Caylie5's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Caylie5's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Keep up the good work!
-- from Aunt Marsha
- on November 6, 2005
Caylie - you are a super girl! I especially like the one with the hands! Great job!
-- from Aunt Joy
- on November 1, 2005
Caylie, I love your picture!!!
-- from Grandma Cheryl
- on October 25, 2005
Caylie, I LOVE your Halloween picture. You are right, it is great!! The witch in the sky looks scary!!! Keep up the great work my little artist!!
-- from Mom
- on October 18, 2005
Good job Caylie. I like the scary witch and pumpkin. Happy Halloween!
-- from Aunt Marsha
- on October 18, 2005
Hey Baby -- I like your picture a lot. I especially like the hand on the left. It looks like it is sticking out its tongue. Elizabeth is coming home this weekend. Kathleen and Courtney are in Kansas City since they did not have school today. Kathleen called a little while ago and I don't think they were having very much fun yet. I hope you and Mrs. Moore had a good week. Give Hunter a hug for me. Love you and hope to see you soon.
-- from Aunt Marsha
- on October 18, 2005
Caylie, I am so proud of you!! Your picture is beautiful!! Love, Mom
-- from Mom
- on October 15, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on October 14, 2005