Elise3016's Comments (104)

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Below are comments about Elise3016's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really love your self portrait, Elise You’ve got the Facial features in good proportion. Your eyes are the best part of your beautiful face. On the other half I get to see what you like. Movies music, and animals make you happy. I think the green and gold is Packer cheese!
- Grandmouse Mary on February 6, 2025
Elise, Grandpa and I love the colored balls you made to hang on the Christmas tree branches. The details especially on the pine needles and the top of the balls. Such bright beautiful colors. You have an artists eye when you make your pictures. Love you, Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on February 6, 2025
Dear Elise, I love the softness of the color of the ornaments hanging on the branches. It’s special how they’ve got the light hitting from one side. It makes them look so real. Love you, Grandmouse
- Grandmouse on February 6, 2025
Elise, I am with your cousins and they wanted you to know these comments: Vivie says she loves it and it’s so cool and it looks like a real pumpkin pie slice. Charlotte says it looks too good to be true!! We love your artwork
- Grandmouse on February 6, 2025
Elise, Grandpa and I love the picture of the pumpkin pie you did. It looks like you used the blue plate from home. It is so yummy looking and you even put some whipped cream on the top. Happy Thanksgiving. Gobble, gobble
- Carol on February 6, 2025
Wow Elise, we see that Gustav likes to sit and the fence and keep watch over the pumpkin patch. What a variety of pumpkin shapes. Love the shading on them. They look so real. It’s a perfect picture for October. Love, Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on February 6, 2025
Hi Elise, Grandpa and I love the shape and different colors you used in the fall leaf. Especially with the different designs in each section. Keep up the great artwork! Love you..Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on February 6, 2025
love the black kitty and the pumpkins! Nice job Elise!!
- Uncle Kyle on February 6, 2025
Hi Elise, So the Sharpie explodes and look at the cool design it creates! I like the blue area with scallops and the green area too. Have fun creating this year
- Grandmouse on February 6, 2025
What great perspective shapes you drew and all the variations of the colors. Grandpa and I love it. It looks like they are traveling directly to us! Love Grandma and Grandpa
- Carol on February 6, 2025
cool shoe design Elise!
- Uncle Kyle on August 7, 2024
Elise, What an excellent drawing of the Nike shoe. We love the colorful triangles in the background and the way they blend together. So many details on the shoe itself. Great picture. Love, Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on August 7, 2024
Hi Elise, I like how your tennis shoe is highlighted with all the triangles of color. You have done a really colorful job.
- Grandmouse on August 7, 2024
Yummy! The ice cream cones looks good, especially the mint one with the cherry on it. We like how you created a shadow of each one. Oops the 3rd one tipped over!! What great detail. Keep drawing and painting.??Love Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on May 1, 2024
Hi Elise, Did you make a yummy caramel apple? It looks like a candy coating that I’ve never seen before with all the striping. I love the brilliance of the Apple. Great work Sweetie!
- Grandmouse on May 1, 2024
Elise, What an interesting weaving. It kind of looks like it could be a decorative fountain. I’m waiting for the water to spout out. Also we like the pretty color’s that blend so well together. Love it!!!!
- Carol on May 1, 2024
We love the picture of the playful dolphin. Keep watching and he might jump some more!!
- Carol on May 1, 2024
Look at the scrumptious candy covered apple. Yummy in our tummies. Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on May 1, 2024
Hi Elise, We like your checkered artwork and the way it changes through the magnifier. Keep up the great work. Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on May 1, 2024
Hi Elise, I see you got to work with yarn. I like how the color of yarn in the center coordinates with the colors further out. I hope this was a fun project. Love,
- Grandmouse on May 1, 2024
Dear Elise, I love your leaping dolphin! The splash in the water is really great. It makes me want to see a dolphin right now in person. Would you like to see one too? Love,
- Grandmouse on May 1, 2024
Hi Elise, You took a favorite color of your mom’s and made a checkerboard design with circles and triangles highlighting it. Nice work honey! Love, Grandmouse
- Grandmouse on May 1, 2024
Your peppermint sticks look 3-D Elise! The line of reflection you put on each one makes them look curved and rounded. You’ve got some yummy candy there. Grandmouse
- Grandmouse on May 1, 2024
El Tree, star on top, letting everybody know this is a special tree. A smile to my face. Love, Grandmouse
- Grandmouse on May 1, 2024
Elise, We love the two candy canes facing each other like a heart. So creative and the colors used are beautiful. What a great representation for Christmas. Love Grandpa and Grandma.
