Great Job Jade! I can’t wait to see more of your beautiful artwork. Love mommy.
- Miranda (Mother) on September 12, 2023
Great job Jade! Keep up the good work!
- William on September 12, 2023
GOD has blessed me with 4 healthy and talented children and grandchildren during my lifetime. Jade is my third grandchild and as with all my children "special". I'm known as "papa" to her and she is my special pumpkin. I pray each and everyday for their health, success and joy. From the beginning I have tried to teach them respect, love and to give all praise to GOD, not just for themselves but for everyone. I want them to know and understand that people sometimes can be indecorous, usurp and occasional mean but they must continue to stay cognitive and that with GOD on their side life can and will be prodigious and magnanimous. I love my children and grandchildren will all my everlasting heart. Jade's art work is just another expression of her developing talent(s) and I thank GOD for it. -- James