Jonas1051's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Jonas1051's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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And if you don't know who these characters are just ask Jonas. He does ! Keep having fun Jonas.
- Grampa Larry on August 17, 2022
Jonas that is a nice bushel of apples and I don't even like apples! Keep up the good work.By the way,you know what I call the little apple that got out of the basket?----Jonas!
- Grampa Larry on January 29, 2020
That is a very nice garden,Jonas! You need to tell me everything you are growing!
-- Grampa Larry
- on April 17, 2019
See you Friday at grandparents day! Love your rainbow.
-- Randi
- on April 17, 2019
Hey Jonas,that is a very nice heart you made! It would make a great Valentine for your Mom or maybe even Gramma!
-- Grandpa Larry
- on April 17, 2019
I loved this one so much I had it put on my coffee cup!
-- Grampa Larry
- on February 27, 2019
Nice owl Jonas. I particularly like the tail feathers and the winking eye!
-- Grampa Larry
- on February 27, 2019
Looks like a baby snow owl!
-- Randi
- on May 9, 2018
This is terrific Jonas!! Sometimes Grampa feels just like that too. Keep up the great work.
-- Grampa Larry
- on January 31, 2018
Jonas this is a great crow! I wonder if it is a robot crow because it looks like he has a bionic eye! Keep up the good work.- Grampa Larry
-- Larry
- on November 8, 2017
A wormy apple!
-- Randi
- on November 8, 2017
Good work, Jonas!
-- Randi
- on November 8, 2017
What a cute Crow! I love it!!!
-- Miriah
- on November 3, 2017