That's such an insightful thought, Gabster! There is always love to go around. We just need to feel it and let it be felt
- Ellen on May 12, 2020
This is a great 3-d representation of the mountains! Great use of different shades of color!
- Ellen on May 12, 2020
Great utilization of different painting techniques! The mood is reflected very skillfully.
- Ellen on May 12, 2020
Very impressive! Undoubtedly, Gabby is talented artist. I expect more paintings soon.
- Boris on May 12, 2020
Hi Gabby, this is an amazing eye. It's thoughtful and alert and portrays the "eye is the window to the soul" proverb perfectly. You are an amazing artist.
- Ellen on May 12, 2020
One needs to have heard to love green gitara! Lovely art work! -- Olya
- on August 7, 2019
Chocolate glazed cake to special art teacher! Do not understand how Gabrielka does it, but nice work! Thank you dear teacher too! -- Olya
- on August 7, 2019
I like it! Happy smiling pink dream fish with beautiful proportions of it's body. Nice colorful piece of art! -- Olya
- on August 7, 2019
Molodetch! -- Olya
- on August 7, 2019
Teacher at the end of the day:smart, patient, wise. Still alive. O.V. -- Boris
- on August 7, 2019
What was an idea at the very beginning? For me, this original picture may be influenced by Mark Chagall:flying young lady,host with beard, crown & horseshoe between planet in our Galaxy. WOW! O.V. -- Boris
- on August 7, 2019
Very unexpected coloring with & brilliant result. Excellent work, dear granddaughter Gabrielka! O.V. -- Boris
- on August 7, 2019
I think this is really cool! -- Maria
- on August 7, 2019
Great job, Gabby! -- Maria
- on August 7, 2019
Looks like old, glazed antic artefact!. well done, Gabichka! -- Olga
- on August 7, 2019
Face made by very fine strokes. And position of curved hear mad asymmetrical lines moresimmetrical. Nice work, Gabrielka. -- Olga
- on August 7, 2019
Gabrielka, it is just outstanding as all others, but this one particularly is very difficult to make tehnicaly. Very high art scil level. Very proud, grand ma Olya. -- Boris
- on August 7, 2019
WOW Gabby! It's beautiful! -- Maria
- on August 7, 2019
Very symmetrical, thus is very powerful! Magic circle! Grate idea, Gabby! -- Boris
- on March 1, 2019
Maybe this is one of magic nights with unexpected snow flax in Italy, what you dad saw when he was a boy? Interested idea.Grate job, Gabby! -- Boris
- on March 1, 2019
Wow.. its like night time in the tropics. Great job sweetie! -- Lev
- on February 16, 2019
Wow.. this can go up on the fridge :) -- Lev
- on December 17, 2018
I love it!!! Is that Tiger? What a great piece of art, Gabby!! You are very talented. -- Maria
- on December 12, 2018
Wow Gabby! Awesome!! So beautiful. Good job! -- Maria
- on December 12, 2018
Great depiction of the beauty of northern lights! I like the pine trees, too. And their reflection. -- Ellen
- on December 12, 2018
This is a great work that reminds me of mosaic on Gaudi's rooftops in Barcelona -- Ellen
- on October 11, 2018
Wow gabster! that is really cool! -- Lev
- on October 11, 2018
It is just amazing! I may tell this about any of Gabriella art work. Gabriella sees it way, I can't even imaging. -- Boris
- on June 13, 2018
This is a beautiful color combination and glaze. The decoration is a perfect size for the vase. You are talented, Gabby! -- Ellen
- on June 13, 2018
I am speechless. I don't know what to say. This is very much like Picasso but also very much like an original. -- Ellen
- on May 9, 2018
Without seeing the name of this project, I thought it was Picasso-inspired. I was going to make a joke about Gabby and Picasso. But now I see that it was officially a Picasso-style project and I can say "Well done, Gabby!" -- Maria
- on May 9, 2018
Oh wow Gabster.. that is excellent abstract art! -- Lev
- on May 9, 2018
This is a full of thought and reflection piece of art. I like the palm trees, the stars, the snowflakes. The geometry and the free form of the circles. It'a amazing how you see the world and how you express what you see. -- Ellen
- on April 4, 2018
Wow, Gabby! Very impressive! -- Maria
- on March 7, 2018
The eyes.. the nose.. the hair.. great job princess! It's a perfect depiction of Egyptian style. -- Lev
- on February 28, 2018
This is a great representation of the beauty of the classical Egyptian profile. -- Ellen
- on February 28, 2018
I love your drawings sweetie. This little creature you drew has a personality I can see from your art :) Great Job!! -- Lev
- on January 13, 2018
This looks very African. There are themes of giraffe, zebra, African sun, and love for all life. Very good!!!! -- Ellen
- on January 13, 2018
I especially like the eyelashes! -- Maria
- on January 13, 2018
Great Mask! -- Kateryna
- on January 13, 2018
Very impressive paintings! I got feeling of highly talented artist. -- Boris
- on December 27, 2017
Wow!! What a cool landscape. We should try to find a place like this in the real world! -- Lev
- on December 18, 2017
Very cute penguins I guess during polar night! Excellent eye for details with moon and clouds and stars! Well done! -- Kateryna
- on December 13, 2017
It's a very happy place that has everything: the ocean, the mountains, the palm trees, and the focus point. I like the lines used to portray each part of the drawing. -- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
Happy family in the snow under the moon. Great portrayal of white snow on a white paper. -- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
The colors of the background, the expression on the girl's face, the detail of her hair and jewellery. Incredible work! -- Ellen
- on December 9, 2017
Very talented artworks!!! Keep doing that. Art is one of the best ways to express yourself. -- Natalie
- on December 9, 2017
I think this one is my favorite so far because it has animals in it. Animals are awesome. You're really awesome! -- Maria
- on December 9, 2017
Gabby, it's soooooo great!! You are really talented!! Hi from France! Maria -- Maria