Isla453's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Isla453's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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My dear Isla: Your new art work reminds me of Picasso’s style, just love it. Again, you chose Excellent color combo, very artistic facial expression! Will order some keepsakes sending to your cousins. Much love, Grandma
-- Grace
- on April 4, 2018
It is very modernistic. I love it. Keep up the good work, Isla!
-- Luke
- on March 28, 2018
Breaking through a thick cloud and forging forward!
-- Luke
- on February 14, 2018
The bird showed determination and strength to soar above the Himalaya peaks! It is a powerful picture.
-- Luke
- on February 14, 2018
This is a very powerful piece of art work! The color combination is absolutely stunning!! It looks like a bird with very confident, secured, assured personality, & it is standing or resting on the back of a much larger animal that could be a lion or between some mountain ridges. Isla: you have a keen & unique ability to choose color combo for the effect of bringing out the objects that you wish to show the world. You are gifted! Continue to create more pretty art works to make yourself, your Mom, Dad & others people happy. Thank you for your hard work. Much love, Grandma
-- Grayce
- on February 14, 2018
Dearest Isla: This piece of your new art work is so impressive & versatile! It can be interpreted in anyway any observer wishes. I see it as could represent a man’s head/face with vague interior faint structures that may be his eyes & central more prominent structure, could be nose ridge & mouth. The hot pink edge could represent hair & beard. There are different color bars in the background of black. These augment the visual perception of this art piece. Good job! Keep painting, drawing. Isla: show the whole world your talent. Thank you for making us so happy to see your hard work! Much love, Grandma
-- Grayce
- on February 14, 2018
Love this piece of impressionistic master piece! Very outstanding art work, Isla! Keep painting and drawing!
-- Luke Kao
- on February 7, 2018
My favorite! Love that blue back ground with a tinge of lavender. A person in verdant vegetation with ease!
-- Luke
- on November 22, 2017
Bright, creative color and hues, expressive lines, creative positioning. A very unique, fun, and lovable piece of art work!
-- Luke
- on November 22, 2017
I absolutely love this art work by my granddaughter Isla, “the Russian dolls”. Her color selection is appropriate, & the color combination is very cheerful, festive, especially in this holiday season. The family composition of daddy, mommy & child looks proportionally accurate & pleasing. To me, the background could be an outdoor scenery with a green tree, having a couple of trunks, & there may be some flying butterflies or other insects. The red colored overhead could represent a red hot sunny day. The facial expressions of daddy, mommy & child are also of interest, parents are being kind, attentative, while the child appears innocent, may be mischievous. Overall, I feel that this is a very creative art work for a little girl just turned 7 years old. She worked hard to complete this complicated work that covers many aspects of her daily life. She must have been very observant to the details. She undoubtedly possesses great potential to become an artist, with proper, encouraging guidance both at home & in school. I am so happy and proud to see Isla’s very first to be published art work that was created at Grove Elementary School. I know that she will continue to create, work on other art works.
-- Grace
- on November 22, 2017
This is a lovely Russian Doll. I like it a lot! The color combo is vivid, and the forehead area with triangular shaped lines defind the top part of the face clearly. The green colored stroked lines may indicate beards. The beige skin tone is accurate. Isla: This is a great work of yours. I will purchase some postcards to send to your cousins. Keep up with the good work, Isla, you are blessed to have artistic talent. Thanks also to your daddy & mommy’s help & encouragement. Love, Grandna, from Ellicott City, Maryland
-- Grayce
- on November 22, 2017