Haley12660's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Haley12660's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow! Grandmom and I love this one. Your special touches are terrific: the knothole in the tree, the bark, the jungle of branches. Grandmom said, “Look at those blossoms! They are so realistic. Each one a little different.” She’s right. We love it!
-- Bubbie
- on June 13, 2018
Wow! I love that crown and the fireworks in the background. A wonderful smile. She looks so welcoming and warm-hearted, too. You have put me in just the right mood to celebrate the Fourth of July! Thank you.
-- Bubbie
- on June 13, 2018
Comet, this is the cutest bunny ever! I love her smile, her whiskers, and her little nose. I also like the way you put a flower on one side and a tall tree on the other. Is that bunny winking? Great art work! Grandmom and I love it!
-- Bubbie
- on May 9, 2018
Haley, I love your bunny - it really looks like he would hop right of the page. Love you, Ma
-- Ma
- on May 9, 2018
Haley, This looks like the snow storm we had this past week. Nicely done!
-- Ma
- on March 28, 2018
This panda was so realistic I wanted to cuddle with her! Love the way you made the fur; it looks so soft. I think pandas everywhere would love to be drawn by you!
-- Bubbie
- on March 28, 2018
Wow! When I saw your winter collage, it made me shiver! Today the snow is covering the trees outside, and that made me want to look at your collage again. Snow is falling outside our windows, just like it is falling in your collage. Another great work of art.grandmom and I are so proud of you. Love, Bubbie
-- Bubbie
- on March 16, 2018
Wow! This is a fantastic snowperson! I live her twig hands and her hat. The background is so beautiful: so many layers, so many colors. They really made the snowperson stand out. Well done, Comet!
-- Bubbie
- on March 5, 2018
Haley, You are quite the artist. I love the rainbow sky with your snowman. Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on March 5, 2018
Wow, Comet! Your lines are the greatest. I could feel them. And so many different colors and shapes. I can tell you are thinking about your drawings, thinking like an artist. Grandmom and I are very impressed!
-- Bubbie
- on October 26, 2017
Wow! I really love this one. The next time you come to our house you will need to show me how you did this as it is really pretty. Love MA
-- Betty
- on October 26, 2017
Haley, Your pumpkin looks so good I could make a pie out of it (with whip cream) for Thanksgiving. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on October 26, 2017
Loved this! That’s the biggest pumpkin I ever saw! Your picture made me wish I had a big piece of pumpkin pie! Great job, Comet!
-- Bubbie
- on October 26, 2017
Hi Haley, I love the trees with their colorful fall leaves and the many leaves on the ground. Would you like to play in the leaves? Let's do that this fall! Love, Grandmom
-- Grandmom
- on October 26, 2017
I love it. Great job
-- Pop
- on October 26, 2017
Wow! I love those bright colors and designs, and I bet Monsieur Matisse would like them, too. You are off to a great start in art class, Comet! Bubbie and I are so excited for you, and proud
-- Bubbie
- on October 18, 2017
Haley, You did a very nice job with this creation. I cannot wait to see more! Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on October 18, 2017
Haley I absolutely love your drawing. You are a very good artist. Love, Ma
-- Betty
- on October 18, 2017