasso! Keep up the great artwork! Eric
-- Eric
- on November 17, 2017
My goodness Cameron! I am going to have to get one of your beautiful pieces on a mug or something! Very proud of you! xoxo
-- Chelsea
- on November 17, 2017
LADIES MAN!!!! Another fantastic creation! You continue to blossom into a very skilled artist. I enjoy viewing your artwork and seeing how you get better and better each entry. Great job buddy!! Love it!
-- Kim
- on November 10, 2017
Wow!! New Artist in the Gallery. You art works are so beautiful and impressive. I seems you have found another hidden talent. I'am so proud of you! You have such a creative imagination. Keep the colorful strokes coming!! Thanks for sharing!!
-- Charmaine
- on November 8, 2017
This is a really great piece of art, Cameron! I love the colors and textures you used. It's just beautiful!! You are an excellent artist!!!!!
-- Ma
- on November 8, 2017
You are AMAZING!!! I love the colors and how they all compliment each other! I think I want to blow this one up and put it in our living room! Great job my love! Xo
-- Candyce
- on October 25, 2017
LADIES MAN!!!! This one may be my favorite! The colors you used are so beautiful! You are truly a talented little artist. Keep up the fabulous work!
-- Kim
- on October 25, 2017
Cameron, your Matisse work is phenomenal! You did an awesome job - I love it! You are quite an artist and I look forward to seeing more of your work. You have great talent! Love, Ma!
-- Sandra
- on October 18, 2017
Hey Cam! You did an outstanding job replicating Matisse's painting! These apples look good enough to put in my smoothies! LOL! I just love to see you growing as an artist and experimenting with the elements of art! Bravo! Bravo!
-- Candyce
- on October 17, 2017
LADIES MAN!!!!! The apples look delicious! I love your use of colors and your attention to details. Very well done. Your mom and I could use these apples in our smoothies! Great job!
-- Mrs Johnson
- on October 17, 2017
Cam, Your artwork is so great and professional looking. You are REALLY talented!!
-- Charles
- on October 3, 2017
LADIES MAN!! This is abstract art at its best! I'm gonna need a piece like this with an elephant for my home. I'll contact you later to negotiate payment! Way to go buddy! I'm so proud!
-- Mrs. Johnson
- on October 4, 2017
LADIES MAN!!! I love your giraffe picture! It reminds me of my dance moves. I'm sure I will see this giraffe on, So You Think You Can Dance: Jungle Edition! Keep up the great work! I am so proud of you and I can't wait to see more of your fantastic artwork!
-- Mrs. Johnson
- on October 3, 2017
Hi Cam! I love your picture! I wish I could have it! You are an excellent artist! Keep up the great work! Auntie loves you!
-- Aunt Pat
- on October 3, 2017
Cam!!!! I love your picture of Gerald the Giraffe getting his dance on!!! I wish I could dance like that! Lol! Your picture is beautiful and I love, love, love the bright colors! This is a masterpiece fit for The Louvre!
-- Candyce
- on September 27, 2017
Cameron, your artwork is fantastic! The colors are very vibrant and the picture is pretty cool, too! Great job!!!
-- Ma
- on September 27, 2017
Great job Cameron!! I knew what it was the moment I saw it. I hope I get to feed a real giraffe one day, you should come with me :)
-- GG
- on September 27, 2017
I love it Cam! So creative and unique! And the colors really pop out at you! Way to go! ??
-- Candyce
- on September 20, 2017