Luciana257's Comments (65)

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Below are comments about Luciana257's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Looch...I LIKE IT!! A Picasso!
- G-Pa on November 16, 2022
I can only say “WOW” to this image! My new favorite. It’s off balance but balanced!
- Aunt Christine on November 16, 2022
Another great year of art work coming our way! Xx
- Oma on November 16, 2022
Excellent Looch! Good enough to eat!
- G-Pa on August 31, 2022
Luciana, this Burger of Life is my new all time favorite! Very interesting culmination of subject matter with a great title! Since I know you like to eat healthy I’m thinking it was a black bean burger! Love you, see you soon!
- Aunt Christine on August 31, 2022
Hi Luciana! This piece has very interesting design elements. It’s comes across symmetrical and 3D. Nice job!
- Aunt Christine on August 31, 2022
Hey Looch...Very interesting! I like it a lot!!
- G-Pa on August 31, 2022
Luciana, this is a very artful piece of work. I love black and white contrasts and I think if they were mobiles they would look exceptional spinning in space! xxxooo
- Oma on March 16, 2022
Luciana, to me this piece shows what a strong, confident 10 year old individual you have become! I love it and you! Happy Birthday, Aunt Christine
- Aunt Christine on March 16, 2022
I really like this one Looch! Like stained glass!
- G-pa on February 2, 2022
Hey Looch….I really like this! Circle, rectangle, square, cylinder & rectangle!
- G-Pa on January 6, 2022
I'm seeing a whale in the ocean...or a dog in a forest.. or...
- Oma xxxooo on January 6, 2022
Nice Art Folder cover! Hope you have fun filling it with your imagination!
- Oma xxxooo on January 6, 2022
Looks like you put a lot of effort into this artwork and it's one of my favorites!
- Oma xxxooo on January 6, 2022
Snowflakes just in time for winter! Or stars! Or ornaments! Really like this artwork.
- Oma xxxooo on January 6, 2022
Luciana, I really like this pumpkin! Can't decide whether to smile or not? XXX
- Oma on January 6, 2022
Nice job Luciana!...I like the shading of your pumpkin!
- G-pa on January 6, 2022
Hi Luciana. I find this picture very upbeat. I like the use of color and the intersecting lines. It seems like I’m looking at mountains and waves at the same time!
- Aunt Christine on January 6, 2022
This is certainly some awesome ponytail!! It looks like it has a life of its own. Wonder how the girl feels about walking with her hair flowing behind her. xxxooo Oma
- Oma on January 6, 2022
Luciana, I know how great you are at Math and it shows in this artwork. Neat! xxoo
- Oma on April 8, 2021
Wow another beautiful piece of artwork Luciana
- Aunt Lisa on April 8, 2021
LOVE the colors Luciana! I am all about rainbows too :-) xo
- Aunt Michele on April 8, 2021
- G-Pa on April 8, 2021
Luci this is beautiful. You are quite the artist
- Aunt Lisa on April 8, 2021
Hi Luciana! I just want to say that I love your latest work on symmetry! The center focal point grabbed my attention and then my eye went all around the perimeter. Loved the detail work!
- Aunt Christine on April 8, 2021
Lucy, I somehow missed this piece. I like the symmetry. Feels very calm. xxxooo
- Oma on April 8, 2021
Yay, Lucy! I've been waiting for a new piece! I love even and matching things, so I especially like this piece. Reminds me of an ancient symbol. Very mathematical! xxxooo
- Oma on April 8, 2021
This is just too much Luciana!! The reflection of the tree and the dark green and light green field is fantastic!!
- G-Pa on December 13, 2020
Excellent work Luciana!!
- G-Pa on December 13, 2020
Whoa this is fantastic Luciana!!
- G-Pa on December 13, 2020
Luciana, I think you have captured Paul Klee's style and made it your own! I've seen some of his paintings and drawings at museums in Europe and liked them very much. One of his fun paintings, "Fish Magic" is in the Philadelphia Museum of Art. I think you would like it. XXXOOO
- Oma on December 13, 2020
So, you studied some work by Henri Matisse! I like the way you used color and positioned your shapes. You also may like his early work. My favorite is Landscape of Collioure, France. It is a small fishing village in southern France on the Mediterranean sea. You can see his other works at the library or on line. Love, Oma
- Oma on April 22, 2020
Very cool snowman Luci, but I am curious as to what he or she is carrying? A bucket to collect snow? A gift for a snow friend? ;-) Great job!
- Aunt Michele on January 8, 2020
Happy winter snow girl! I love the earmuffs and the necklace is a nice touch. The eyes make her look happy and mysterious. I will add this to my collection of your artwork and send a postcard to Grandma Glo. Love, Oma
- Oma on January 1, 2020
Good work Luber. Your snowman is a little scary looking.
- Aunt Sally on January 1, 2020
- G-Pa on January 1, 2020
Your Fall artwork is one of your best! One of my favorite books is In November and your illustration would fit right in the story. I'll bring it when I come.