- Carol on May 1, 2024
Yummy, yummy in the tummy. Those are Kali’s favorite kind of candy bar. Great work sweetie.
- Carol on May 1, 2024
Hi Elise, I love your beautiful perfect October setting Sun. It sets the mood for the dark shadows in the front of the picture. I’m glad to see the good work.
- Grandmouse on November 29, 2023
What a cool clay pot. Hmm, your favorite color of course! We love the turquoise interior and stars around the outside. Great piece of art. Love, grandpa and grandma
- Carol on November 29, 2023
What a beautiful watercolor. We love the detail on the vase and flowers. You are so talented. We would really like to have fresh flowers that look just like those in your picture. Love, Grandpa & Grandma
- Carol on November 29, 2023
Dear Elise, I really love your vase with flowers. The flowers are arranged symmetrically! That is very cool. The vase looks like famous delft pottery. I hope you enjoyed the project
- Grandmouse on November 29, 2023
Hi Elise, I’m so glad you got to have a pinch pot made. I like the colors you chose. The blue star is really set it off. I love your artwork
- Grandmouse on November 29, 2023
Hello Elise., I love your torn paper collage. I see a tree by a river and it may be the Red River at our cabin? It perhaps is a snowy day in your picture. Keep up the good work!
- Grandmouse on November 29, 2023
Dear Elise., I love all the fish in your tank. My favorite is the orange and white one. There’s even a castle for them to swim through. You’ve done a great job. Love, Grandmouse
- Grandmouse on November 29, 2023
Elise, Grandpa and I love how you wrote the word LOVE in 3D. Also the use of designs and colors make each letter stand out especially with the background colors. Keep up the great artwork. We love to look at them all.
- Carol on November 29, 2023
Elise, Grandpa and I really like your fish tank. What detail you used on the fish, turtle, shell, plant and castle.! It looks so real. The castle for the fish to live in is your favorite color.Have fun creating more pieces of art. Love you.
- Carol on November 29, 2023
Dearest Elise, My little sweetheart has spelled out the word love in such pretty colors! You made a smile come across my face in a special way. I’m glad you are enjoying art class!
- Grandmouse on March 8, 2023
What a beautiful snowflake. You must have been studying one that came down, maybe on your hand. Or is this a jewel. It’s beautiful!
- Carol on March 8, 2023
Hmmm, that looks like a very yummy donut. Maybe cherry flavored frosting? Love the turquoise swirls on the top. Yum yum
- Carol on March 8, 2023
Hi Elise, What a sparkly snowflake I am looking at. Was it fun to create this snowflake? I love all the sparkles.
- Grandmouse on March 8, 2023
Dear Elise, Did you make Grandmouse a cherry donut?? With blue sprinkles?? Oh it looks so good that I could eat it. I hope you had fun with this creation.
- Grandmouse on March 8, 2023
cool "sugar skull" Elise! I like its rainbow chin :-)
- Uncle Kyle on March 8, 2023
Love these cardinals Elise! And I like the fir branches, very cool!
- Uncle Kyle on March 8, 2023
We love the bright colored lights. We really like the details of how you even put the element in the bulb. Great work!
- Carol on March 8, 2023
Dear Elise., I loved seeing this artwork displayed on your bedroom door. I like the multicolored lights and the glow coming from each bulb. You did a great job!
- Grandmouse on March 8, 2023
We love this Christmas. I just noticed it the other day but wanted to let you know how great it looks. The colors & lights around it all plugged in and lit! The star and tree are perfectly shaped. Great work!
- Carol on March 8, 2023
Dear Elise, You know how we always talk about Cardinals being a loved one giving us a message. I think your Cardinals are beautiful. What I really like is the fir tree branch that they’re sitting on. Those look exactly like the needles on a balsam tree. You did a great job Sweetie!
- Grandmouse on March 8, 2023
Wow what a great use of color for this winter scene. I see the Christmas. it is so colorful and I love the sun on the horizon. Love it.
- Carol on March 8, 2023
We absolutely love this picture of the cardinals. What great detail and precise lines. The cardinals look so real. This is one of my favorite pictures you have done! Keep up the great work.
- Carol on March 8, 2023
Dear Elise., Those five pumpkins are all lined up in order and ready for families to take them home. I love the pattern grass they’re sitting on. The moon is bright and cheerful and reminds me of the lunar eclipse we’re going to have this month. Keep up the good work!
