Annabelle2504's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Annabelle2504's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Perfect! You're little brother it!
- Kyle (Father) on June 1, 2022
It's out of this world! To go where no one has been before! When I left work yesterday, I noticed that Venus was in vertical alignment with the moon. I'll have to show you the photo I took. Love, Dad
- Kyle (Father) on December 7, 2021
A beautiful and very thoughtful pen and ink. The textures and shadows add great effect. It looks like a flag billowing in the wind! Excellent work! Dad.
- Kyle (Father) on October 20, 2021
A lovely scene with Moose and Buddy? LD
- Kyle (Father) on June 3, 2021
Wow, how interesting , the patterns and overlays show how mature your art is, keep it up and put some poems on them.
- David on May 6, 2020
Love that blue, can't ever get enough of it.
- David on May 6, 2020
Love it and your name, too.
- David on May 6, 2020
Love your choice of colors they complement each other very well and put more graphics (letters and words) in them it makes them more interesting, people always read and remember the words. Make them big as you can, too.
- David on May 6, 2020
Looks wintry. I believe I see an ice skate and perhaps a snowman with a stove top hat? Also the part under your name reminds me of a birthday cake.:-) Love, Dad.
- Kyle (Father) on May 5, 2020
Wow, what a beautiful design using different shapes and color, this could be hanging in any gallery or home.
- David on May 6, 2020
I love it, the design, colors and texture are so interesting, keep up the good work, art will bring you happiness all the days of your life.
- David on May 6, 2020
Beautiful! Everything says "Anni" about it! :-) LD
- Kyle (Father) on January 29, 2020
Great expressive brush strokes and graphics, you should start painting on canvas or board and framing your work. Love you
- Grandad on May 6, 2020
Very good work! It reminds me of a clay tablet with hieroglyphs of animals and pyramids!
- Kyle (Father) on December 2, 2019
So impressive and professional, and just right for the season! I love it! Love, Dad.
- Kyle (Father) on October 30, 2019
Looks like one of Grandma's quilt, good job, keep it up.
- Granpa on October 16, 2019
Who wouldn't just love to take this little creature home and put it on their desk.
- Granpa on October 30, 2019
Wow, so expressive with brush strokes and action, love the graphics, too.
- Granpa on October 30, 2019
Love the use of color and shadows, very vibrant, you are really advancing in your school work and art.
- Granpa on October 30, 2019
Very expressionistic!
-- Dad
- on August 29, 2019
Very cute. I didn't do any pottery until high school. Great work!
-- Dad
- on August 29, 2019
I love the colors and objects. Excellent imagination and watercolors!
-- Dad
- on August 29, 2019
I love it, can you add a little red and green, like a rose and some green on the petals?
-- David
- on June 12, 2019
Annabelle, I love your new artwork. It's very colorful and so creative!
-- Grandma Shirley
- on May 15, 2019
Love the colors and floating figures and graphics, keep it up.
-- Granpa
- on September 12, 2018
I love the colors with the white background and the way you spaced them.
-- David
- on May 16, 2018
Excellent work! I love the colors and multiple textures!
-- Kyle
- on April 3, 2018
Very good, Anni. Love you, Grandma
-- Shirley
- on December 27, 2017
Wow, looks like a lot of art that is being produced by abstract realism artist, so advance for her age, let's nurture this talent!
-- Grandad
- on November 15, 2017
So very creative! Just beautiful!
-- Shirley
- on November 15, 2017
Wow, your painting reminds me of Pablo Picasso's work! Great job, Annabelle! LD
-- Dad
- on November 8, 2017