Hi, Bai This looks like a fun project. Bet it was a lot of work and planning to make the folded legs and long neck. Good job.
- G-Ma on March 23, 2020
What a wonderful gingerbread house! I love the candle chimney, the peppermint candy windows, the candy cane fence, and the skittles sidewalk. Great Job Bailey! -- Sandy
- on December 1, 2018
This is a perfect Christmas house. Loved the candle chimney and the roof. Very creative. -- G Ma
- on December 1, 2018
Hi Bailey: Your string art turned out really well. Love you, G-ma -- Sharon
- on December 1, 2018
That is such a nice picture. Jesus does love you. -- G Ma
- on December 1, 2018
What a pretty weaving. Was it for a placemat? G–Ma -- Sharon
- on March 21, 2018
G-pa and I really like your spider web. Matches your Spider Woman costume. Love you, G-Ma -- Sharon