Great picture, Carson! I especially like the angel's halo with the heart over it.
- Laura on January 9, 2020
This makes me smile, Carson. The animals admiring baby Jesus and the angel with a heart on its halo. Merry Merry Christmas!
- Auntie Laura on December 25, 2019
Your wonderful art work shows that you know the true meaning of Christmas. May you enjoy the best holidays ever. Cheers, Grandpa V.
- John on December 25, 2019
Wow - Carson - I love a good silhouette. Makes me wish I was there looking at it with you!
- Auntie Laura on November 13, 2019
Great job Carson! I love their hair!
- on September 25, 2019
What a Happy Easter basket you made. Hope there's some jelly beans in there too. Cheers, Grampy V. -- GrampyV.
- on May 22, 2019
Wow, Carson, You're Taco is SO realistic, it looks good enough to eat! Yummmm, Grampy V. -- GrampyV.
- on May 22, 2019
Great job as always Carson. My super star!! Love Mommy -- Deneve
- on March 26, 2019
Did you weave the paper in on the bottom layer? I'd like to see how you did this one the next time I visit. Fun textures. -- Laura
- on March 27, 2019
It took me a minute to figure out the pattern in your color placement but I got it! I like this springy thingy! :) -- Laura
- on March 27, 2019
This drawing looks very much like Frida did in the movie I saw a couple of years ago, especially the eyebrows and hair do. You seem to have your daddy's talent for art work, Carson. Lucky you! :O) -- Grampy
- on January 30, 2019
This is so cool! What did you use to make the squiggly lines...a comb? I love the colors. -- Laura
It was a roller.
- on January 30, 2019
Awesome artwork, Carson. -- Grandpa
- on January 30, 2019
This picture made me smile, Carson, since Frida is one of my art teacher friend's favorite artist. I could tell right away who the drawing was of - you did a great job on it! -- AuntieLaura
- on January 23, 2019
Nicely done, Carson. It reminds me of living in Wyoming when the skies were clear, the sun was shining and the COLD snow covered the mountains. I like the animals on the mountain tops. :) -- Laura
- on January 2, 2019
Yummm Carson, This Ginger bread boy would make a delicious Christmas cookie to leave for Santa when he comes. Happy Holidays from Grampy V.
- on December 26, 2018
Wow Carson, Your life like art work makes Grampy home sick for wonderful Wyoming. It's just as I remember our home on the range. Thanks for the HAPPY memories. :O) -- John
- on January 2, 2019
Beautiful Christmas Tree! Love the shining star on top. Wish I was there celebrating with you! :) -- Laura
- on December 19, 2018
Wow! Carson that is spooky looking!!! -- Diane
- on October 31, 2018
I love seeing your artwork, Carson! This one is just in time for Halloween. -- Laura
- on October 31, 2018
You sure share your daddy's talent in art. We enjoy seeing your creativity. Grammie and Grampy v. -- John & Carol
- on October 31, 2018
I'm super excited to see all your artwork this year. You are my favorite royal! :) -- Laura
- on October 31, 2018
This is really neat. I didn't see your name in the background at first. Pretty clever. -- Auntie Laura
- on May 16, 2018
That looks yummy- like there are candies on the pot! -- Auntie Laura
- on May 16, 2018
Guess what - it snowed here last week. Not enough to make a snowman, but if it did, I would want it to be as cute as the one you drew! -- Laura
- on March 28, 2018
Great job Carson!! -- Mommy
- on March 20, 2018
I like this one so much that I showed it to people I work with this morning! They thought it was pretty great, also. :) -- Laura
- on March 21, 2018
What is this dinosaur's name? How about "Cupcake-asauras?" -- Auntie
- on February 7, 2018
This is one of my favorites! -- Auntie
- on February 7, 2018
Carson, I really like seeing all your artwork. Looking forward to drawing and painting with you this summer. Love, Auntie Laura -- Auntie
- on February 7, 2018
This cheery picture reminds me of the scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz, which is a story you will really enjoy in a couple of years. I am most impressed with your IMAGINATION, Carson. Well done! -- GrampyJohn
- on December 27, 2017
Your first work is a wonderful SELF portrait. Keep up the interesting art, Carson. -- Grampy