- Grandmouse on March 8, 2023
Wow I think Pepper was chasing a bird and is now looking at you. Where did it go. What a pretty pink tulip and bright sun in the summer sky. Looks like fun.
- Carol on November 3, 2022
We like the red house and of course that is your favorite color. Lots of windows to let in the bright sunshine. Especially the arched window. The sun is certainly bright in the sky today in your picture.we see the bird flying up above and the road going past the house. Good work.
- Carol on November 3, 2022
We love how real the pumpkins look. The moon is nice and bright with a few clouds passing over it. We love the different patterns used for the grass. Great picture. Perfect for fall. Keep up the good work.
- Carol on November 3, 2022
Elise. you really are showing that you know what perspective is with this art project. The cute red house looks farther away in the back and so does the road. I like that interesting window up on top of the house. Nice work!
- Grandmouse on November 3, 2022
What an adorable dog. It reminds us of Pepper. Love the tree with leaves of green and the bright sun in the blue sky. Keep up the great work. Love Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on November 3, 2022
Wow! What a beautiful water lily! Love it!!!! Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on November 3, 2022
Dear Elise, I just love your water Lily. It’s such a beautiful color against the Green Lily pad. Is the lily pad made from tissue paper? You even have the center with the yellow pollen. Such a good job!
- Grandmouse on November 3, 2022
That's a beautiful flower Elise! Nice job!
- Uncle Kyle on November 3, 2022
Dear Elise, I like how you made your girl look just like she is a Lego!! Her red outfit is so bright and cheery. It looks like it zips up in front. Art is such fun. Grandmouse is flying back to Wisconsin today
- Grandmouse on March 16, 2022
Look at all the use of squares. How cool is that. Is she maybe a computerized person? Great work. Love Grandpa & Grandma
- Carol on March 16, 2022
We love your heart shaped Valentine flowers. They are so pretty! Grandma & Grandpa
- Carol on March 16, 2022
Dear Elise, I love your colorful heart flowers. They’re like long stemmed roses. You made a smile come across my face! Love always
- Grandmouse on March 16, 2022
Dear Elise, I love your colorful heart flowers. They’re like long stemmed roses. You made a smile come across my face! Love always
- Grandmouse on March 16, 2022
Hi Elise, I love your pretty Christmas tree with all the twinkling lights around it. I even spotted the electric outlet in the bottom left corner! You have done a great job including many colors. I am sure you are very proud of your work.
- Grandmouse on March 16, 2022
Nice drawing Elise! That kitty and puppy look like they could be friends with Gustav and Pepper!
- Uncle Kyle on March 16, 2022
Dear Elise, I love your snow person! I think she’s afraid of melting don’t you? The ground underneath her is brown because the sun must be shining on it.
- Grandmouse on March 16, 2022
Hi Elise, Your cat and dog have an interesting place to sit. It’s like a Stainglass window above their heads. They are very well behaved don’t you think? The floor they are sitting on is the opposite of each other in colors. That’s very clever. Love you lots!
- Grandmouse on March 16, 2022
Grandpa and I love your Thanksgiving turkey. It should sit in the middle of the dining room table. Look at his bright red head. Perfect!!! Love all the colors you used. Even the speckles on the inside.
- Carol on March 16, 2022
Dear Elise, One big room full of kitties! So many different emotions you are showing in their faces. it’s so much fun to study that piece of artwork. Thanks for sharing it with us. Love, Grandmouse
- Grandmouse on November 3, 2021
Here kitty, kitty! That is a lot of kitty cats. Some happy, scary, sad and funny. Great work with the splash of color! They really make you look for all the different ones.
- Carol on October 28, 2021
Very cool Elise!!
- Uncle Kyle on October 28, 2021
What a great picture of you. It looks like you are thinking about yummy ice cream and magical unicorns. We love it. ?? Grandpa and Grandma
- Carol on October 28, 2021
Good job on your snowman picture. You even put hands on it! Love the green dotted scarf. He looks friendly ??
- Carol on October 28, 2021
Nice work on the hearts with the use of watercolors. The colors didn’t even run together and that is difficult to do. Good job.
- Carol on October 28, 2021
We really like your kitty. She looks very friendly. Good work on the fur. We like the hearts too. The foil kitty is so shiny and we know that cats like to keep their fur clean and shiny all the time. Great work Elise.
