Wow! That is good! I thought Horton hearing a "Who" meant he heard an owl.... I heard an owl yesterday, going Who? Who? Spring is almost here here, do you hear? :-) Flowers are coming out. But, we also have snow on the big mountains!
- GrandpaG on April 15, 2020
Firstly, it's a great pic of owls and the moon. I was just out at the bird place here and was taking pictures of owls. Interesting coincidence!!! Even more interesting is that I got home the other night and there was a big owl in the neighbors tree! Who! Who! is what it said..... Maybe i'll send you an owl pic later. (What is that white stuff? It has been hot here :-)
- az granddad on April 15, 2020
Oh, I like the stained glass heart. You did a great job on this art project.
- Mama on April 15, 2020
You are really getting good!! Another artist I had to look up - did you know his name was originally Pieter? I think it was Dutch for Peter. Happy valentines - love you all!!!
- g in arizona on April 15, 2020
Wow! That looks like an original by Paul Klee!! I am learning about all sorts of new artists because of you. Thanks for being my teacher. Don't forget your Mom's b-day :-)
- g in arizona on April 15, 2020
Looks like a great cup of hot chocolate. And it's hot, look at that steam..
- Mama on April 15, 2020
Good work! I didn't even know what Heather Galler art was like.... Thanks for teaching me :-) Hope you are staying warm - it is pretty nice in Arizona. Take care, and take care of your baby brother!
- arizonag on April 15, 2020
Looks like the Nutcracker! That must mean Xmas is getting close! Better be good - Santa is watching..... Hope you and the family have a great Christmas :-)
- az grandpa on December 30, 2019
When did Santa start wearing purple? He sure looks handsome.
- Mama on December 30, 2019
Ho! Ho! Ho! Looks like Santa is ready to bring presents..... Better be a good girl and help your Mommy get ready. We have snow on the mountains here - looks like xmas here too! Hope Santa is good to you ;-)
- az grandpa on December 5, 2019
That is very interesting. I do not think that I ever made one of those. But, I remember a placemat from a Mariah artwork :-) Happy Turkey day to you and your mom and your brother and your dad!
- az grandpa on December 5, 2019
Oooh that is a real spooky forest. Good job.
- Mama on November 6, 2019
BOO!!!! Did I scare you? A happy ghost in a spooky forest - just the perfect thing for Halloween. Have a happy Halloween - I hope you like the little things I sent. Tell Royce Hi too!
- az grandpa on November 6, 2019
Wow! (That's "mom" if you look at it upside down :-) At first I thought it was an animal on a fence, but then I looked at the larger picture and saw that the animal was a balloon. They really do make hot air balloons in all sorts of shapes. Well done! Ask your WOW MOM about the balloons that she has seen.
- az grandpa on October 29, 2019
Love the mix of colors.
- Mama on October 29, 2019
I like it! And, citrus is good for you. Green and orange are two of my favorite colors too. Take care, have fun in school, and help your little brother :-) There is a Halloween surprise coming soon from arizona......
- az grandpa on October 29, 2019
Fire breathing dragons and castles - that is kind of neat! I bet your mom likes it too...... I am staying in a place that has pyramids on top - I feel like I am in Egypt! Take care and take care of your baby brother :-)
- az grandpa on October 9, 2019
Hmmm, Matisse had some strange art, but I like yours better!! Bit of rain here - love it! - but otherwise just working on the house. Hope you like school and are learning a lot......
- on September 18, 2019
Wonderful job. I love to look at your artwork.
