I love the colours you have used for this bowl. Thanks for sharing this with me. Well done. Granny Carolyn
- Granny Carolyn on February 20, 2025
I love your colorful and super creative Halloween skull
- Philippe(fan) on November 24, 2024
I think I want to eat that juicy looking apple!! How did you make it look so three dimensional?
- Clare (Mother) on September 24, 2024
What a creative drawing. Hawaii sounds great to me xo
- Philippe on October 21, 2024
I love this picture, it makes me want to eat this yummy red apple
- Philippe on October 21, 2024
Clever! Learning depth perception colouring onto paper - each one slightly different and showing reflections and highlights to give roundness . Well done, and I love the pastel colours chosen. Granny
- Carolyn on June 19, 2024
`Like a diamond in the sky`...! Lovely image with my favourite sort of colours. I just bought a summery top with those colours yesterday - pretty. You must have had fun making your jewel in the sky look so three-dimensional. Well done! Thank you for sharing. Love Grannyxo
- Carolyn on April 17, 2024
Love this piece Amelie - great 3D. Xx
- Godmother Katy on April 17, 2024
The design and beautiful colours of this unnamed artwork are so fresh and pretty. It looks like an unusual technique and is very effective. Well done, I think it is lovely, Amelie. Carolyn
- Carolyn on April 17, 2024
This portrait is great and funny! It looks like you. Well done! x
- Aunty Ginny on February 22, 2024
Wow, the shadows in the heart are very effective. It lifts the heart forward towards us. And I like the expressive movement marks in the background. Plus lovely shade of red of the heart! x
- Aunty Ginny on February 22, 2024
Never seen such colourful ice cream cones! They look good enough to eat. I think they are great fun. Well done! Love Grannyxo
- Carolyn on January 24, 2024
Enjoyed these colourful dancing elves with their musical shoes. They look very happy and remind me of our dancing over Christmas together! Thanks for such a happy painting. Lots of love Grannyxo
- Granny Carolyn on January 3, 2024
This is fun and nice to have symbols explained while together for Christmas
- Granny on December 27, 2023
Wow! This certainly makes a statement! Love the halo over the `A` and the favourite colours yellow and pink. It is bold and fun. Well done. Grannyxo
- Carolyn on October 11, 2023
This is fun! You have depicted shiny reflections on the balloons so well and the pink dog looks fully inflated and about to burst! The other balloons really look as if they are floating and their strings seem to be blowing in the breeze!
- Aunty Ginny on September 6, 2023
Beautiful, sunny and colorful flowers!! This is such a happy painting and full of love - so special for Mothers Day xx
- Clare (Mother) on May 16, 2023
The flowers seem to be moving in the wind. They look very soft and I love the colours you have used.
- Aunty Ginny on April 19, 2023
Wow, you have really caught the perspective of a disappearing road. The cactus plants have characters of their own. Well done! xx
- Aunty Ginny on April 19, 2023
I love the fox's tail shape and white coloured tip against the orange, and the friendly eyes with reflection effect. Your tree painting technique is very clever! Well done, Amelie! xx
- Aunty Ginny on February 8, 2023
What a happy heartburst of colour! A lovely idea and can`t help smiling as soon as you see it. Thanks for brightening my day. It is beautiful. Lots of love Grannyx
- Carolyn on January 25, 2023
Hilarious sweater! You must have had fun `designing` it! Used to seeing Rudolf with his red nose lighting up on the front of a Christmas sweater but this is definitely unique. Well done, Amelie. I think it is really fun.
