Emerson2039's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Emerson2039's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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hmmmm this one looks so familiar! I might see it every morning when I drink out of my mug :)
- Mama on January 22, 2020
I love seeing this one in your room every day! It is like we have an extra pet! So creative :)
- Mama on January 22, 2020
This almost makes me want to get a cat! Your drawings are amazing. I love having your masterpieces on our wall! Some day the will be famous!
- Mama on January 22, 2020
So far this is my favorite, Emmy! (I hope that's a gummy worm!) I love you!
- Omi on December 14, 2019
WOW WOW WOW!!! INCREDIBLE!!! SO tallented :) Next time we can paint together! Love you darling Emerson, XOXOXO Uncle Drew
- Drew on December 14, 2019
OH wow this is so good!! You're incredibly tallented and have great artistic style :) :) Uncle Drew
- Drew on December 14, 2019
This is my favorite!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT! You're so creative! Uncle Drew
- Drew on December 14, 2019
Wow Emerson! I love this one, nice work! I miss making art with you already, that was fun! Love Uncle Drew.
- Drew on December 14, 2019
What a fun picture! Bright & cheerful! I love the pretty sun & the animals & all the green! Great work!
-- Deta
- on December 4, 2019
Love it! You did an awesome job! Way to go Emmy!
-- Deta
- on May 9, 2018
Wow! That’s very good! Love the mix of colors!
-- Deta
- on May 29, 2018
I can tell how much effort you put into this one! Beautiful job! Can’t wait to put it on the fridge next to the nother master pieces!!!
-- Mama
- on May 2, 2018
Ooooh, Emmy, this one is so cool! I'll bet it was a lot of fun to make. Keep up the good work. We love you! ~Omi and Grampa
-- Roseanne
- on May 2, 2018
What a pretty picture, Emmy! Is that Tucker? So cute! Thank you for sharing. Love from Omi.
-- Roseanne
- on November 11, 2017
Beautiful painting Emmy! My favorite part is the pretty purple flower.
-- Daddy
- on November 1, 2017
We LOVE your cute little dog!!! Great work!
-- Mama and papa
- on October 23, 2017
-- Deta
- on October 18, 2017