Vanessa331's Comments (37)

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Below are comments about Vanessa331's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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As usual, a masterpiece. Keep up the beautiful work!! XOXO
- on May 6, 2009
Wow Vanessa, this look like a Picasso. Great work!! Love, Aunt Danielle
- on November 6, 2008
Vanessa, Another piece of lovely artwork, maybe show it to the movie stars down the block, hee hee. Love you, Aunt Danielle
- on March 12, 2008
This is so pretty!!!
- on March 12, 2008
Vanessa, I really like your cool cat! Nice job on your portfolio! Dawne
- on January 18, 2008
Beautiful Vanessa!
- on January 18, 2008
Once again you have outdone yourself. Keep up the wonderful, creative work. Love and hope to see you again soon, especially Stephanie, Aunt Danielle XOXO
- on January 15, 2008
Vanessa, this is fantastic! I love the colors. Put this one in a frame and hang it on the wall, it's a masterpiece!! Love, Aunt Danielle XO
- on June 5, 2007
I love the colors!
- on June 5, 2007
Beautiful!! Keep up the wonderful artwork!! Love, Aunt Danielle
- on February 1, 2007
We love the clolrs. Aunt Desiree, Uncle Augie, Rebecca & Jenna
- on February 1, 2007
Hi Baby, it's beautiful!! I love it!!. Love Grandma
- on February 1, 2007
Hi Vanessa, How cool is that picture. You have a little Picasso in you, that's a very famous artist from a long time ago. Great job again!! Love, Aunt Danielle
- on February 1, 2007
Very creative!!!!!!!! Aunt Desiree
- on February 1, 2007
Beautiful, my girl, Beautiful. You've done it again!!!! Love, Aunt Danielle
- on December 20, 2006
Well, Well my dear Vanessa you have done it again. That is an amazing Frankenstein you made. Keep up the fantastic artwork. You just keep getting better and better. Love Always, Aunt Danielle XOXO
- on December 1, 2006
I love your imagination. Love, Aunt Desiree
- on December 1, 2006
Vanessa, Your lion is the cutest! Love to all. Aunt Kate
- on April 12, 2006
Your lion is beautiful! Wait until Poppy, Uncle Michael and Uncle Matt see this. We'll have to buy Poppy a shirt with this on it.
- on March 9, 2006
Dear Vanessa: You are such a great artist! We all loved all of your work! Keep it up - we cannot wait to see more! Love - Shawn, Geena, Tissie and Robbie Kenny
- on March 9, 2006
Nice Lion Vanessa.... Christopher will love this one. Aunt Drea
- on March 8, 2006
Hi Vanessa, Once again you've done a wonderful piece of artwork. When I show Stephanie later she will especially love it because she loves Lions!! I like the pink in its mane, it would match my house. Keep on doing a great job as you always do. Love, Aunt Danielle XO
- on March 9, 2006
We love your lion Vanessa!!!! Love, Uncle Augie, Aunt Desiree, Rebecca & Jenna
- on March 8, 2006
Dear Vanessa, Your snowman is totally awesome!! I love it. I can't wait to see more and hang one of your works on my wall at home. Lots of Love Aunt Kate
-- from Aunt Kate
- on February 18, 2006
Wow Nice Snowman.... I love it.
-- from Aunt Andrea
- on February 14, 2006
Another fine piece of artwork Miss Vanessa. We all know talent runs in the family. Lots of Love and Kisses sent your way.
-- from Aunt Danielle
- on February 12, 2006
Vanessa, We love the snowman. Nice work!!
-- from Rebecca & Jenna
- on February 12, 2006
Hi Vanessa, The picture is beautiful you did a great job. Much hugs and kisses. Poppy
-- from Poppy
- on November 29, 2005
Dear Vanessa, I love your picture. I love the colors in the picture and the Zebra has a lot of markings. No two Zebra's have the same marking. Keep up the good work! Love Grandma K.
-- from Grandma K.
- on November 23, 2005
vanessa its such a beautiful drawing who knew you were such a great artist i love you so much i cant wait to see you again maybe when you come over again you can draw something like it love you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
-- from cousin anna
- on November 23, 2005
Dear Vanessa, Your art work is FANTASTIC!!! You have such great talent. I'd love you to draw me a picture some time. Love Aunt Kate
-- from Aunt Kate
- on November 23, 2005
Dear Vanessa, Who knew my granddaughter was an artist! I love the picture of the zebra and I cannot wait to see more. I am going to frame it! I Love you, Grandma Torres
-- from Grandma Torres
- on November 20, 2005
Well, Well, Well my pretty you are quite the little artist. You did a wonderful job on your Zebra and I am really proud of you. Keep up the beautiful work. Love You Lots!!!! XOXO
-- from Aunt Danielle
- on November 20, 2005
Hi Vanessa, your picture is beautiful! I passed this on to Poppy and I'm sure he will write to you. Can't wait to see you! \ Love Grandma
-- from grandma stallone
- on November 19, 2005
I am so proud of you honey. I love the zebra. You are very talented. Love, Aunt Drea
-- from Aunt Drea
- on November 19, 2005
Vanessa, Your drawing is beautiful and so colorful. I am happy to be able to view your masterpieces.
-- from Aunt Desiree
- on November 19, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on November 16, 2005