- Love, Oma on November 13, 2019
This, I love! There is a very famous artist named Georgia O'Keefe who lived out West. She painted beautiful flowers, like this one. You can see her work in books at the library or maybe online. Let me know how you like her work. Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on June 19, 2019
I feel that I'm looking through a porthole on an undersea ship! Your details are terrific and your mermaid looks so happy, like you do in the water. When I look at this art I start singing "Under the Sea"! Love, Oma I'm sending a postcard to Grandma Glo
-- Oma
- on June 19, 2019
This is a wonderful mermaid picture. I love your creativity! Aunt Laura
-- Laura
- on May 25, 2019
Luci, your newest art work Under th Ocean is fantastic. The mermaid, fish, bubbles even the creatures on the bottom of the ocean are all there. I like how you have the mermaid’s hair flowing back because of the water. You did terrific job. I love you Nonny
-- Nonny
- on May 25, 2019
Hi Lucy! I really wish the bridge builders would design some as colorful and intricate as yours. They would be very interesting to drive over! Maybe someday you will be a bridge builder! Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on April 10, 2019
What a beautiful city you made. The buildings are so interesting and different. I wish I could take your hand and walk through the city with you. You could tell me all about the buildings You did a wonderful piece of artwork Luci . love, nonny
-- Nonny
- on April 10, 2019
I find this artwork very, very interesting Luci. I want to know more about this. How you placed all the shapes is really amazing. Great job again Love Nonny
-- Nonny
- on March 13, 2019
Lucianna, I love the beautiful colors you chose in this artwork. I have fun looking at all the different shapes you made too. This is very good. Great job Luci Love Nonny
-- Nonny
- on March 13, 2019
Everyone looks as though they are having fun in the snow! My favorite part is the snow coming out of a blue sky through the trees.
-- Love, Oma
- on February 9, 2019
Luci your gingerbread house looks good enough to eat with those two big candy canes. Great job. Love you Nonnya
-- Nonny
- on January 18, 2019
All your artwork is wonderful and the gingerbread house is no exception. Just perfect! Love it.
-- Laura
- on January 4, 2019
Love it! Especially the candy canes and snowflakes. Looks like a comfy, yummy gingerbread house for Christmas! Love xxx
-- Oma
- on December 12, 2018
Dear Luciana, If I ever visit a pumpkin patch at night, I hope it looks like yours! Your artwork says you really enjoy Art class and you are getting quite good! Love, Oma
-- Oma
- on December 12, 2018
Luciana you keep surprising me with each new artwork. I don’t know how you imagine these and then actually make them so we can see them. I love the gentley falling leaves in this latest one. Keep up the good work and I am anxious to see your next piece
-- Nonny
- on December 12, 2018
Dear Luciana, I love your Halloween artwork! I especially like the four different expressions on the pumpkin faces. I am sending a post card from you to Grandma Glo because I know she will love getting a picture from her great-granddaughter artist! XXX
-- Oma
- on October 12, 2018
I really love this Halloween art work you did . The look on the faces of the pumpkins are great. You did a wonderful job Luciana Love Nonny
-- Nonny
- on October 12, 2018
Hi Luci, Now this fun painting reminds me of a plate full of colorful cookies. If I could eat one I would choose the yellow one. I like your name on the middle one Love Nonny Love Ll
-- Nonny
- on July 11, 2018
Hi Luci, I love this one with the squille lines. You made them pop out with your perfect colors You are always surprising me Love Nonny
-- Nonny
- on May 30, 2018
Dear Lucy, Your self portrait is wonderful! I especially like how you are dressed to play with Bella and she comes when you call her! The bow in your hair is a nice detail. Gpa loves it.
-- Love, Oma
- on May 16, 2018
This is another special painting. I love the design on the vase and all the different flowers you put into the vase. Great job!
-- Nonny
- on April 12, 2018
Hi Luciana, I love your newest art work. The colors are beautiful . You put such nice details in your paintings which makes them very interesting Keep up the good work Love you Nonny
-- Nonny
- on April 12, 2018
I went to the Dali museum and your artwork is WAY better than his!
-- Love, Oma
- on March 7, 2018
This is a wonderful drawing of a very happy turtle!
-- Love, Oma
- on April 12, 2018
Dear Luciana, I especially like your new artwork. The colors and different designs in each square make it so interesting. It took concentration and much time to complete this piece of art. Congratulations on doing a great job Love you Nonny
-- Nonny
- on January 31, 2018
Dear Luciana, I love your newest artwork with all the different designs in each square. There is so much to look at and it makes it very interesting You did a great job Love Nonny
-- Nonny
- on January 31, 2018
Dear Luciana, I LOVE your big smile, blue eyes, rosy cheeks and heart dress!
-- Oma
- on January 24, 2018
BOO to you! Love your ghosts!
-- Oma and Gpa
- on November 1, 2017
I LOVE this Fall Picture!
-- Oma
- on October 8, 2017