Hi , I like your 3 D letter you did of your brother's first letter of his name. This was very thoughtful of you:Keep of the good work and enjoy it: Love you Nana:
- Nana on April 26, 2023
Kinzley, you did a great job on your sketchbook cover. You added a lot color and design to your cover. Great work!
- Grandma Linda on April 26, 2023
Hi , Nana likes this artwork. You did a great job in drawing.You colored it nice too and is cute what you wrote or drew on it. Keep up the good work and have fun. Love you Nana.
- Nana on April 26, 2023
Kinzley, that sure is a cute popsicle! I Iike all your signs on your popsicle. The face is so cute. Great job!
- Grandma Linda on April 26, 2023
Hi Kinzley: I didn't see a reading of what this artwork is to be,or made out of. I like the color, it looks like a small footstool?Anyway its good work: Love You Nana:
- nana on June 1, 2022
Hi, What a good drawing, you did great on your lips. I bet this is your last artwork for 4th grade? It maybe was nice to do an easier drawing? Great: Love you Nana:
- nana on June 1, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job drawing your teacher. I bet it looks just like her. I don't know her, but you did a great job!
- Grandma Linda on June 1, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork! I sure like all your bunnies! They are so cute! Great job Kinzley!
- Grandma Linda on June 1, 2022
Hi, I like your paper sculpture bunnies. They are really cute, and you did a great job with the designs. I bet you had fun and keep up the great work: Love you ,Nana
- Nana on June 1, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork. I like your bright colors on your sky. You made a very colorful picture. Beautiful job.
- Grandma Linda on May 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork. I like your bright colors on your sky. You made a very colorful picture. Beautiful job.
- Grandma Linda on May 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork. I like your bright colors on your sky. You made a very colorful picture. Beautiful job.
- Grandma Linda on May 12, 2022
Hi,I like your painting of artwork,The blend of your blue and orange.Your bridge looks great: I bet you had fun working with this type of material.Keep up the great work and enjoy it: Love you Nana:
- Nana on May 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork! Those donuts really look good! I sure like your basket to put them in! Great job Kinzley!
- Grandma Linda on May 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork! Those donuts really look good! I sure like your basket to put them in! Great job Kinzley!
- Grandma Linda on May 12, 2022
Hi: Now this is an interesting piece of reused sculpture: Donuts and that looks like maybe a Jaarsma bag. Clever and I wonder what flavor your donuts are to be? ha. Have fun and keep up the great work: Love you Nana:
- Nana on May 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on this picture. The cars are going down the highway and people are going boating on the river. The trees look good all around. You made a nice picture.
- Grandma Linda on January 12, 2022
Hi Kinzley: This is nice artwork, I bet you had to really think of how to do this? Nice work with pencil drawing and coloring. This maybe took alittle longer to do? I hope that you still had fun with this. Keep up the great work. Love you: Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Kinzley, I bet you had fun painting these rocks. They are so colorful. I like the dots on one rock and the little airplane on the other one. Great job!
- Grandma Linda on January 12, 2022
Hi: I think this was done maybe last year and I must of missed it?Is this maybe out in the wilderness or country? Its neatly done. Keep up the good work: Love you,Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Hi: Wow very interesting and educational in learning about our town. Your buildings look good and your sky: Keep up doing interesting and clever art pieces. I enjoy seeing them, Love You:Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Hi: You did a great job on your American Flag artwork. It looks soft and like its waving: Continue having fun, plus continue with your good work: love you: Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Hi: I bet you really liked to do this art work? You have painted rocks before, I was surprised to see painting rocks for a project. That's great! Keep up the great work and have fun: Love you,Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork! I see your stars and stripes on your flag. I bet it was fun to make.
- Grandma Linda on January 12, 2022
Great job Kinzley on your pottery art work. It is very colorful. Looks like you had fun making it.
- Grandma Linda on January 12, 2022
This looks like maybe some water color artwork?Your colors look good together.Keep up the great work and have fun: Love you,Nana
- Nana on January 12, 2022
I find this as an interesting piece of artwork:I am not sure what it's name is since I didn't see the name of it.I like the work that you did with the sky.It is rather interesting.Have fun: Love you Nana:
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Wow: I really like your cardinals,they are so cute!I bet you had fun doing this artwork?Keep up the great art work and have fun: Love you Nana!
- Nana on January 12, 2022
Kinzley, you did a great great job on your hot air balloon. I like all the colors you used on the top of your balloon. I remember when you and Landan was in one by Lake Red Rock.
- Grandma Linda on February 4, 2021
Kinzley, you did a great great job on your hot air balloon. I like all the colors you used on the top of your balloon. I remember when you and Landan was in one by Lake Red Rock.
