Robert14915's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Robert14915's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is awesome ????
-- Quartese
- on October 3, 2018
-- Kaitlyn
- on October 3, 2018
-- Kaitlyn
- on October 3, 2018
Very nice, Robert! I love how you covered the entire page with color! Beautiful flowers! Who’s house is that?
-- Monica
- on June 27, 2018
Is this you? Nice drawing of a person!???? Love, Auntie Monica
-- Monica
- on April 5, 2018
Nice looking fish! Good job on writing your name! Love, Auntie Monica
-- Monica
- on April 5, 2018
Good job, Robert! Very nice! Love, Auntie Monica
-- Monica
- on April 5, 2018
This is awesome!!
-- Quartese
- on March 27, 2018