I have this fantastic art work hanging my bedroom and I see it every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed and think of you my beautiful granddaughter ?? Thank you for giving us one of your masterpieces Love Grandpa & Grandma
- Vivian(fan) on March 25, 2022
This is one of my favorite Ellie drawings. Both Ellie and I love gnome’s. Keep up the great work Love Grandma Vivian
- Vivian(fan) on March 25, 2022
I love Ellie’s bubbly art work!! Great job Ellie! You bring a big smile to my face and I’m so proud of you. Keep on drawing and follow your dreams, your going to be a great artist. Love Grandma Vivian
- Vivian(fan) on March 25, 2022
AMAZING!!! So proud of you Ellie! You will be an amazing artist one day! Keep up the amazing work. Love Mom!
- Jennifer (Father) on March 9, 2022
Beautiful work, from our amazing artist! Keep up the great job baby!! Love Mom and Dad