- Carol on October 28, 2021
That looks delicious Elise! Good job!
- Uncle Kyle on May 13, 2020
Hi my dear Elise, I love your cupcake! That cherry on top looks good enough to eat You have made a beautiful piece of artwork come. Is it done in chalk?
- Grandmouse on May 13, 2020
Hi my dear Elise, I sure love your artwork with that pretty cupcake! It looks good enough to eat. Did you use chalk ? Glad you had a good time making it.
- Grandmouse on May 13, 2020
Grandpa and I love your hand puppet it is so cute. I hope it's there next time we get to see you so that you can show it to us and how it works.
- Carol on May 13, 2020
Grandpa and I love your squares with a different shapes and you colored so well and stayed within the lines. What a colorful picture it looks fun!
- Carol on May 13, 2020
Grandpa and I love your turtle also What a good job. Yours likes like a girl turtle. Keep up the good work Elise.
- Carol on May 13, 2020
Look at that yummy cupcake with the cherry on top! Mmm,mmm good. It makes Grandpa and me want to pick it off the picture and eat it. Great work keep it up.
- Carol on May 13, 2020
We love your clay penguin. It looks like he is ready to go in the water. Love the colors of the blue dish. Great job Elise. Keep up the good work!
- Carol on April 1, 2020
Hi dear Elise, Your little penguin is just adorable! He sits in his little bowl and looks so cute. I hope you had fun making him.
- Carol on April 1, 2020
Hi dear Elise, Your little penguin is just adorable! He sits in his little bowl and looks so cute. I hope you had fun making him.
- Carol on April 1, 2020
Hi dear Elise, I see the mouse king in your picture! I like his crown. He’s got friends to stand with. The nutcracker is a great story. I will see you at Christmas. Love you
- Mary on January 25, 2020
Grandpa & I love your picture of the Nutcracker. It makes us want to go see the play with all the characters. Great Job Coloring Elise.
- Carol on January 25, 2020
Love looking at the northern lights. What a great job of cutting, pasting and the colors.
- Carol on November 24, 2019
Hi Elise, I love your mountains and northern lights over the green trees. Someday we might get to see northern lights when you come up to the cabin Love you!
- Grandmouse on November 24, 2019
Elise, we love the Indian corn art. What beautiful fall colors. Great artwork you did. Love you, Grandpa and Grandma.
- Carol on November 24, 2019
Hi Elise, I love the birch trees. They are my favorite tree. What a great picture. Love, Grandpa & Grandma
- Carol on November 24, 2019
Dear Elise, I love your dark sky in your background. It makes the birch trees light up so brightly. That’s just how it looks in my yard!
- Grandmouse on October 30, 2019
I love seeing spiderwebs. Yours is so colorful. I’m glad you had fun making it.
- Grandmouse on October 30, 2019
Dear Elise, Is that your painted hand that you pressed against a rock? What a fun project to do!
- Grandmouse on October 30, 2019
Dear Elise, I love seeing your rubbing I can see you had a leaf for sure. Fall provides us with lots of things to do rubbings of. Sometime try the bark of a tree.
- Grandmouse on October 30, 2019
We love the art rub. Fall leaves and use of colors.
- Carol on October 30, 2019
Love all the leaves and fall colors. My favorite colors.
- Carol on October 30, 2019
Love all the colors Elise. So pretty just like all your different hair bows.
- Carol on October 30, 2019
Hi Elise!! Your pond artwork is so pretty! Monet loved to paint flowers and yours are so bright. thanks for sharing your talent.
-- Grandmouse
- on May 16, 2018
Such a colorful four leaf clover. Hope it brings us good luck! Love,
-- Grandmouse
- on April 25, 2018
Dear Elise, That is one scary shark!! I like the wavy water he is in. The sky looks stormy, too. Nice Work! Love
-- Grandmouse
- on April 25, 2018
Love the penguin. He looks nice and warm and friendly. Love Grandpa & Grandma Sonnenberg
-- Dave
- on February 21, 2018
Hi Elise, I love your “chilly penguin” wearing his scarf to keep him warm. We all like to keep cozy in winter. Love, Gtandmouse
-- Grandmouse
- on January 31, 2018
Dear Elise, I just love seeing your artwork! You have made a darling owl. Thanks for sharing it with us. Love, Grandmouse
-- Grandmouse
- on January 31, 2018
Grandpa and I love all of your artwork.
-- Carol
- on January 31, 2018