- on September 18, 2019
Wow! That's as tall as a mountain...... Did you like the carvings on the mountains? Always remember to take your water and whistle and cell phone and tp!!! Hope you are enjoying school....... -- az grandpa
- on September 18, 2019
Hey, I know that face.... It's Princess Mariah!! i'll have to send you some of my art so you can comment on it - but, be nice :-) -- az - grandpa
- on July 17, 2019
Wow! A really good bunny and all those eggs :-) Do you remember having Easter in Arizona with all the eggs? Wish you were here this year - miss you guys.... But, do bunnies really have eggs? Something to think about...... Hope you get to eat a chocolate bunny - have one for me! -- az-grandpa
- on July 17, 2019
One of my favorites! I love the spring when many of the flowers bloom..... Maybe you can teach your little brother how to make art when he gets older? Love from Arizona! -- az-grandpa
- on July 17, 2019
Awesome! You are really getting good :-) Does this have something to do with "hat" day in school? I liked your hat outfit. Well, hope it warms up soon. Spring is on the way! -- azgrandpa
- on July 17, 2019
I heart you too!!!! Last night I was looking at your mommy's art from a long, long time ago :-) I also found some pic's of your mom when she was about your age - bet you would think they were funny!!! You are both great! Luv you both! It is snowing again - 3 times in the last week! -- GrandpaG
- on July 17, 2019
You do such good artwork. I am proud of you. -- Mama
- on July 17, 2019
Oh, goldilocks better be careful around those bears!!! I haven't seen any bears lately, just a lot of big cranes (birds). Hope you are enjoying winter! Hope you are starting to enjoy your little brother! -- az grandpa
- on July 17, 2019
Wow! Seems like I say "wow" a lot :-) I've never seen a snowflake/sunflake..... Even in Arizona, we have been having snowflakes. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm, so I may go see the birds then. Hope you are enjoying school and the snow..... -- GrandpaG
- on July 17, 2019
There were so many new ones! I don't know where to start! I loved all of them. Your art is getting better every time. Keep up the good work. Love Mama M. -- Mama
- on July 17, 2019
Hey, that is a great train!!! Reminds me of the toy train that I got when I was about your age...... Hope the polar express stops by your house and drops off lots of presents from Santa!!! Merry Xmas!!! -- G - Arizona
- on December 15, 2018
The Grinch? The Grinch who stole Xmas? I don't like the Grinch - I like Santa :-) Good picture of the Grinch though...... -- G - Arizona
- on December 15, 2018
Never heard of a fork painted tree - you will have to tell me about it sometime. I think someone is thinking of Xmas :-) Santa will be coming pretty soon after Thanksgiving! Are you ready? Have you been a good girl? -- GrandpaG
- on December 15, 2018
Hey, that looks like the perfect placemat to use for turkey day (Thanksgiving)!!! Do you remember the special placemats I had in Arizona? Hope you all have a great t-day! Say "Hi" to Royce for me...... -- GrandpaG
- on December 15, 2018
Hey, I'd almost lick that!! A good example of what Thiebaud would do - did you know that Wayne was born in Arizona? A lot of good people are from Arizona, like your Mommy! -- g in arizona
- on December 15, 2018
Picasso would be impressed. -- Mama
- on October 31, 2018
Great job Mariah! You're a little Picasso taking after your Aunt Krista :) -- Nicole
- on October 31, 2018
Wow! That is better than a Picasso! It almost looks like there is a face on the left side looking right, maybe a face on the right, and one overall face looking straight out. How spooky is that??? PS Trick or Treat! Hope you have your Halloween flashlight ready to go :-) -- GrandpaG
- on October 31, 2018
Say, you know what? That looks like a 3d owl, just like the ones I took pic's of! I am in Texas - I saw a roadrunner and a horned toad and pieces of a crashed spy plane!!! I think I will go back to Arizona. Hope you are enjoying school, and I hope you are enjoying your new baby brother! Tell Royce I said Hi...... -- GrandpaG
- on October 31, 2018
Whooo is that. Good job. -- Mama
- on October 31, 2018
Ooh! Do you think that will scare the crows away. Get them out of my garden. -- Mama
- on October 31, 2018
If I were a crow, I would be scared!!! See what I did there? I am in New Mexico! I saw the white sands yesterday. Today, I can look out the door and see the black lava fields. I got you some rocks from here on the last trip - wish you could be here! I am in Carrizozo - what a funny name! Maybe you can look at it on Google Maps? I got your baby brother a stuffed camel yesterday - do you think he will like it? That's all for now! -- GrandpaG
- on October 31, 2018
I always enjoy your art. Wonderful!!! -- Mama
- on October 31, 2018
Wow! Just like weaving cloth to make clothes or weaving straw baskets or hats! Hope you are having fun and learning a lot in school.... Maybe you can help your baby brother to learn things as he grows up! Bye from Arizona! -- GrandpaG
- on October 31, 2018
I like apple pie . -- Awepaw. That's a great apple. When will you make me an apple pie.