- Grandma Linda on February 4, 2021
Wow: What a different piece of artwork:Hot air balloon how neat.Papa's brother would like that since he rode in them many times in Colorado.We did once,alittle scary for me:You keep up the fun and great work: Love You Nana:
- Nana on February 4, 2021
What a colorful picture Kinzley! It is beautiful with the hearts! Great job!
- Grandma Linda on May 27, 2020
Hi,I really like your waterfall artwork.You did good work on the sections being even.your color arrangement is pretty.With now the home schooling issue I assume this was maybe your last artwork for 2nd grade?Nana has enjoyed all your different types of art.Until 3rd grade!!! Love You!
- nana on May 27, 2020
Kinzley, you did a great job on your artwork! The rainbows in the back look great. That big K looks good on your ball.
- Grandma Linda on March 12, 2020
This is an interesting piece of art work.Clay,I wonder if that was harder to work with.It looks like a rainbow and a letter K.Good work,keep it up and the fun! Love You!
- nana on March 12, 2020
Like your art work,You sure do a variety of them! Keep up the good work and fun: Love You:
- nana on March 12, 2020
This is an interesting piece of art work.Clay,I wonder if that was harder to work with.It looks like a rainbow and a letter K.Good work,keep it up and the fun! Love You!
- nana on March 12, 2020
Kinzley, I bet you had fun making your pumpkin! You did a great job!
- Grandma Linda on January 8, 2020
I really think you did a nice job on your pumpkin art work,you did a good job on it's shape too!Keep up the nice work but keep having fun too!Love you!
- nana on January 8, 2020
Kinzley, you did a great job on your self portrait! Keep up the good work! She looks so cute just like you!
- Grandma Linda on December 11, 2019
You did a good job on your self portrait.I always found in my younger years it was hard to do a self picture.Keep up the good work and fun, Love You!
- Nana on December 5, 2019
Kinzley, you made a very colorful picture of the sky and people in the water!
- Grandma Linda on December 5, 2019
Kinzley, you made a very colorful picture of the tulip fields! Great job!
- Grandma Linda on December 5, 2019
Nice landscaping artwork!love the colors,great choice.Keep up the good work and fun! Love You!
- Nana on December 5, 2019
Kinzley, it looks like you had fun making this picture! Great job!
- Grandma Linda on December 5, 2019
I think you did a great job on your mural.I bet you had fun!Looks like you got to work with some water colors. You keep up the good work and the fun: Love You!!!
- nana on December 5, 2019
Nana really likes this artwork,has some neat colors.Maybe you did it by water colors? I have really enjoyed looking at your art over the year!!!! Love You!!! -- nana
- on December 5, 2019
Kinzley, you made a very colorful art work. That is a beautiful field of tulips! Great job! -- Grandma Linda
- on December 5, 2019
Kinzley, you did great work on your artwork! You made it very colorful. -- Grandma Linda
- on May 1, 2019
This is an interesting piece of artwork,I bet you had fun doing it.Good work!Keep it up! Love You Nana -- nana
- on April 25, 2019
This looks like Dr.Suess? You did good in cutting around it,looks like the background is painted by using water colors?Fun!Fun! Love You and good work! -- nana
- on April 10, 2019
This is an interesting artwork,maybe you painted this?I bet you had fun!Good work,Love You Nana! -- nana
- on April 10, 2019
I like this drawing,you also colored it well.Keep up the fun and great work! Love you!Nana -- nana
- on April 10, 2019
Is that a picture of your house? The sky looks like it is going rain! You did good! -- Grandma Linda
- on March 27, 2019
Did you have fun making a picture of a giraffe? You did a good job Kinzley! -- Grandma Linda
- on March 27, 2019
Kinzley, you did a good job make a picture of Abe! I bet you had fun! -- Grandma Linda
- on March 27, 2019
Great job Kinzley, on making the cat in the hat! -- Grandma Linda
- on March 27, 2019
wow! this a a busy piece of artwork.you did a great job.I bet this one took longer.You keep up the great work,and have fun,love you! -- Nana And Papa
- on March 27, 2019
I don't recall seeing this one either,the colors are nice,Good Work again,Have fun! Love You! -- nana
- on February 20, 2019
I must of missed this one earlier,that you did,Good Work,Keep it up and the fun! Love you! -- nana
- on February 20, 2019
I like this artwork that you did,Good work on it,Keep up the fun and good work.! Love you! -- nana
- on February 20, 2019
Good work Kinzley on your picture! I bet you had fun cutting out all these things! -- Grandma Linda
- on February 20, 2019
That is a cute kitty Kinzley! You made it very colorful. Good job! -- Grandma Linda
- on February 20, 2019
