Hi Buddy!! I love your painting! The colors are great, and the clouds look so good!!! You are very creative! Keep up the great work! I love you! -Mom -- Natasha
- on April 24, 2018
Brandon... This picture is awesome! The way you traced your hands reminds me of how you and your teammates put your hands together in the middle of the huddle after a soccer or baseball game and yell .....GO TEAM! Tracing your own hand is hard, but you did a great job using the crayons. I think you did a wonderful job adding the watercolors to make this a very special piece of art. You are a budding artist. Love, Papa -- Rich
- on March 21, 2018
Hi Brandon!!! I love the peek-a-boo character looking out of the box!!!! Is that Rosie in the green dog house in the background?!?!? I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! - Grammy -- Debbie
- on March 21, 2018
Brandon... Not a Box? I think it must be someone's home. I love the person who is staring out the window with a very curious look. You did a very nice job outlining the house in black and neatly drawing the face...it caught my eye immediately! Love, Papa -- Richard
- on February 7, 2018
Hi Brandon! I love your artwork! I love the colors and the different angles you used with your colored pencils or crayons. Very cool! Keep up the GREAT work! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! Mom -- Natasha
- on January 31, 2018
Hi Brandon!!!!! You are very good at making snowmen!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if snowmen go to sleep at night?!?! I hope we get more snow this winter so you and Natalie can build a snowman in your front yard!!!!!! I LOVE YOU VERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!! Grammy -- Debbie
- on January 31, 2018
Hi Brandon!!!!!! Your snowman looking up to the sky is SO CUTE!!!!!! He's looking right up at me!!!!!! I will turn this snowman into a magnet for your desk area!!! Also, I LOVE the snowman that you made for me with the heart on it. It is in the living room for everyone to see!!!! You are a very good artist!!!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grammy -- Debbie
- on January 31, 2018
Hi Brandon!!!! I LOVE your snowman that's looking up to the sky!!!!! It looks like he's looking up at me!!!!! I'm going to turn this picture into a magnet for your desk area!!!! The BEST snowman ever is the one you made for me with the big heart on it!!!! It's in the living room for everyone to see!!!! You are a very good artist!!!!! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! Grammy Marx -- Debbie
- on January 31, 2018
Wow!!! Your artwork is the cutest artwork ever! I just love this piece! I love the little mittens and the cute carrot nose! You did an excellent job. Keep up the great work! I love you! Mom -- Natasha
- on January 23, 2018
Brandon... What a great snowman! I love his face...especially his nose. It looks like he's standing tall in the middle of a very strong blizzard! It's a good thing he has a nice warm scarf to keep him warm. I really liked how you made the three snowballs of his body. Love, Papa -- Richard
- on January 24, 2018
This is the cutest snowman!!! I just love it!!! I love the colors you picked! He looks like such a happy snowman! Great job!! I love you! Mom -- Natasha
- on January 22, 2018
Hi Brandon!!! What an adorable piece of artwork! You did a fantastic job! I love the colors and the patterns you selected too!! Your snowman looks super warm and cozy with his mittens and scarf. I love you! Mom -- Natasha
- on January 17, 2018
Brandon... Awesome! It looks as if the snowman is looking up, watching the birds up above him, and welcoming them with open arms. If I were the bird looking down I might consider landing on Mr. Snowman's head and say hello. I like how you added snowflakes around the edges. At least his mittens and scarf will keep him warm while it snows! Love, Papa -- Richard
- on January 17, 2018
Brandon... You are very creative! The colors you selected for the larger dots really caught my eye. I love the creative doodles you placed in the frame of your MASTERPIECE! Be a good listener and a hard worker and I know your art gems will continue! Love, Papa -- Richard
- on January 3, 2018
What an awesome job you did with this painting! I love the colors you picked! You did an excellent job and I am so proud of you! Keep up the WONDERFUL work! I love you! -Mom -- Natasha
- on December 7, 2017
Brandon...I love your dog. I think he must be a very happy dog...his big, green tail is wagging. He looks as if he is looking right at me. With his big, red ears sticking straight up I bet he must have heard something. Did you use special scissors to make the edges of the colored paper. Keep working hard. I REALLY like your effort in art! Love, Papa -- Richard
- on November 22, 2017
What an adorable dog!!! You did such a great job with your art work! I love the red face and bright green tail too! Keep up the awesome work!! I love you! Mom -- Natasha
- on November 16, 2017
Wow! Another gem! The darker shading really made it easy to see the circles. Your lighter shading made for a very interesting design with different textures. Keep working hard! Love...Papa -- Richard
- on September 20, 2017
Hi Brandon! I love this piece of artwork you made! You did such a great job. I love the colors you used too. Great job! I love you! -- Natasha
- on September 13, 2017
Brandon...Wow!!! Your first piece of artwork is awesome! I love how your shading shows the veins and ribs of each leaf so clearly. The leaves look as if they are floating in the air as they are falling from the tree. What a good choice of fall colors! Love, Papa -- Richard
- on September 6, 2017
Brandon, What an awesome job! You did a great job of shading with fall colors. I really like how you an see the edges and all the veins on each leaf. Keep working hard and being a good listener! Love, Papa -- Papa
- on September 6, 2017
Hi Brandon! What an awesome job you did making this artwork. It is beautiful! I love the colors you used too. Keep up the great work! I love you sooooooooooooo much! Mom -- Natasha