- Carolyn on January 4, 2023
Love this colourful Christmas picture! Great colour for the car. Thinking of you bringing your tree home - glad it wasn`t decorated already but done safely at home and looks beautiful. Quite a cargo, with the wrapped presents too, but a very happy thought. Thanks for sharing your ideas this way. Carolynxo
- Carolyn on December 21, 2022
Wonderful bright fall colours and I love the sky full of stars. You have designed a really happy painting for a special time of year. Grannyx
- Carolyn on November 9, 2022
Wow I love this piece of art! I’d like to hang that on my wall. It makes me think that colour and beauty are in the eye of the beholder. Really amazing work. Lots of love godmother Katy
- Godmother Katy on June 8, 2022
Interesting way of making these curved sections of a whole ball shape. You will have to explain the theory behind the design. Very neat and precise application. Well done, Amelie. Watched a programme on Scottish early art - one thing the early Picts created were beautifully carved balls (fitted into a hand) with all sorts of patterns. They even made designs on stone pillars - waves, circles, and even `butterflies`. Most had a Christian cross as the centrepiece. Art conveys so many messages to share. Thank you for sharing. Granny
- Carolyn on May 11, 2022
I would love to walk around this imaginary forest. The colours are lovely and the mountains behind give it perspective. :) x
- Aunty Ginny on May 11, 2022
You have obviously taken great care designing this, Amelie! The colours really compliment each other and I feel very calm looking at it. The bottom left repeated pattern is a design that I would love on a skirt! Well done! xxx
- Aunty Ginny on May 11, 2022
Love the colours of your own personal hot air balloon. You look very much in charge! Wouldn`t it be fun to ride in a real one. We used to see them flying over our home in Michelmersh. There would be a `whooshing` sound as they tried to gain height up the hill. We could see the people inside and hear them talking. Fun to wave as they passed by. What a lot they (and you one day?!) could see and hear. Thanks for the happy memories. Clever you. Love Grannyx
- Carolyn on March 31, 2022
What a colourful, patterned balloon. And there you are inside it! Well done designing this, Amelie. And the choice of colours work well together. Lots of love Aunty Ginny xx
- Aunty Ginny on March 31, 2022
What a colourful, patterned balloon. And there you are inside it! Well done designing this, Amelie. And the choice of colours work well together. Lots of love Aunty Ginny xx
- Aunty Ginny on March 31, 2022
That is really well designed and observed. Well done! You could be interested in architecture in future. Very proud of you.
- Granny on February 16, 2022
Your owl has such a character. He is watching us or looking for mice to catch? What shiny eyes he has!
- Aunty Ginny on December 22, 2021
What a dainty reindeer. He has very big, friendly eyes. And the snowflakes are a lovely icey blue colour. Lots of love Aunty Ginny xx
- Aunty Ginny on December 22, 2021
Ah cute baby reindeer .. I love the glint in his eye x
- Godmother Katy on December 22, 2021
Lovely to see your Christmas mantel painting. Exciting and not long to wait until Santa and his reindeer will be visiting on Christmas Eve. Happy family time for us all. Love Granny
- Granny on December 15, 2021
Spooky! Great big bats flying across the full moon and deep blue sky. Did you see any bats on Halloween night? They always gather in huge numbers to roost and can be very noisy. It is a really strong picture - well done. Your Thanksgiving turkey is wonderful. He definitely looks worried, with his eyes wide open and with his gesture of waving his leg/arm? in the air to get attention before it is too late....! Let`s hope his day had a happy ending - gobble, gobble! Love from Grannyx
- Granny Carolyn on November 24, 2021
What wonderful colours, Amelie. It is so original not to use white and these colours surprise me so much that I now think more deeply about the polar bear and what it might be feeling or how it feels to touch it. Love Aunty Ginny x
- Aunty Ginny on November 3, 2021
What a wonderful bear of many colours expressing heat and cold. Wouldn`t it be amazing to see colourful bears but the colours nature gave bears depends on where they live and how best to protect them, I suppose. Nature is so clever. Thank you for making me think about this! Well done. Lots of love Grannyxo
- Granny Carolyn on October 27, 2021
Awesome Bear Amelie .. so lovely and colourful. I like the way tge background interacts with the polar Bear. X
- Godmother Katy on October 27, 2021
