This is absolutely beautiful, Cayden! You are a real artist!!
- Gerri on December 17, 2024
Hi CJ!! I absolutely LOOOOOVE this recent artwork piece! It’s so detailed and abstract! I super love you too!!! Love, Mom
- Mandy (Mother) on April 25, 2022
This is my favorite because it’s a picture of you!!! You did a great job. It makes me so happy to see your art. I love you!!! Mimi XO
- Gerri on October 30, 2019
I love the colors you chose. You are continuing to grow as an artist. I’m so happy you share your artwork. Love you! Mimi XO
- Gerri on October 30, 2019
This has got to be one of my favorites! I love looking at a self portrait that you did! I love that you added a spider and I think you are better than those artists at Six Flags that draw people! You are incredible! Great work!!
- Mandy (Mother) on October 21, 2019
I am sooooo amazed by you Ceej!! You are an incredible artist! I love looking at and enjoying your artwork. Such detail and creativity. I love your art and I love you! -Mommy
- Mandy (Mother) on October 21, 2019
Cool picture! Nice work with the watercolors. I love it! (Which is why its hanging in our house??)
- Chad (Father) on October 17, 2019
What an amazing drawing! I love the colors you chose and the different expression on each side. You are a talented artist Cayden! I love you! Auntie Megan
- Megan on October 30, 2019
Love this portrait of you! You captured your handsome hair and eyes! I also love your name written on it! You’re a wonderful artist! Love, Aunt Megan
- on October 2, 2019
Wow! You are such an impressive artist! You use great details like in the hair and eyes to add texture and make it so interesting. I like the spiderman outfit too. Great work!
- Chad (Father) on September 26, 2019
Great work CJ! Your polar bear is looks so cute and happy. -- Chad
- on March 1, 2019
Really great work, CJ! I love your colors and detail! -- Chad
- on November 27, 2018
Live your fall tree! You are such a good the artist! XO -- Mimi
- on November 7, 2018
Beautiful fall leaf! You chose the perfect colors. -- Mimi
- on November 7, 2018
I love, love, love this tree!! CJ! You are truly a wonderful, talented artist! I am soooo proud of you! You are a wonderful boy, a really incredible son and I love everything about you!! Your art is remarkable! -- Mandy
- on November 6, 2018
Great tree! You are an incredible artist Cayden! -- Mandy
- on November 15, 2017
Great artwork Cayden! I love all the different colors you used in your leaf! You are a great artist! -- Mandy