I love your daisy painting Emerson. Van Gogh would be proud and so am I! Love Dad
- Dustin on January 5, 2022
Your bouquet is beautiful!! I just love the colors you chose. This would look very nice in your room at my house.
- Alyce on May 19, 2021
HI Em, Your picture is so peaceful. I'd like to be floating on that lake in my kayak! When you drew the mountains were you remembering the ones you saw when you went to Yellowstone and the Tetons? I sure like you choice of colors.
- Alyce on May 19, 2021
I like the colors you chose for your sculpture. I can imagine a Barbie playing with it.
- Alyce on May 19, 2021
the northern lights? I love all the colors in background.
- Alyce on May 19, 2021
Wow, Em! How cool is this picture! I think I am going to order this as a magnet for my refrigerator.
- Alyce on May 19, 2021
looking at the bear you drew really made me smile. It is so cute!
- Alyce on May 19, 2021
Emerson, I love your picture of the bear. Great job! Love you, Dad
- Dustin on May 19, 2021
Your latest art work is beautiful! Did you hang it up in your room? Was it hard todo? I like the colors you chose to make it.
- Alyce on December 11, 2019
Very interesting how you outlined the leaf and its parts with a heavy black line. Sure makes the leaf stand out! That line would make the leaf very easy to cut out.
- Alyce on November 16, 2019
I bought a magnet of this snowman for my refrigerator and it is there right now! I see it each time I open the door. It is so cute! -- Alyce
- on November 16, 2019
I would like to hear you tell me a story about your character. How old is it, is it a boy or girl or something else, where does it live, and what is it thinking about? Oh, is it scared. happy, friendly, tired? -- Alyce
- on November 16, 2019
I love the colors you chose for your picture! -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
WOW! I love your drawing. It looks like you drew yourself Looks like someone is really surprised. Maybe someone gave her a favorite candy bar. -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
I like the colors you used to paint your art project! It looks like you could put some jewelry in your project. -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
I especially like the colors you used in the background of your leaf picture! I think painting just three leaves is very eye-catching! -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
I really like your choice of colors! I also like the M and E design. -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
How cool!! I like how you placed the fish on your paper. Was this fun to do? -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
I really like the colors you chose for your picture about spring storms. The blue on the purple is beautiful! I love to look at your work! -- Alyce
- on May 15, 2019
I saw your fish pond art work. Very cool! I hope you bring it home sometime and I can see it when I come to your house. -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
I have never seen this picture before. I love it. It looks like the hand (yours?) is behind a window that has frost on it. I would love you to tell me more about this picture. -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
I like the blue heart you made. It looks pretty on the pink paper! -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
I really like the self portrait you made in your art class. It has your blonde hair, brown eyes, and a smile. Love, Grandma Alye -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
I love your cabin picture! I like your choice of colors, too. -- Alyce
- on January 28, 2018
Dear Emme, I really like your paper collage. I think you were very careful where you put each piece of colored paper. I bet this took a lot of time and thought about where you wanted each piece to go. Love, you! -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
I would love to have a copy of this and put it in a frame. Your choice of colors is so pretty! -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
This is so cool! Looks like you spent a lot of time creating this. Maybe you can show me how you did it. -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
This picture makes me feel happy! -- Alyce
- on December 11, 2019
I love the blue color of the pinch pot you made. I love it, too, because you made it with your own hands! -- Alyce