Dylan27417's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Dylan27417's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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And this is the one that made me cry. . . the one that captured my heart as much as my attention. This one revived a memory that was very dear to me. . . bittersweet. It touched my heart because I never know what you do and don't remember from your early years. Thank you for this one. Thank you for making it known to me that you DO remember. I'm making this one into a necklace. Love this piece. . . and you. <3
-- Grandma
- on June 9, 2019
Wow! I see it now, the circuit boards in the repeating pattern. I didn't see it at first. Interesting! And I like the stark contrast of the mondala being soft against a background that's crisp! Does that make sense to you!? I also love that both have depth to them. Good work, Grandson!
-- Grandma
- on June 9, 2019
I know you aren't fond of this piece. . . but I do like it. Sometimes there's a beauty in the simplicity, as it was in this work. It was a good color choice as well. . . very serene, fresh. You will always judge your work differently than the rest of us, and that's okay. Just remember though that art affects each of us in a very individual way, and that YOUR assessment isn't the only one that counts! I'm proud of your love of art. I'm proud of you.
-- Grandma
- on June 9, 2019
Another design perfect for my collection! I truly hope you continue with your art ~ you have a gift ?
-- Grandma
- on June 9, 2019
This is the first time I'm seeing this one! Love it! This will make a fabulous necklace for me! I'm going to hire you as my personal designer! ??
-- Grandma
- on June 9, 2019
Dylan ~ this is one I'm absolutely going to have! It's fun and visually esthetic. Well done! Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma
- on June 9, 2019
This one reminds me of a Warhol as well. . . I'd love to ask you what you think of YOURSELF as a blonde. This is a fun one because you had to be brave to go out on a limb with your appearance. Good work, Dylan!
-- Grandma
- on April 17, 2019
Wow! I really love this one! And it quite possibly be my favorite! But with Andy Warhol being a local success story and one of my contemporaries, this piece spoke to me in a really big way. Well done, Grandson!! I need to start collecting your work :)
-- Grandma
- on April 17, 2019
Each time I look at this piece, I keep wanting to title it "Bubbles" for all the obvious reasons. If that causes you to be puzzled, we'll discuss the matter at your leisure. Great job!
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
I love how your mind works! Had my teacher instructed me to do "Flying Animals", I'd have done an animal that DOES fly. . . but YOU. . . you always think outside the box, and it left me smiling. Well done, Dylan! Keep up the good work!
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
Once again, I was delighted to see another of your artistic offerings. . . just as I look forward to more of your work! I'd like to hear more about this piece! Proud of you, Dylan
-- Grandma
- on February 6, 2019
Wow! I'd like to hear more about what inspired you. . . other than it was what you "had to do". I love the depth and dimension in this one. Good work! As always, I'm proud to be your Grandma.
-- Grandma
- on November 1, 2017
I remember you doing this! I'm glad you have this outlet for your craft and for your creativity. With each piece of artwork you submit, it only makes me more excited for "What's next!?" :D Very proud of you, Dylan <3
-- Grandma
- on September 27, 2017
Dylan ~ I was delighted with your finished work. . . especially since I got to preview your art beforehand. I was most impressed with the depth created by the light and shadowy areas. Well done ~ proud of you! Keep up the good work!
-- Deb (Grandma)
- on September 27, 2017