Carter11392's Comments (85)

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Below are comments about Carter11392's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Carter... I see you are playing for the Cardinals... #78. Even though I'm a Cubs fan, I am very happy to see that your team won. Way to go! Love, Grandma
- Anne on May 31, 2023
Carter... knowing how much you like baseball, I'm not surprised you created a baseball bat. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- Anne on May 31, 2023
Carter... I can tell you put a lot of effort into this project. This brought back memories of begging my parents for change to put in the gumball machine at the YMCA, after swim practice. Love, Grandma
- Anne on May 31, 2023
Carter... sometimes it's best to go with what circumstances give you. Your artwork turned out great! Love, Grandma
- Anne on May 31, 2023
Carter... I'm going to watch for you to be the author of a book or movie. You are a great storyteller (and artist!) Love...
- Grandma Anne on May 31, 2023
Carter, I'm curious what you have to say about this project. You can't go wrong with black and gold. Love, Grandma
- Anne on May 31, 2023
Carter... as always, your artwork is very interesting. I'd like to ask you about the assignment, and what was the process. I like the green color and the shininess. Love, Grandma
- Anne on May 31, 2023
Oh my! Carter... I wondered what I would see why I clicked on this project of yours. That is really neat. I didn't know you could make moving art. Very cool! Love, Grandma
- Anne on March 9, 2023
Carter... you really put a lot of thought into your art. I'm excited to see what you do next. Love, Grandma
- Anne on March 9, 2023
Again, you put a lot of work into your art. I like at the end when you wrote "let's talk." That's a good way to sort things out. Love, Grandma
- Anne on March 9, 2023
Carter... you really thought carefully about this and put a lot of work into it. Maybe you will become an artist or an author (or both.) I'd buy a book you created. : ). Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 16, 2023
Carter... this artwork of yours is one of your best I like the colors you chose. The details are so interesting. The way you placed things make it seem like there is movement. Great job! Love, Grandma
- Anne on January 4, 2023
Carter... this artwork of yours is one of your best I like the colors you chose. The details are so interesting. The way you placed things make it seem like there is movement. Great job! Love, Grandma
- Anne on January 4, 2023
I love this picture!
- Nana on January 4, 2023
Carter... this really told a story, it was like reading a book. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 20, 2022
Wow! Very interesting! Love, Nana
- Karen on November 16, 2022
Wow,Carter! Love this! Very detailed. Love, Nana
- Karen on November 16, 2022
Carter... you told a story with what you wrote in the picture. What you drew adds a lot of detail. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 16, 2022
Very detailed picture, Carter! Looks like you have been playing Bear!
- Nana on November 16, 2022
Carter... this is a very cheerful, peaceful drawing. Stars, a rainbow, beautiful colors. Who could ask for more? Great job... Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Rainbows are my favorite! :)
- Alex on November 2, 2022
Carter... this art is VERY interesting. I wish I knew what the assignment had been. You did a great job of coloring. I just keep looking at the picture because it almost seems to have motion. Did you trace around your own hand to use in the artwork? That makes this really special. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... I find several things very interesting about this drawing. 1) I think the first time whomever thought of the Shrek character, probably drew a picture of how they imagined Shrek would look. (So I'm thinking Shrek doesn't mind being drawn by you.) 2) it's creative of you to think about how Shrek would feel. 3) I didn't even notice that Shrek was not spelled correctly a few times, so that doesn't change how interesting the picture ended up. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... the way you drew the blue flame and the orange flame is really full of energy... especially where the two are mixing together. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... the way you drew the face on the kernel is really clever... he looks happy and also looks like he's going to try really hard to win the game. Hope you get to go to a Kernels game again. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... I like the different sizes you made things in your picture. Also, the way you added colors make the picture full of action. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... I like the different sizes you made things in your picture. Also, the way you added colors make the picture full of action. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... this is so different from most things you create. It reminds me of some old keys I have seen. I'm curious if there is something written on the key. I'll try to remember to ask you. Love...
- Grandma Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... it is neat that the Ink Bendy is watching a show that includes him. Scary things aren't my favorite... but your artwork is interesting to look at. I like the yellow background, and especially like the purple because it really makes me look toward the TV. Love...
- Grandma Anne on November 2, 2022
Carter... what I noticed right away is that the way you drew the character makes it look like it is moving. Cool! Love...
- Grandma Anne on November 2, 2022
This is one of my favorites! It does look peaceful :).
- Alex on March 31, 2022
Carter... that is a great idea: taking something you are familiar with and changing it a little to make it something special. I like the way you think. Love,
- Grandma Anne on March 31, 2022
Carter... this is very interesting, colorful, happy. I keep looking at what you drew, and each time I see something else. I hope you like this, because I do! Love,
- Grandma Anne on March 31, 2022
Carter... please remember: creating artwork is a process. That means when you finish your art, you learn something from what you chose to do, and how the art turned out. Then the next time you start creating something, you can use what you learned to try something new. There is a lot I like about this picture. I'm excited to see what you learned when you make another picture. Love,
- Grandma Anne on March 31, 2022
I like this one A LOT, Carter! They look so happy. :D
- Alex on March 31, 2022
Carter... I am really impressed with this artwork you created. You put so much thought into it. I The details are great - right down to having things on the wall. Love, Grandma
- Anne on March 31, 2022
Carter... I know the information given with the picture said "scary and ugly" - or something like that. I think the dog is really friendly-looking - fuzzy and cuddly. Love,
- Grandma Anne on March 31, 2022
Carter... all of your artwork is very interesting and unique. I like all the different things you did: drawing on the sides, top, bottom and in the middle. The colors you used really got my attention. Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Carter... you used the color in a clever way in this picture you created. I like the way you used almost all of the page. Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Carter... I can tell you know a lot about phones. And you know what you like. Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Carter... you have included a lot of details in this picture. Every time I look at it, I see something new. Love,
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Carter... I don't know much about making videos, but you certainly know what you are interested in accomplishing. It's good to have goals. Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Carter... I can tell you are really interested in your new hobby. Winning an award is a good goal. Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Not your usual colorful drawings... but interesting. I like your "awesome family" comment. Love, Grandma
- Anne on February 9, 2022
Love this!