- on October 31, 2018
Great shark. It looks scary. -- Mama
- on September 8, 2018
I was scared at first, but then I noticed it had a kind of happy smile...... I HOPE that is a smile, otherwise WATCH OUT!!!!!!! I'm glad you are back posting your art - I was beginning to miss it..... -- g - arizona
- on September 8, 2018
That is a nice inchworm, but I like the flower also! I took pic's of flowers and butterflies and birds and water bugs today ... but I didn't see any inchworms except for yours. Keep up the great work!!! -- g-arizona
- on June 7, 2018
Your art gets better every time. Love ya. -- Mama
- on June 7, 2018
Yep that's my pretty girl. Ponytails and all. -- Mama
- on June 7, 2018
WoW! That looks like my favorite granddaughter!!!! I miss you, but hope to see you soon! -- G - Arizona
- on June 7, 2018
What a pretty, happy, Xmas house! I wish I lived there! That is a happy, fun robot too. Does it have a name? G has a robot that will light up and walk when you talk to it. Wish I had a robot to cook and wash the clothes and dishes and pull weeds and.... :-) -- g-arizona
- on June 7, 2018
April showers bring May flowers! I love the rain and thunderstorms and lightning. Hope you have a lot of pretty flowers - we are starting to get some flowers here in Arizona, but it is still awfully brown here :-( There are a lot of pretty rose blossoms out front though. Thanks again for sharing your art! -- G - Arizona
- on June 7, 2018
Yikes! Looks like Mamas hair in the morning. -- Mama
- on April 10, 2018
that is some CRAZY hair!!!! a bad case of bed hair if I've ever seen any..... -- G - Arizona
- on April 10, 2018
A beautiful white bunny. Keep up the fantastic work. See you soon. Mama loves you -- Mama
- on April 10, 2018
that is cute, but I bet you know that bunnies do not actually lay eggs. I miss our easter egg hunt - wish you were here for easter fun, but hope you have fun back in Kansas too! -- G - Arizona
- on April 10, 2018
Does this have to do with March roaring in like a lion and leaving like a lamb? Is that because it is windy in March? It has been windy here too, but I still like to go see the birds..... I hope I do not run into any big lions like this!!! -- g - arizona
- on March 14, 2018
Beautiful lion. Good work. -- Mama
- on March 14, 2018
Those look too good to eat!!! One fish, two fish, 3 fish, a dollar; All for MM's art stand up and holler!!!! -- g - arizona
- on March 7, 2018
Mariah, It looks like you are catching fish and not Awpaw. Good job. Mama -- Mama
- on March 7, 2018
A blue pigeon? My neighbors have some but they are mostly gray and just poop all over :-( I put some bread out but none of the birds seem to want it. Maybe birds like cookies better? You make a lot of bird pictures - grandpa g takes a lot of bird pictures with his camera. I might go take some bird pic's tomorrow - today it is cloudy and rainy, but I love the rain :-) -- g - arizona
- on February 21, 2018
A Big Blue Pigeon. How cute. Mama loves looking at your art. -- Mama
- on February 21, 2018
Beautiful purple peacock! Did you know that your Great Grandmother Tarrant had a peacock a long time ago. It was pretty when it spread its feathers. Mama -- Mama
- on February 21, 2018
I really like the peacock valentine!!! Happy Valentines to you! Love you a bunch! -- G - Arizona
- on February 21, 2018
Oh, that is a scary monster!!!! But, it looks like it has a loving heart, that is even pink! -- G - Arizona
- on January 31, 2018
What a surprise!! It is still warm in Arizona, so I was not even thinking of polar bears! I guess polar bears fit right in with your weather :-) Stay warm and hope you do not get sick! -- G in arizona
- on January 23, 2018
Mariah, You grow fat cardinals. I love it and I love you. Mama -- Mama
- on January 23, 2018
Hey MM! That looks a lot like the red and black bird I took a picture of! Only my bird was sitting in the warm sunshine and only looking at the snow on the mountains. Right now we are getting some rain, but it is snowing on the tops of the mountains! I am glad I live in Arizona :-) -- G in arizona
- on January 23, 2018
What a pretty flower - it looks like an Xmas flower. Merry Xmas! Hope Santa brings you lots of good presents!!! -- G - from Arizona
- on January 9, 2018
That's a pretty flower. Will you make me one of those. -- Awpaw
- on January 9, 2018
Very Pretty. My favorite flower. -- Great grandma
- on January 9, 2018
