Logan28046's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Logan28046's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oh, This guy looks kind of real! No, now it looks like a mask! Oh, I just saw his teeth and now I am really scared! This is a Great collection of different art materials. I see painting and I see drawing, there is stamping, and glueing of layers of paper. Great picture!!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
This is so pretty. I think anyone would be delighted to receive this Valentine from you!!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
Hey look at these guys all stacked up! They are funny and make me laugh!!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
Logan you did a really nice job on this flag. I'd like to have that hanging outside my front door!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
Logan you did a really nice job on this flag. I'd like to have that hanging outside my front door!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
This picture makes me think that you are inside of a game! It is a game called LOGAN!!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
Yikes!!. This picture scares me because it is so realistic! Wow, I am shaking!!!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
Is this a city from one of your video games? The buildings almost seem to be faces. This is a really unique picture!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
The colors in this painting are beautiful, with Just enough difference to be exciting, but in similar coordinating tones. I like the way you finished the tops of each ornament with a little hook for the tree.
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
Logan, I am really amazed at the variety of materials that you used for this Mardi gras mask! The colors are glorious and fit perfectly with Mardi gras. I have been to Mardi gras and this mask would win a prize there!
- Grammy on March 12, 2023
- Amy (Mother) on March 11, 2023
Logan, I can imagine this made into a necklace, then I can imagine it made into earrings, then I can imagine it made into a great big vase for flowers, sitting in the middle of my dining table with huge tropical flowers spilling from the top. What a beautiful picture!
- Grammy on December 14, 2022
Logan! This is absolutely amazing and so incredibly beautiful. I wish it was real so that I could touch it and hold it in my hands. You are amazing!
- Grammy on December 14, 2022
Love this Logan! Very creative!
- Mom on December 14, 2022
Love it Logan! You are so creative!
- Amy (Mother) on October 3, 2022
Logan, the Tlingit tribe is such a strong and artistic group of people. Your artwork has captured their skills. Great work! Love, Grammy
- Grammy on October 5, 2022
Logan, when I saw this picture it made me wonder if you were remembering your visit to me in Oregon. Do you remember seeing the big Mount Hood, and all the hills around it? Do you remember seeing some American Indian influences and artwork? I have really enjoyed looking at this picture and look forward to more of your artwork. Do you remember going to the beach in Oregon and seeing the Pacific Ocean? Maybe someday you will draw a picture of that fun place.
- Grammy on October 13, 2021
Maybe when you go to the beach this summer, you will see a boat like this one. I want to go on this boat with you!!!
- Grammy(fan) on March 24, 2021
Peaceful Dreamcatcher!
- Grammy(fan) on March 24, 2021
Great details in those paint brushes! This picture makes me think you have been working hard at painting.
- Grammy(fan) on March 24, 2021
WOW, I thought this was a photograph...it was so detailed! Beautiful!
- Grammy(fan) on March 24, 2021
Excellent job Logan. You are getting be a great artist!!
- Thomas on March 10, 2021
Love it! You are such a creative kid!
- Amy (Mother) on March 11, 2020
Hi Logan, your art is really fantastic. You can be a really great artist. Good job!!
-- Grandpa
- on May 15, 2019