jawh1's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about jawh1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Jack, this picture is amazing!! You did such a great job!!! When am I going to get a picture for my fridge??? Keep up the great work!! Love you lots! Auntie Megan
- on March 22, 2008
Jack: Very impressive. You use color very well with how sharply the animal stands out against the back ground. Great job buddy! Uncle Jeff
- on March 22, 2008
Jack what a great job you did capturing life in the farm! Your uncle Bob and I thought you pictured it perfectly. We could imagine the smell of grass and the sun shining on the farmers as they worked hard to provide food that keeps everyone well fed and healthy. Good choice for your artwork! Love you. Uncle Bob & Aunt Nora
- on April 24, 2007
Jack, I love the bird. It's so colorful. You are a great artist. All of the pictures are great. Congrats on your award and keep up the great work. I would love for you to make a picture for me to hang on the fridge at home. Love Auntie Jen.
- on April 11, 2007
Jack: I'm very proud of you. What great imagination you have. Keep up the great work! If you are looking to hang your pictures someplace, I have planty of wall space in my office and I would love to hang one up. Uncle Jeff
- on April 10, 2007
Hi Jack, What wonderful pictures you have drawn. You are quite the artist. I'm glad you are letting us view them!! You're an amazing artist and I can't wait to see more of your art in the future!! Thanks for sharing - Nancy Cooke (Mike's wife)
- on April 10, 2007
What a beautiful farm picture. You are very artistic and I also loved your parrot that you drew.
- on April 9, 2007
Jack that is a beautiful picture!!! Great Job!! I really like the pigs!! Keep up the good work!! The barn with the silo is pretty cool too!!! We are so proud of you!
- on April 9, 2007
Jack you have quite an artistic talent. Your bird is beautiful and so colorful. I am very proud of you keep on drawing.
- on November 6, 2006
Jack that is a beautiful picture!!! I really like all the bright colors!!! Your bird is amazing...Keep up all the good work!!! I love you, Ellen
- on November 6, 2006
Jack that is a beautiful picture!!! I really like all the colors...The bird you painted is amazing!!! Keep up the great job...I love you!!! Ellen
- on November 6, 2006
Jack, I love the way you made the snow look so real. You are quite the artist. Maggie and Jack liked it too. They said it was cool. Keep up the good work, kiddo. Love ya,
-- from Auntie Jen
- on February 27, 2006
beautiful picture jack, i am very proud of you i hope you will keep drawing these beautiful pictures you made my day
-- from mary and owen
- on February 13, 2006
Wow, Jack. What an artist you are. Looks just like all the snow outside my window up here in Minnesota! Let me know when you create another master piece!!
-- from Your Third Cousin (??? how does it work now with another generation),
- on February 10, 2006
Wow Jack....That's Awesome...Congratulations!!!!!! Your picture is really great!!!! I like all of the snow and your snowman!!!! You are a great artist!!! Maybe you could draw me a picture that I could put up in my room at school!!!! Good Job Again on getting your award!!! What an accomplishment!!!! Keep up the good work!!! Love, Cousin Ellen
-- from Best Cousin Ellen
- on February 9, 2006
Jack congratulations on your award! Your artwork looks awesome, Im soo lucky to have a cousin that can draw as good as you! Keep up the good work!
-- from your favorite cousin, Allison
- on February 9, 2006
Jack- I am so proud of you! What a beautiful picture! You are such a great artist.
-- from Aunt Lacie
- on February 9, 2006
I love your snowmen and snowflakes. Love, Mommy
-- from Mommy
- on February 9, 2006
Jack, I am so proud of you! You did a great job on your picture!! Love, Auntie Megan
-- from Auntie Megan
- on February 8, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on February 8, 2006