Looks like Rudolf is getting ready to help Santa deliver toys! Christmas is getting close - you better be a good girl :-) -- G - Arizona
- on December 5, 2017
I love looking at your new artwork. -- Mama
- on December 5, 2017
Wow, a turkey and now a tipi - must be getting really close to T-day! Looks like a warm shelter - grandpa G is thinking of turning his furnace on for the winter! You are getting better and better! Have a Happy Turkey Day! -- G - in Arizona
- on December 5, 2017
Wow. What a pretty turkey. Too pretty to eat. -- Mama
- on November 19, 2017
You are getting better! This must mean that Turkey-Day is getting close. Mmmmmm, makes me hungry for turkey. But not for my turkey friends in the mountains :-) Have a Happy Turkey Day!!! -- G - in Arizona
- on November 19, 2017
Wow, fall already! That is really pretty. In this part of Arizona the trees are only turning yellow. Later they will have red and orange like your pretty tree. Will it be time for a turkey picture next? -- G - from Arizona
- on November 19, 2017
Wow fantastic. Wish I was that good at my art. Mama loves seeing your art, keep on sending them. -- Mama
- on November 19, 2017
Very pretty. Awepaw likes it -- Awpaw
- on November 19, 2017
Look out!!! I hope nibbles doesn't nibble on my books! Did you see my picture of the squirrel with an acorn? -- G - from arizona
- on November 8, 2017
Wow. Great artwork. You are getting better everyday. Keep it up. -- Mama.
- on October 25, 2017
BOO! This one is kind of spooky.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! -- G - from arizona
- on October 25, 2017
This a very good pumpkin. Looks like your getting ready for Thanksgiving. Love you Awepaw -- Awpaw roger
- on October 16, 2017
I love this pumpkin! -- G Grandma
- on October 16, 2017
Beautiful. You do great artwork. Maybe you will be a famous artist some day. Love Mama -- Mama
- on October 16, 2017
Wow Mariah, you are a prolific little artista!!! Orange is one of my favorite colors too. Are you ready for Halloween??? -- G - arizona
- on October 16, 2017
Hey Mariah, I like this one much better than the other one!!!! This one also has something that looks like the eclipse. I still think Santa will bring you something about the eclipse - I just have a feeling about it :-) And, it still reminds me of Halloween - have fun on trick 'r treat day!! -- G - from AZ
- on October 16, 2017
These are good! Better than I could do! We have ladybugs here in Arizona - sometimes lots of them. it is hard to get pic's of them tho, but I'm going to keep trying and maybe i'll send you some one of these days. -- G - from AZ
- on October 16, 2017
Good job!! I just love your three mice. -- Great Grandma
- on October 6, 2017
A 3 mouse family - just like yours.... Hope this is your artwork! Keep up the good work! Looks kind of like my computer mouse. Grandma G lost her mouse pad - do these mice have a pad? -- G from Arizona
- on October 6, 2017
I like your orange pizza. Nice job. Keep up the good work. -- G - GrandmaA
- on October 6, 2017
Mmmm good looking pizza. Love Mama -- Mama
- on September 24, 2017
Wow! I like it - I like orange, and black, and yellow! One of them looks like a partial eclipse - remember that? I think Santa might bring you something about the eclipse, but don't tell him I told you :-) It also reminds me of Halloween - are you ready for Trick 'r Treat??? -- G - by the rules i can't use my name
- on September 24, 2017
Mariah your artwork is very good mama's awepaw love it. Do some more so we can see it. -- Awpaw roger
- on September 18, 2017
love it. good job. -- g - grandma a
- on September 12, 2017
Reminds me of the bear I saw in the mountains! This looks like a nice, friendly bear - give it a "bear" hug for me :-) -- G
- on September 12, 2017
Hi Mariah! This is from G in Arizona. The computer crashed during the first comment so maybe you won't get it - don't you just love computers? ;-) I really liked the puppy and bear and picture of your family. I even saved the pictures on my computer, just like I used to do with your mother's artwork. Ask your mom to look at hers :-) Thank you for posting your art - I really enjoyed it!!! It is sunny here in Arizona just like in your picture. And, I have two new baby lizards on the back door! Maybe i'll send you some more pic's soon.... -- G
- on September 12, 2017
Reminds me of the book "Put Me In the Zoo" by Robert Lopshire. Love the spots Mariah! -- Laura