Charlotte5081's Comments (32)

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Below are comments about Charlotte5081's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What an adorable pink mug you created. Although you didn't name this piece, I have one for you to consider. Perhaps it could be "The Wishing Mug" because it has a very cute likeness of Tucker in it! I know how much you enjoy that cut little puppy. You did such a good job on both the inside and outside of the mug. I liked so many things about it - the color pink, the bow, the round balls on the rim, and the paw prints inside. Just think, when you get your first apartment, you can get yourself whatever kind of puppy you like. Won't that be grand!
- Love, Grandma on December 19, 2024
This house is very interesting in a good way. I like the design, and the texture and differences in depth you created by layering the pieces at various levels. Your detail work is quite good. It must have taken a while to complete this with the number of things you had to measure and cut as you layered. The bushes and flowers in the front were such a great addition! I love this Beach House. Let's stay here next summer!
- Love, Grandma on December 4, 2024
All the little girls will want Cami, for sure, after seeing this advertisement poster. Clever of you to include the Tangerine Machine. I like how you used coordinating colors, graphics and different fonts to keep the image interesting. Great work, Char. Keep creating!
- Love, Grandma on November 7, 2024
Your rendition of the former art piece into clay is wonderfully done. I think I will need to order 2 Cami Clementines for my little granddaughters. Your price is spot on, and I should place my order early because they will surely sell out QUICKLY!!
- Love, Grandma on November 7, 2024
Ta da! Here she comes, the greatest superhero of all fruits, Cami Clementine!! What cool boots she’s wearing, and who could resist those juicy orange eyes!! Very creative character you have envisioned, Char. I think kids would love her to have her own TV show… teleporting from scene to scene and shooting juice at the bad guys… I’d love to see her in action with her long blonde hair and cape flowing behind her as she transports.. very ?? indeed.
- ??Grandma on October 14, 2024
This pop art piece you created reminds me of Andy Warhol's style, except without the soup can. Haha. Your choice of beauty products was a great one for this genre. I noticed how your coordinated the colors within each rectangle. I like that. Wonderfully neat printing of letters on the jars and tubes. How did you manage to get your black dots so even? Mine usually look lopsided and uneven. Really cool artwork.
- Love you, Grandma on October 14, 2024
Wow, Char.. This one is incredible! I really, really love this one. If I were your teacher, I'd give you an A+ for sure. It's bluemel color palate again, I think, but a totally different look on this one. I love how you graduated your colors and used the orange range to really pop on the paper. The variegated eye colors are really beautifully done. What medium did you use? It looks a little like colored pencils, but it's hard to tell on the screen. I wish I had this one on my refrigerator so that I could look at it right in the eye - the Dragon Eye. You never cease to amaze me with your artistic talent. Let all those creative urges come out. You have some special talent, sweet girl.
- Grandma on September 15, 2024
You Rock!
- Erin (Legal guardian) on September 11, 2024
I noticed that the title of this sketchbook cover work included the word "Bluemel." (I had to research that and discovered it includes a palette of pastel orange, and shades of blue and violet.) Your use of those colors is very appealing, along with the various rounded outer shapes and inside designs. It looks like you used the white ink pen to highlight the inside shapes! Did you? I like how you left the area of your name and the stars a white color. The deigns seem to flow on the page - love that! Keep those creative juices going! XOXO
- Grandma on September 11, 2024
How cool is that! Using a fortune cookie layout to show the elements of art was a very creative way to show what you know. I loved how your examples of each element really displayed what the element of art was. I bet it looked so colorful when opened up as well. You are learning so much more in art than I ever did in school. I didn't even know what you showed here were the elements of art, but now I do. Thanks for teaching your grandma. I use them in my art, but had no idea what they were. I wonder if the teacher said to use them all when you do a project, just some them, which ones to combine, etc. Hmm. We can talk about that one day. I'm so glad I can see what you are doing in art on this site! Love you.
- Grandma on September 5, 2024
What a cool looking sea star pot! I like your beachy colors and how nicely you rolled the clay and evenly circled it around to make the shape. I am so glad I was able to see the real thing and not just the picture when I picked you up before Christmas. Great job, Char. You are quite the artist!
- Grandma on December 27, 2023
I see you used pastels for this. I have not used them before, but I like the soft look of the colors that they gave in your artwork. How cool to make a stained glass look with them! I like your subject matter and the shading on your objects. The turtle and water scene are drawn so well. The flowers around the border give it a nice sense of whimsy. You are doing so well in your art this year. Great job, Char.