- Nana on February 9, 2022
Carter... I like to celebrate things. What is Freddy celebrating? Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 27, 2021
Carter... that is a very good question. I'm going to ask you which one is more likely to win, and why you think they would win. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 27, 2021
Carter... I have never seen this character. It's very interesting. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 27, 2021
Hi Carter... the colors you added on the bottom of your picture really make those things stand out. I think you could learn to play the guitar. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 27, 2021
Hi Carter... when I saw your artwork I thought about how important it is you think about keeping yourself safe. You don't have to do that by yourself. You have many people who help keep you safe, including me. Love, Grandma
- Anne on November 27, 2021
Carter... The next time I see you, I'm going to ask you about these pictures. I don't know anything about these characters... but you certainly used a lot of details.
- Grandma Anne on October 20, 2021
Carter... you are correct, this is scary!
- Grandma Anne on October 20, 2021
Carter... I like the way you made some things look far away and some things seem closer.
- Grandma Anne on October 20, 2021
I think you love FNAF!
- Nana on October 20, 2021
Carter... I think you like working with clay because this is so cool. It must have taken you awhile to get the pieces right where you wanted them. Keep up the good work! Love, Grandma
- Anne on June 9, 2021
Carter... this is a really a great idea for using art to make you feel good. It makes me calm and happy to look at your art. Love, Grandma
- Anne on April 1, 2021
Hi Carter... I am not surprised that you would create a picture of Godzilla when given the chance to decide what you want to draw. I know Godzilla is a favorite of yours. Love, Grandma
- Anne on April 1, 2021
Very detailed and SPOOKY!
- Nana on April 1, 2021
- Nana on April 1, 2021
Awesome work, Carter!
- Nana on April 1, 2021
I can feel the action in your artwork.
- Love, Grandma Anne on April 1, 2021
Carter... you always come up with such interesting ideas.
- Grandma Anne on April 1, 2021
Carter... I can tell that you drew the picture and then added the colors. That is very interesting. Love,
- Grandma Anne on December 23, 2020
Carter... I like the colors you chose. The shapes is very interesting. You did good work. Love, Grandma
- Anne on December 23, 2020
This Still Life painting of pumpkins is good. Keep making such interesting artwork.
- Love, Grandma Anne on December 23, 2020
I really like your Contour Line Pumpkins - very interesting.
- Love, Grandma Anne on December 23, 2020
Carter... I think this is your best artwork yet. It is very interesting and looks like a professional artist drew it. I really like it. Love, Grandma
- Anne on January 23, 2020
Carter... your picture of A Dog Wearing A Carter shirt has lots of information in it. For one thing, you made the shirt green and I know green is your Mom's favorite color. I do wonder if the dog in the picture could be Roxi or Sadie. Keep up the good work!
- Grandma Anne on January 23, 2020
Hi Carter... your artwork is full of details, which makes the picture very interesting. I like it. Love, Grandma
- Anne on October 23, 2019
Hi Carter... you are a hard worker when it comes to creating art, and when it comes to earning trophies. No wonder you designed a trophy. Love,
-- Grandma Anne
- on June 26, 2019
Hi Carter! I love this piece of art. It is an awesome trophy with the roblox logo. Love, Mom
-- Elizabeth
- on June 3, 2019
Hi Carter.. you are becoming a very good artist. This picture has lots of details. I like the colors you used. Love,
-- Grandma Anne
- on June 3, 2019
Hi Carter... this is an interesting picture. It seems full of energy. Love...
-- Grandma Anne
- on June 3, 2019
Hi Carter... I like the details you gave the buildings in the picture you created. Love, Grandma Anne
-- Grandma Anne
- on April 24, 2019
Carter... this is a really nice picture. It has so many interesting things in it. You did a great job!
-- Love, Grandma Anne
- on December 12, 2018
Hi Carter... your flag is really interesting. It looks like it is waving in the wind. You did a good job!
-- Love, Grandma Anne
- on December 12, 2018
Hi Carter... As soon as I looked at your artwork I saw the flag and knew you were playing the USA.
-- Love, Grandma Anne
- on September 12, 2018
I'm so glad I have this as a magnet. I like the snowflakes best!
-- Auntie Alex
- on April 4, 2018
I can tell you listened and learned about landscapes. I like the picture you made. Love, Grandma Anne
-- Grandma Anne
- on March 28, 2018
Carter... this snowy picture you created is my favorite so far. I can't wait to see what you do next.
-- Love, Grandma Anne
- on January 31, 2018
I like the colors you chose. The details are really interesting.
-- Grandma Anne
- on December 15, 2017
Carter... I liked having you tell me about your artwork.
-- Anne
- on November 16, 2017
Carter... you painted an interesting picture. I like it.
-- Grandma Anne
- on September 24, 2017
Good job, Carter! :D
-- Aunt Alex
- on September 20, 2017
Hi Carter... I like your primary colors artwork. It makes me feel happy. Love, Grandma Anne
-- Anne
- on September 13, 2017