Kaden5559's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Kaden5559's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Kaden, You just continually surprise me with your imagination and your artwork. It is so fun to see what you will do next....always stay creative!!!
- Keri on March 6, 2020
Hey Kaden!! I love your Monet picture! I do believe mom should put it in a frame for your house , it is a very neat art piece!! Keep up the good work in art, you are very good at it!!
- Mema on January 30, 2020
But I sure do like your snowy picture!
- Mary Lou on December 4, 2019
We have had enough of snowy days!!!
- Mary Lou on December 4, 2019
Good job Kaden, stay creative...it's so fun to see what you are going to do next!
- Gramma Keri on December 4, 2019
Kaden, I really like the portrait of Frida, keep up the good work!!
- Mary Lou on December 4, 2019
Kaden , Papa and I will be excited to see your art work during the year!! Your doing a great job so far! I especially like the colorful sea turtle! Can’t wait to see your next project!
- Mema on October 30, 2019