- Grandma on December 13, 2023
This piece would be a gorgeous card front for a Thanksgiving card!! You are truly creating some very good art pieces in your art class. Still life works can be tricky, but you got it perfectly.
- Love, Grandma on November 2, 2023
I just saw the last posting of your art project and wondered if you were going to put the artwork together in some way - and you did! The repetition of color scheme and shapes is so cool, and your color choices are spot on! What a great end result! Hope you enjoyed the process as well.
- Love, Grandmma on October 11, 2023
Wow, Char. I really like how you have captured those “Tim Burton” big eyes! You’ve managed to create your own style with his influence in it. Your work is much less scary than his - kind of a pretty version of Burton style! Great work!
- Love, Grandmma on October 11, 2023
You are so talented and creative!!
- Erin (Legal guardian) on September 29, 2023
This is an absolutely beautiful piece of art that you created. It just may be one of my favorites. I loved your comment about what you were trying to achieve in this artwork, and you did just that. Your color choices, shapes of each layer and overall look are excellent. I'm so proud of your artistic ability and your talent in expressing yourself in this way.
- Grandma on September 13, 2023
This reminds me of the zentangle art I was so interested in a while back. Mandelas are so fun to do, and you did an amazing job maintaining a consistent shape to all of your designs. You chose a great variety of shapes and “doodles” to create this art piece. Very impressive!
- Love, Grandma ?? on September 6, 2023
This is really a striking piece of art. I like how the letter C is prominent and bold with a contrasting curvy signature so neatly penned. Your backgound is a wonder blend of eclectic shapes and colors that cover the entire area without awkward white space. I totally love this piece you did. It is outstanding! Keep having fun with your art.
- Love, Grandma on August 30, 2023
Amazing as usual. I think it is my Ram for my Aries Birthday!!
- Erin (Legal guardian) on March 15, 2023
This art piece would have taken your mom on a trip down memory lane because her high school mascot was a Ram! (Ringgold Rams) The pastels you used for this created a nicely blended look in all the images you made. Great job, Char. You are a good artist, you know that?! I hope you are having fun with your art this year.
- Grandma on March 23, 2023
I am so glad that I got to see this work of art when I was at your house! It really is so cute - so colorful and detailed! It would make a nice jewelry holder on your desk or dresser. The colors are beautifully done. You are a good artist in so many different types of medium. I wonder which you enjoy doing the most. :)
- Grandma on March 23, 2023
These candy hearts must be showing things you love... how clever. I like how you added the white on each heart as a highlight. The background almost looks like a nighttime sky with the way you added the paint splatter. Very nice!
- Grandma on March 23, 2023
Working with paper can be challenging at times, especially when you are doing symmetrical work, but you did a wonderful job on this art piece. I really like your color combinations. You consistently make great color choices in your artwork. Color in artwork is what sometimes grabs one's attention first, so you had me liking this from the first look!
- Grandma on March 23, 2023
This abstract piece is very pretty and has a soft look to it with the color choices you made. Splattering different colors of paint finished it off so well. You have a good eye!
- Grandma on March 23, 2023
What an interesting abstract you created! I like the variety of shapes and perspectives you included as well as the color scheme. The shading added a nice touch to the shapes as well. Really cool!
- Grandma on March 23, 2023
How Beachy!!
- Erin (Legal guardian) on March 7, 2023
You created a beautiful Winter Wonderland with your paints! Your snowmen look so happy to be in the snow with their animal friends. I like the swirly white circles you made for the snowman's body and the black top hat. I also like how you made the snow on the ground look so fluffy! Your picture makes me wish for snow to start falling in my yard.
-- Carol
- on December 13, 2017
Your house sculpture is very creative! I like all of the details you added... the cute little keyhole, the plants, the sidewalk, the roof design and the neat door. Keep up the good work in our art. I really enjoy seeing your art work!
-- Carol
- on December 13, 2017
What a pretty Autumn picture you made. I like the warm colors you used for the leaves - just like the ones I see on the trees in the Fall! I also liked how you used more than one color on some of the leaves. Your watercolor background of cool colors is a nice contrast and makes your leaves really stand out! Great artwork, Char. Keep on having fun with your artwork. Love, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on December 13, 2017
What a pretty butterfly you painted. It must have been hard to make both sides look just the same. I love all the shapes and colors you added. Great job! Love you.
-- Grandma
- on October 18, 2017
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