Well done, Amelie, you have coloured in your answers very clearly and each one stands out. Maybe, one day, you can go to Paris to study art with Dad`s family nearby! Love your favourite colour - unusual and often seen in seascapes (Hawaii?) Sorry about your `dislike veggie`. Keep on eating carrots for good eyesight. Don`t forget delicious vegs and fruit in so many colours, including green, which you may like to keep healthy. God bless and lots of love Granny Carolyn
- Granny Carolyn on September 29, 2021
Well done, Amelie, you have coloured in your answers very clearly and each one stands out. Maybe, one day, you can go to Paris to study art with Dad`s family nearby! Love your favourite colour - unusual and often seen in seascapes (Hawaii?) Sorry about your `dislike veggie`. Keep on eating carrots for good eyesight. Don`t forget delicious vegs and fruit in so many colours, including green, which you may like to keep healthy. God bless and lots of love Granny Carolyn
- Carolyn on September 29, 2021
Reminds me of my cuddly old brown teddy you know so well. The shirt reminds me of Grandpa`s favourite soft old shirts. The blue bow is a really cute touch and I love the expression. Really made me smile. Well done. Much love Grannyx
- Carolyn on March 19, 2020
Pretty cool and love the colours and design, like a star and a snowflake and a spider`s web. Well done, Amelie. Love Granny
- Carolyn on March 11, 2020
What a cheery, round snowman, enjoying the sun! Thanks so much for sharing him with me. Love Grannyx
- Granny on January 22, 2020
What a friendly looking snowman! ;-)
- Clare (Mother) on January 6, 2020
This is a lovely, colourful picture with so many pumpkins. I think the sky is wonderful with lots of twinkling stars and the moon. The moon has been a crescent shape here and so bright lately. Happy Thanksgiving and see you soon. Lots of love Granny
- Granny Carolyn on December 4, 2019
This is so bright and colourful and fun. The rainbows and all the patterns make me smile! Well done and lots of love Grannyx
- on September 25, 2019
This is such a colourful and happy painting. I would love an umbrella like that and lovely to see a beautiful rainbow nearby. You have done the rainy, grey sky background so well. Thanks for sharing this with us. Love from Granny and Grandpa -- carolyn
- on May 22, 2019
What an imaginative way to write your name! I love all the soft colours and the patterns. Can use the colours in our garden to brighten it up for the summer. Thank you so much for another lovely picture and well done. Much love Granny Carolyn -- carolyn
- on May 22, 2019
What a cheeky cute Easter bunny. Beautiful use of colour x -- Katy
- on May 1, 2019
I love your Easter Bunny. The features are unexpected and I think the ears and the little bow between are really cute. Terrific background, very colourful. Well done, Amelie! Love and hugs -- Granny Carolyn
- on April 17, 2019
First glance, this looks like a woven mat with a face on it. But then, it could be a checkerboard. It must have taken a long time and much concentration and it could be in `3D`. Made me think! Well done, Amelie Love Granny -- Granny Carolyn
- on April 10, 2019
I have just seen your lovely little penguin with the pink beanie to keep it warm. This will certainly make her stand out in a crowd. The feathery edging of her white `bib` is really cute and looks like a little lacy apron. I will ask Mummy about buying something with this picture on it. Well done with all your paintings. I do enjoy each one. Big hug. Granny -- Carolyn
- on February 13, 2019
These two cats are so unusual and full of character. I wish we could have had cats like them. Do you have special names for them? California cats I think! Lots of love and a big hug. -- carolyn
- on January 30, 2019
Looks like these cute little fish are having a really good gossip together. You have painted the picture so well showing the water in the glass bowl and the colourful fish swimming. Good strong colours. I love it. Big hug -- carolyn
- on January 30, 2019
Love your combination of colours. You must have painted this in the fall when the pumpkins were in the fields near you. It looks like a very windy day - full of movement. Well done! Much love and hugs -- carolyn
- on January 30, 2019
What a colourful character! Is it someone I should know from a book or film or from your imagination? You worked hard on this one with so many good details. I think the face is really good with strong features and the eyes really looking at you. Best of all is the rainbow cap. Thank you so much for sharing this with me and Grandpa. Lots of love and a big hug - Granny Carolyn -- carolyn
- on January 30, 2019
I love this painting Amelie. The girl looks so happy. Is she enjoying herself at a party? It makes me think of a very famous artist - Matisse -- Godmother Katy
- on January 2, 2019
Great use of color! Can't wait to hang this on the wall at home ;-) -- Mummy
- on December 20, 2018
Itzy Bitzy spooky spider! I love his orange legs...Lots of love Aunty Ginny xx -- Aunty Ginny
- on October 31, 2018
