Olivia32187's Comments (88)

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Below are comments about Olivia32187's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your building! Did you use watercolors?
- Mamaw And Papa on February 25, 2025
This is cool! Is it 3D or does it just look that way?
- Mamaw on February 25, 2025
It’s posted now! You did a wonderful work here just like all your other projects. I can’t wait to see how you use art in your adult life. Keep up the great work! Love you
- Mamaw on January 30, 2025
Livy, You are doing a wonderful job with your 3-D projects! You done a great job projecting the side walls leading back to the towers of the castle. Your choice of colors are very realistic. White waves crashing on the shore, with different shades of blue in the ocean, along with the contrast of the sky meeting the ocean, are very beautiful! This would make an excellent post card! Keep up the great work! Papa
- Papa(fan) on January 30, 2025
Your Auntie Heather will love this! I like the shape of your owl too.
- Mamaw on December 11, 2024
You did a beautiful job on this weaving. I love the colors you chose. I also love the name you gave your project. !
- Mamaw on December 11, 2024
I love this! It also reminds me of the designing I did in middle school. I wanted to be an inferior designer. I think you would be excellent at that job.
- Mamaw on November 28, 2024
I believe this is the best project you have made! Giving this a 3D appearance, is very impressive. Great details such as the lid on the box under the book shelf that is partially off, the writing on the poster, and the light shining from the ceiling light. I think any teenager would appreciate this room. Papa
- Papa(fan) on November 28, 2024
This guy is cool! Did you do some sewing to make it? Keep creating! I love seeing your creations!
- Mamaw on November 28, 2024
Great job! It looks like your Blue Guy has jumped off your painting board and became a more happier guy! I bet with your talent, you could make a puppet out of this project. Any one can see the hard work you put into this, and you have every right to be proud of it! Very well done!! Papa
- Papa(fan) on November 28, 2024
Wooooow that is some scary guy Livy! The symbolisms that you used are amazing. The two different sized eyes with one having more red than the other, tells me he is a very unhappy guy. Then the horns on top of his head are a devilish looking symbol. Your color choices are very good also. Once again very good work! Papa
- Papa(fan) on November 12, 2024
Oh my goodness! Did you draw the right side of this woman's face? You are so talented! You have beautiful hair and this mystery woman probably would want to have YOUR hair!
- Mamaw on October 24, 2024
Olivia, I've been looking at all of your artwork pictures. You have a God given gift for art! I love all of your pictures , especially the comments by you. In the last picture where you said you wish your hair was like hers, I Have a feeling she would say the same thing about your beautiful hair! Love you!
- Aunt Kathy on October 24, 2024
I love it! It looks like a beautiful green pasture. I hope you don’t have to do it again either.
- Mamaw on October 16, 2024
Olivia, this reminds me of an iceberg at night, with the northern lights reflecting off of it. The color is beautiful.
- Papa(fan) on October 16, 2024
I love the depth in this picture. You have such talent, sweetie!
- Mamaw And Papa on October 6, 2024
You have such great insight in your artwork. You are highly creative and see things with such a beautiful perspective. We love seeing all your new artwork. I’m glad this website is available so we can see what you are doing from so far away. ??
- Mamaw And Papa on September 25, 2024
I love how this space void came out. It looks like a black hole at the center of your triangle. The 3D look is amazing! I love it! Love, Mamaw
- Mamaw on September 18, 2024
You have such a great perception! It looks like I'm looking down a long tunnel of shapes with a black hole at the bottom. The artist Escher did so many images like this. You are such a great artist!
- Mamaw on September 9, 2024
My heart is so happy that you love God and his creation. Stay strong and faithful. God will use you in amazing ways! Love, Mamaw
- Mamaw on September 5, 2024
Wow Olivia, this project is amazing! The idea of projecting the mountains surrounding the cross is awesome. Showing the weather from left to right and ending with God’s promise, the rainbow, is very beautiful. Sharing your love for God in your inspiration for doing this project, is the icing on the cake. So proud of you! Papa
- Papa on September 5, 2024
I love this! What could go wrong? Lol
- Mamaw And Papa on September 5, 2024
This one looks like you’re getting ready for Christmas! I love it!
- Mamaw And Papa on September 5, 2024
How did you do this so perfectly? The color combinations are astonishing too! You’re a great artist!
- Mamaw on September 5, 2024
Olivia, your 3D drawings are amazing! I like the way you shared the same colors of your drawings, to your background. Very eye catching! The shadows are all drawn showing the light coming from the same angle. Very nice. Your work shows you put a lot of thought into it. Great job once again! Papa
- Papa on September 5, 2024
This is amazing! I need a print of it! ??Mamaw
- Mamaw on September 5, 2024
I love this piece of work! Great choice of colors. I think I need this!! It’s beautiful!
