This one is sooo cool. I love the faces on the pink and yellow ones. Love, Gram
- Pat on April 1, 2020
Olivia, this is my favorite so far! Love, Gram
- Pat on April 1, 2020
Now, this one is my favorite. I'd love to print and frame this one. Love, Gram
- Pat on April 1, 2020
Olivia, I love this owl! You are making art treasures. Thank you for sharing with me and grandpa. Love you, Gram
- Pat on April 1, 2020
I love your picture of a dog causing trouble in the city! Good drawing and very imaginative! Keep it up because I want to see more. Love you! -- Bill
- on February 13, 2019
These are beautiful! Keep up the good work my little artist! -- Dad
- on April 18, 2018
I loved your picture of trees! They are so pretty. I like the orange one the best! I enjoy seeing your drawings and can’t wait to see your next one. Love you. Signed Grandpa -- Bill