Lauren23055's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Lauren23055's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Shoe details are perfect!
- Melanie (Mother) on October 25, 2023
Great job adding all of your favorite things!
- Melanie (Mother) on October 25, 2023
Nice pumpkin!
- Melanie (Mother) on October 25, 2023
Hi Lauren, I really like your spiral artwork. Was it hard to make?
- Gramma on June 1, 2022
I liked your artwork. Hope this means you are reading more. Gramma
- Barb on January 15, 2020
I like the fact that you are in the middle of the O. Did the class make the wall?
-- Gramma
- on December 4, 2019
Hi Lauren, I really enjoy seeing the projects you do in art class. You have much more talent than I ever had in art. Your mice had just the right size feet--or was one of them supposed to be Dad with his big sneakers.
-- Gramma
- on February 27, 2019
I enjoy seeing your artwork. Good job!!
-- Gramma
- on October 11, 2017