Great job Kinzley on your colorful picture!! -- Grandma Linda
- on February 20, 2019
Kinzley, what a pretty picture of the snow and the sky. Great job Kinzley! -- Grandma Linda
- on November 28, 2018
I really like this idea of artwork,very colorful,keep up the fun and great job.love you nana! -- nana
- on November 28, 2018
this is a very nice piece of artwork,keep up the fun and good work love you! nana -- nana
- on November 28, 2018
I really like this artwork,the colors blend in so nice,you did great work.Continue having fun in what you make.love you! -- nana
- on November 21, 2018
IReally like this artwork and the bright colors, good work, keep it up and have fun,love u nana -- Nana
- on November 21, 2018
You did a great job with this art work. The detail is perfect. Way to go kinzley -- Mommy
- on November 14, 2018
Kinzley, You did a great job on your artwork! I bet it was fun making all those different colors! -- Grandma Linda
- on October 17, 2018
wow,I like your colorful artwork,you did a good job,and I bet you had fun doing it.Keep up the good work and fun doing it Love You -- nana
- on October 10, 2018
this is another interesting artwork bet was fun keep up the good work love u -- Nana And Papa
- on August 15, 2018
this is neat artwork, looks like you used chalk maybe alittle messy but fun nana really enjoys your artwork love you! -- Nana And Papa
- on August 15, 2018
this is very pretty artwork,I bet you had fun picking all the different colors.Keep up the good work and fun! love You nana! -- Carma,Nana
- on May 16, 2018
Kinzley, I bet you had fun painting all those different colors! It is very colorful! Good work Kinzley! -- Grandma Linda
- on May 9, 2018
wow this is very colorful.Nana loves it.Good Work!!! Keep it up along with the fun! Love you! -- nana(carma)
- on May 2, 2018
this looks like fun,like the colors together,keep up the fun and great work love you nana (carma) -- nana( Carma)
- on April 25, 2018
this looks like a couple of birds,or maybe not ha!.happy to see your fun work. love u nana! -- carma, nana
- on April 11, 2018
this looks like a snow person ,i bet you thought of cold weather with this one. burr,keep up the fun, love you nana! -- carma, nana
- on April 11, 2018
Well this is an interesting piece of artwork, maybe you had two different ideas on this one! yea,good job,keep up the fun. Love you nana! -- carma, nana
- on April 11, 2018
Kinzley, I bet you had fun weaving your picture! Great job Kinzley! -- Grandma Linda
- on April 11, 2018
this is an interesting piece of artwork i like it and reminds me of spring yea! You keep up the fun and good work,Nana enjoys looking at it Love you Nana! -- Carma Nana
- on April 11, 2018
Great job Kinzley on your artwork! I bet you had fun cutting out your things! -- Linda
- on February 28, 2018
Kinzley nana really likes this art work.You did a great job,i bet you had fun doing this. Keep up the good work and posting them Love you nana! -- carma/nana
- on February 28, 2018
Wow what a different piece of artwork, you are being creative!!!! Great job,love seeing your fun art. Love You, Nana -- nana
- on February 8, 2018
Great work on your artwork. I bet it was fun pasting all those pieces together on paper!! Keep up the good work Kinzley. -- Bob And Linda
- on February 8, 2018
Kinzley, you did a great job on your art work! It looks like a neat purse! I really like it! -- Linda
- on January 10, 2018
hi kinzley,this is an interesting piece of artwork,i bet you had fun with this,i like it. Keep up the good work. Love you! -- nana
- on January 3, 2018
hi Kinzley, this art piece is pretty and i bet it was harder to make,but you did a great job.Nana likes it,keep up the fun. love you! -- nana
- on January 3, 2018
this is pretty I bet you painted this either on paper or maybe some tissue paper?its so good hard to tell.Have fun but learn too. Love you nannee -- carma nannee
- on October 25, 2017
this is an interesting art piece that you did,being creative is a good way to learn.You keep up the good work, love to see it Love you nannee -- carma nannee
- on October 25, 2017
wow this is neat artwork so colorful with the feathers I bet you had fun,keep up the good work, Love you nanee. -- carma nannee
- on October 25, 2017
Way to go girl. We are so proud of you. -- Kara
- on October 18, 2017
you did a good job and i bet you had fun keep up the good aet work love you nanee -- Nana And Papa
- on October 18, 2017
Cool picture! Have fun! Keep it up! Love, Aunt Jaime -- Jaime
- on October 11, 2017
Good job Kinzley! You made a very colorful picture! I bet you had fun painting it. -- Linda
- on October 18, 2017
i'm happy to see some of your artwork.i like the bright colors,I bet you had fun. keep up the good work, Love you nannie! -- carma nannee