- Mamaw on September 5, 2024
So sweet Livy. I love it ??
- Auntie Kathy on April 26, 2023
I love this! I’m thinking about getting it on a sweatshirt!
- Mamaw on April 26, 2023
Your robot girl is so cool! You are continually amazing us with your artwork!
- Mamaw And Papa on April 26, 2023
You will make an excellent doctor for children. Your love and compassion are evident in the way you take care of Lucas. For the same reason you will be an excellent Sunday School teacher. You are amazing!! Love You! Mamaw & Papa
- Mamaw And Papa on April 26, 2023
This artwork shows you put a lot of effort and time making it. It turned out just beautiful. Also, your name makes this picture beautiful!
- Aunt Kathy on April 26, 2023
Olivia, your art is as beautiful as your ambition of being a doctor for children and teaching Sunday School! Children would be so lucky to have you helping and teaching them. I love your caring heart ??
- Aunt Kathy on April 26, 2023
I love your choice of colors! How beautiful!
- Mamaw And Papa on April 26, 2023
Olivia your painting is very nice. I like the way you used different shades of blue on your painting. The dark blue sky with the light blue water, really grabbed my attention. The flag and even the shield on the side of the ship, also are different than the other shades of blue. It shows to me that you put a lot of thought in your project. Keep up the great work! Papa
- Papa on April 26, 2023
I love your fabric painting!
- Mamaw on April 26, 2023
I love your fabric painting!
- Mamaw on April 26, 2023
What a cool Viking ship! I love it! Love, Mamaw
- Mamaw And Papa on April 26, 2023
It looks like you created a Viking ship. I love it!
- Mamaw on April 26, 2023
Olivia, Wow you really used your imagination in this project! Every thing looks so futuristic. I really like the Me TV in the corner! Another great job!! Papa
- Papa on April 26, 2023
Olivia, Wow you really used your imagination in this project! Every thing looks so futuristic. I really like the Me TV in the corner! Another great job!! Papa
- Papa on April 26, 2023
Olivia, Your art project is very nice. The different colors really jump out at the viewer. I really like the different materials you used to make the flowers and the flower pot, the table and the back drop . Your project appears to be 3D when I look at it for a period of time. You are a great designer and artist keep up the good work! Papa
- Papa on April 26, 2023
This is such a beautiful piece of artwork. I love the colors you chose!
- Mamaw And Papa on September 5, 2024
I love all the texture in your artwork! You always know just what to do to make your projects look amazing!!??
- Mamaw And Papa on September 5, 2024
I love your origami picture! You are so talented and I love seeing your artwork!! I love you Sugarbear! Mamaw
- Barb on September 5, 2024
Livy, your colors are so vivid and vibrant in this piece of work. You always amaze me with your creativity!!
- Mamaw on September 5, 2024
Olivia Your beach house looks very inviting. With the nice boardwalk going to the ocean is a great idea. I like the colors you chose for your house and the snails on the windows. The birds flying around in the sunshine, makes me want to visit there. Great job!!
- Papa on September 5, 2024
I want to live in that beach house! I love the vibrant colors. I can't wait to go to the beach with you!
- Mamaw on September 5, 2024
I love this piece of artwork! It makes me think of spring!! It’s just around the corner!!
- Mamaw on March 18, 2020
Keep up the great work Olivia! Love the flowers under the tree. It's a perfect example of Spring??. Love, Auntie Kathy. I love you very much.
- Kathy on March 18, 2020
Olivia Your tree project is very nice. You did a great job drawing it to make it look like a real tree. I can see very easily, how the branches are bigger at the trunk and gradually get smaller as they grow out. The colorful flowers at the base of the tree stand out very nice. I also like how you have drawn curves behind your tree to make it appear it sets on a hill. Very nice job!!
- Papa on March 18, 2020
Livy, This is one of your favorite kinds of artwork!! It looks like you had a lot of fun creating. Your creativity has no bounds! Love you! Mamaw
- Mamaw on March 18, 2020
You overflow with talent Livy! Aunt Kathy ??
- Kathy on March 18, 2020
I enjoy looking at my mouse pad with this beautiful picture on it every day at work. Love you ?? Auntie Kathy
- Kathy on March 18, 2020
Livy, your art work is terrific! You castle construction work is amazing! Love you, Aunt Kathy
- Kathy on March 18, 2020
Olivia, Your construction project is very nice. I like the different shapes, colors, and sizes you used. Your project has a lot of objects like the boat, tower, trees and different buildings to make it very useful. I can tell you put a lot of thought into your project. Keep up the good work. Papa
- Papa on March 18, 2020
I love the technique your art teacher chose. The drawings look like they are on a real cave wall! Keep on. Resting! Love, Mamaw??