This is a really colourful spider and has been so busy making such a wonderful web. I like the dark wrought iron gate behind the web as well. Thank you for sharing another lovely picture. Well done! The little spiders on my car mirrors are still there, by the way. Lots of love Granny and Grandpa -- carolyn
- on October 31, 2018
This is really lovely and you have understood the meaning of perspective so well. Beautiful, bright rainbow, cute line-up of pumpkins, and a dazzling sun beaming down on the clever little scarecrow. Is that a little spider at the bottom of the picture on the left? A very happy picture and you have filled it with detail. Well done. We love it. Granny -- carolyn
- on October 23, 2018
I like your friendly `Alien`(Ghost), especially her one beautiful green/purple/orange eye with long eyelashes. She has hair decorations to match and a big smiley mouth with funny teeth. Her little hands with three fingers are cute and must work like fins on fish. Do you think she floats like a jellyfish with the white `skirt`fluttering fast or slowly to get around? That would be fun, instead of just two legs! You have a very good imagination - well done and lots of love Granny Carolynxx -- Granny Carolyn
- on October 17, 2018
The layers of colour are very imaginative. The leaves are so well drawn and they appear to dance around the paper! Well done, Amelie. -- Ainty Ginny
- on October 10, 2018
Love all the colours of the fall you have shown in this beautiful painting. You have also noticed all the different shapes of leaves you can see at this time of year. Thank you so much for sharing this. Much love and a big hug. Granny -- carolyn
- on October 7, 2018
What a beautiful vase, Amelie! It looks like it has Mexican patterns on it. Pretty colours. You have painted the flowers so well - daisy shapes and so colourful. Bees and butterflies would love to visit them. We have a bee colony living in the birdbox by the shed door in the garden just now and we have lots of flowers they like in the garden - so pleased! Well done - I love the three fish in the bowl as well - they are cute and so colourful. Lots of love from Grandpa and Grannyxx -- Granny Carolyn
- on June 3, 2018
What a lovely and colourful vase of flowers! I wish they had grown in my garden. Lots of love Aunty Ginny xx -- Aunty Ginny
- on June 3, 2018
What happy spring colors and flowers! So many fun patterns and designs; I love how they cover the whole page. I bet you enjoyed making this one ;-) xx -- Mummy
- on May 24, 2018
Wow! These buildings are so colourful and so tall you can only just see the sun over the top of them! Wanted to tell you recently I saw the new moon - a tiny crescent shape - and so many bright stars at The Old House and thought you would be seeing them too! Thank you for sharing all these happy pictures. With our love and a big hug. Granny and Grandpa -- carolyn
- on March 28, 2018
I love your painting, it is truly gorgeous -- Philippe
- on February 14, 2018
Oooooh, I love all the colors and how they’ve covered the page and all the interesting shapes and swirls! Xx -- Clare
- on February 8, 2018
This is so vibrant and full of movement. I love it. Well done, Amelie! -- Granny Carolyn
- on February 14, 2018
Amelie, the way you use and blend colors is so beautiful! I also love the way you have filled out your entire canvas! Keep it up!! -- Tina
- on February 14, 2018
This looks like our house with its thatched roof and wooden front door and pebbly walls and little windows. I love the old chimneys and the snow falling all around. We have had some very happy times with you at home with us there. Thank you so much for sharing this with Grandpa and me. Much love and hugs Granny -- Granny Carolyn
- on December 27, 2017
Bumpa and I would love to find a flower as beautiful as this in our garden! I bet you were in a happy mood when you painted this. It is lovely, well done. -- carolyn
- on September 27, 2017
Check out the colors and the patterns they make! You are such an amazing artist Amelie , I'm so proud you Amelie!!! -- Tina
- on September 27, 2017
Wow! I love the different techniques you used to apply the colors Amelie. And the mouse stands out because of all the bright colors surrounding it!! Great work Amelie! Keep it up!! -- Tina
- on September 27, 2017
I love the spotted and striped leaf. The colours are very vibrant!! Well done, Amelie. Aunty Ginny xx -- Aunty Ginny
- on September 27, 2017
I love the shapes, colors and patterns of this painting. Which was your favorite leaf? ???? -- Clare
- on September 22, 2017
This little mouse must be very happy because he is surrounded by lovely bright colours. Thanks for sharing this with Bumpa and me. Big hug Granny -- carolyn
- on September 11, 2017
Well done Amelie. This is gorgeous! Love Antonia + Philippa -- Antonia
- on September 10, 2017
I love the colors and how they fill the page ;-) -- Mummy