Emily43181's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Emily43181's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is my new favorite piece of artwork! So creative and vibrant! Lot's of interesting details everywhere too.
- Amy (Mother) on November 16, 2021
Good art work Emy. Great for this time of year!
- Nana on December 2, 2020
Great job Emily! I can't wait to hear how you did this. It's very spooky and realistic looking!
- Mama on December 2, 2020
Beautiful and full of imagination!
- Nana on September 9, 2020
Great job Emily on your undersea art! The dolphins look so real! The mermaid has great pink hair!
- Amy on September 30, 2019
Emmy your artwork is wonderful.
-- Nana
- on April 3, 2019
Emily, very nice Santa. He looks so jolly and has his elves with him too. Very pretty colors. Nice job.
-- Pa[a
- on December 26, 2018
Emily, this is a beautiful owl. Is that a sweater he's wearing. With all the hearts it looks "lovely"...ha ha. Keep up the good work.
-- Papa
- on December 20, 2018
So creative Emily and I love all the itty bitty heart details too!
-- Amy
- on December 11, 2018
Emily, your birds looks so real I can hear them singing. Are they singing "Emily, come out and play with us"?
- on November 14, 2018
Emy - Love your creative Birds On A Fence artwork! So beautiful and so many bright colors!
-- Mama
- on November 9, 2018
WOW Emily! That is such a cool drawing. Please show me how to do this. So neat!!
-- Amy
- on October 18, 2018
Great textured pumpkin Emily! It really looks like you're touching it and real!
-- Amy
- on October 18, 2018
Emily, your barn looks real. Your whole drawing shows depth (3 -D). Keep up the good work...Love Papa
-- Papa
- on September 27, 2018
Emy, that looks like Daisy (sparky) after she just got a bath! You did a beautiful job. Brice told me to tell you that he likes it too.
-- Papa
- on June 20, 2018
That is the most beautiful fish that I've ever seen. Emily, you have a great imagination. Love Papa
-- Papa
- on May 8, 2018
Emily, that is a beautiful, colorful fish. You did a wonderful job picking out the colors and staying within the lines. Keep up the good work.
-- Papa
- on May 8, 2018
So Beautiful! This fish looks like you put alot of hard work into it!
-- Amy
- on April 18, 2018
Such a handsome Olaf! He looks happy! Just like you!
-- Mama
- on February 27, 2018
That is beautiful Valentine's day art! Your hand is getting so big! Stop growing so fast Emily!! Love you!
-- Amy
- on February 7, 2018
The bear looks very comfortable. I bet that blanket keeps him very warm. Would you like a blanket like that; with all the beautiful colors?
-- Papa
- on February 7, 2018
You would make a great vet. You're so gentle and smart. That's what being a vet takes.
-- Nana
- on December 19, 2017
Emy I love your picture! Rudolph looks so happy with his friend on his head. His big red nose is really cute.
-- Nana
- on December 5, 2017
Beautiful????. Due you have a name for it?
-- Nana
- on November 8, 2017
I really like the cat and the stars are really pretty.
-- Papa
- on November 8, 2017
Great job Emily! You painted a beautiful night sky and cat!
-- Amy
- on November 7, 2017
Emily that is absolutely beautiful. It must have taken you a long time. Keep up the good work!
-- Nana
- on November 7, 2017
Such a beautiful scare crow. The colors used are perfect. The scare crow looks happy that halloween is almost here. Keep up the food work Emily.
-- Papa
- on November 7, 2017
Such a beautiful train. It reminds me of the train that I had as a young boy. I would set it up under the Christmas tree each year but my dad and mom wouldn't let me have a real horse. The conductor looks funny. It made me laugh. I would like to ride a horse just like the one that you drew. When I'm done I could go into the red house and sleep.
-- Papa
- on September 30, 2017
Such a beautiful first kindergarten picture Emily! I can't wait to hang in our home! Love you!
-- Amy
- on September 29, 2017