- Mamaw on February 13, 2020
I am always amazed at your renditions of famous artists. This one really embraces Picasso’a work. You have such a talent!
- Mamaw on February 13, 2020
Olivia, your Picasso painting is very nice. I can see you have used different shapes that you have learned to paint a Picasso project. This shows you are paying attention in class and are learning different types of art! You are doing a wonderful job.
- Papa on February 13, 2020
Your butterfly is so beautiful!! I’m so proud of you. Your art work is always so creative. You have such an eye for detail. Love you!
- Mamaw on February 13, 2020
Olivia, I love all the color contrast in your collage! Keep up the inspired work. Love, Mamaw
- Barb on January 22, 2020
Olivia, the detail you have drawn and colored in your picture, is so realistic. I can easily see the shapes of all the parts of the butterfly. It almost looks like a photo. The colors you used are very nice also. You are doing a wonderful job with your art. Papa
- Papa on January 14, 2020
Sweet little Livy, I love this picture because it's so happy and beautiful just like you! I really enjoy looking at all of your pictures ??
-- Auntie Kathy
- on September 4, 2019
Hi Livy! Just wanted to tell you I received my mouse pad and you said at work. Every time I look at it I think of you. Love the bright colors and you're own signature. Love you very much!
-- Auntie Kathy
- on September 4, 2019
Beautiful drawing by a beautiful artist! Love you Livy!
-- Kathy
- on September 4, 2019
I love your new painting! It looks like a beautiful spring day??
-- Mamaw
- on June 19, 2019
Olivia you have done a great job on your drawing. All of the different colors you used, all blend together. I like your two headed monster. One with a Scary face and one with a happy face. I can tell you put some thought into your project by the way you have it laid out. Keep up the great work, I am so proud of you.
-- Papa
- on February 21, 2019
I love your color monster! Very impressive. Keep designing! Love Mamaw
-- Barb
- on February 21, 2019
Olivia, Your line landscape drawing is very nice. I like the figures in the back that look like big mountains with the bright yellow sun shining on them. I also like the colors you used to make your picture bright and eye catching. You do a great job with your drawings, keep up the good work!
-- Papa
- on February 21, 2019
I love all the details in your illustration. The colors are beautiful!
-- Mamaw
- on February 21, 2019
Great job Olivia! I like all the different lines you made. Some are curvy, some have loops, and some are wavy. I also like the colors you chose to use. I’m so proud of your artistic work!
-- Papa
- on October 10, 2018
I love your 3D art work! Keep designing!!! Love, Mamaw
-- Barb
- on October 10, 2018
Olivia your painting is very nice. I especially like all the bright colors you used. I also like that your painting is so happy with the bright sun, the bright colors, and the big smile on your snail. Your art work gets better all the time.
-- Papa
- on October 3, 2018
Livy, You are such an artist! You’re always making such beautiful designs! Love, Mamaw
-- Barb
- on October 3, 2018
You are such a great artist! I love looking at your artwork!
-- Mamaw
- on August 10, 2018
I would love to live in your dream house! It’s so beautiful and joyfully colorful!
-- Mamaw
- on August 10, 2018
I love the colors you used in your picture! It looks like you’re trying out pointillism too! You always have such great ideas! Love Mamaw??
-- Barb
- on August 10, 2018
Olivia your drawing is very colorful. I like the way you connected all the letters together. You are a very good artist.
-- Papa
- on April 18, 2018
Mamaw loves how you turned some of the alphabet into an illustration. What great artwork???? I really enjoy seeing your work.
-- Mamaw
- on April 18, 2018
Olivia your picture is very nice. I see a lot of animals with very big teeth and long tails. All of the different colors are very nice too. I can see you worked hard on this painting. Keep up the great work!
-- Papa
- on February 28, 2018
Mamaw and Papa LOVE your artwork! We love the colors! Keep up the good work!
-- Mamaw and Papa
- on February 28, 2018
I love your animals! Auntie Heather said she wasn’t able to even draw this well in 5th grade. Haha! Love you!
-- Mamaw
- on February 28, 2018
Livy, I like the way you used different shapes and colors. You are doing very well with your art work!
-- Papa
- on February 28, 2018
This project is so colorful. I like the color choices you used.
-- Papa
- on February 28, 2018
Livy you are doing such a great job with your art work! I would like to hang your drawings up all over the house, because they are so nice
-- Papa
- on February 28, 2018
Livy your drawings are getting better all the time. Nice job!
-- Papa
- on February 28, 2018
Livy, Mamaw, Papa, and Auntie Heather are so proud of you! We have been enjoying your artwork. We can't wait to see more! Love You!
-- Barb
- on February 28, 2018
Dear Olivia Your art picture is awesome! I Really like all the different colors and shapes. I think you are a very good artist. I’m very proud of you!
-- Papa
- on February 28, 2018