Another work of art. Well done sweetie Love you Mimi
- Mimi on June 2, 2021
Another work of art. Well done sweetie. Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on June 2, 2021
Lily, I see you are now a sculptor. So cool! We are impressed! Love you, baby-doll.
- Grandmama on June 2, 2021
Very cool pendant. Love the colors Mimi
- Mimi on June 2, 2021
Look at that precious face! You look a lot like Grandmama, without make-up ?? you lucky girl. I love you.
- Grandmama on April 21, 2021
Lily, this is awesome! I think it is my favorite piece so far. We are so proud of you!
- Peebie on April 15, 2021
Very very colorful. You just get better and better.
- Mimi on April 15, 2021
Love your latest art work. Such a cute snow cat.
- Mimi on April 15, 2021
Lily, I love this! I’m envious though...I miss snow. You’ve done a wonderful job here with your snow sculpture. Make some more, OK?
- Grandmama on April 15, 2021
Lily, sweetheart, your artwork looks 3D, and it is VERY interesting.We love our little artist! Keep up the great work.
- Grandmama on April 15, 2021
One of my favorite art works is Starry Night. I actually saw the original in New York at the MOMA. You did an excellent job recreating it. Love you sweetie, Mimi
- Mimi on April 15, 2021
- Mimi on April 15, 2021
So cute and so creative. Love you, Mimi
- Mimi on April 15, 2021
Dear Lily, I just love this painting. I've seen the original in NYC and you've done an excellent recreation. You are my favorite artist. Love, Mim
- Mimi on April 15, 2021
I love this, Lily. It’s so sparkly, just like you. Love you lots, baby doll. Keep up the wonderful work.
- Grandmama on November 8, 2020
I love how you included Otto in your drawing. Love, Mom
- Liz (Mother) on September 14, 2020
Excellent drawing. I especially love the cat on your shirt. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on September 14, 2020
Dear Lily, This so creative . A mixture of medias...water color and paper. And it made a beautiful necklace for Mommy. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 20, 2020
Dear Lily, This is great and I love that you used Play Doh to make it. It reminds of the sculptures on Easter Island in the Pacific ocean. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 20, 2020
Excellent spring / end of winter art work . You rock. Love, Mimi
- Mimi on May 20, 2020
Love your newest art work. You are so talented. Love you
- Mimi on December 18, 2019
That is a great painting. You just get better and better. Love, Mimi
- on December 18, 2019
Lily, that looks like some people are having fun. I’m not sure what they are doing. Call me tomorrow and tell me about your picture, we like it a lot. And we love you a lot. -- Grandmama
- on December 18, 2019
Lily, this looks like a great chase between 2 animals. Tell me the story that goes with your picture. Sending love and hugs across the miles! -- Grandmama
- on December 18, 2019
WOW, Lily... another precious work of art. Love you lots lil’ girl -- Grandmama
- on December 18, 2019
You just get better and better. Love the colors. Love, Mimi -- Mimi
- on April 11, 2019
We are so happy that you still make interesting drawings. We love seeing them on the computer. Keep up the good work, precious girl! We love you. -- Grandmama
- on April 11, 2019
Lili, the background for that chair is grandmama’s favorite color. I would call it Maybe. Suave is a dusty pink. Keep using Mauve in your drawings, OK? It’s so pretty, just like YOU. -- Grandmama
- on April 11, 2019
Lily, this is a fantastic school bus! A beautiful job on that. We love you sweet First grader. Keep drawing. -- Grandmama
- on April 11, 2019
Lily, your artwork keeps getting better and better. Keep doing precious little one. Soon you will be competing with Peebie. We love you. -- Grandmama
- on April 11, 2019
Dear Lily, You are amazing. I thought your painting was a real Picasso when I first saw it. I am so proud of you. ?????? -- Mimi
- on March 7, 2019
Your Art works just get better and better. Love the colors in this one -- Mimi
- on March 7, 2019
This looks like a delicious cupcake. Mmmm Love you, Mimi -- Mimi
- on March 7, 2019
Excellent way to remember your colors and I love the trees. Mimi -- Mimi
- on March 7, 2019
Love this one. A very scary happy witch scarecrow. -- Mimi
- on March 7, 2019
I just love this painting. It’s your best one yet. Love, -- Mimi
- on May 9, 2018
Your art makes me smile. Love you ???????? -- Mimi
- on April 4, 2018
She looks like delicious marshmallows. So talented. -- Mimi
- on April 4, 2018
What a lovely snowman. Hope he is the last snowman I see this year. Love -- Mimi
- on April 4, 2018
Lily, it’s easy to see that you love colors. That’s great. Keep on doing it. Sending hugs Grandmama and Peebie -- Keep up the good work, little girl.
- on April 4, 2018
Lily baby doll. Preview and Grandmama are so happy to see your beautiful and colorful art. Keep up the good work, little girl. We look forward to seeing more of your artwork and we look forward to seeing you soon. We love you.
- on April 4, 2018
Your mice are so colorful and seem to get along very well. Great picture. Love, Mimi -- Mimi