Lillian7516's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Lillian7516's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Aunt Allyson on May 15, 2024
Lilly you’re so talented! My younger school self (and even now) is so jealous!! Keep up the great work!
- Aunt Allyson on November 8, 2023
OoOo tell me about this one! Looks like a lot of time and hard work went into it!!
- Allyson(fan) on February 8, 2023
I love the smushy happy yellow clouds!!
- Aunt Allyson on November 7, 2022
Can't wait for summer to see these beautiful butterfiles come to life! This picture makes me think of my butterfly garden. Very Nice!! Love....GMA
- Cynthia on November 7, 2022
Lilly.....How beautiful! Your artistic talent amazes me!! Love you.....GMA
- Cynthia on November 7, 2022
That’s beautiful Lilly!!
- Aunt Allyson on November 7, 2022
WOW Lilly this is cool!
- Cynthia on November 7, 2022
Super job, Lilly!!!!!!! I love your art and yes...YOU CAN DO ANYTHING!!!! love you!!!!
- Cynthia GMA on December 23, 2020
I think your zoo would be great fun to visit!
- GMA on March 18, 2020
Very nice Friendship flag, Lilly!
- GMA on April 17, 2020
Looks windy!!
- Aunt Allyson on April 17, 2020
- Aunt Allyson on April 17, 2020
Love the action in this!!
- Aunt Allyson on April 17, 2020
beautiful butterfly!
- GMA on March 4, 2020
This must be your mom.....she looks upset.....just remember even when she's upset she loves you!!!!
- GMA on March 4, 2020
HAHA...... this one looks like River!
- GMA on March 4, 2020 are quite an artist!!!! I really love this one!
- GMA on March 4, 2020
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