Hi Violet , what a BEAUTIFUL coffee mug ! I would love to have one for my very own! I’m going to order one right away ! Love Grandpa Bob
- Grandpa Bob on October 21, 2020
Great job making a fox ?? out of tin foil! He has a long tail like the fox we have seen in our front yard.
- Poppy on October 21, 2020
Wow V, I love this one! We should frame it! Love, Mama
- Ashley (Mother) on January 28, 2020
Beautiful, Violet! I love this one!
- Ashley (Mother) on October 8, 2019
Violet- you did a great job with the clay. Looks good with the glaze on it. Love, Pop -- Bill
- on March 13, 2019
You did a great job on this watercolor using many beautiful colors. I can see the blue sky and the sun shining brightly. -- Pop
- on February 6, 2019
Great job Violet! The goldfish looks great with all those pretty colors in the background. -- Poppy
- on November 7, 2018
I love this one, Violet! And so will Ruby Bridges! -- Ashley
- on April 18, 2018
Violet- the slide looks great. I’m hoping next time we see you we can go to the park and see you be brave on the slide again. We love you! -- Poppy
- on April 18, 2018
What a wonderful painting Violet ! I love it ! It's the perfect shade of green. -- Bob
- on January 10, 2018
It looks like Violet is looking forward to Spring already to see beautiful green leaves again on the trees and bushes and get away from this frigid weather. Good job painting those leaves Violet. -- Bill
- on January 3, 2018
You are starting to draw faces very well. Keep up the good art work. -- POP
- on November 22, 2017
I love this picture with all the different colors you used. Grand mom and I loved taking care of you, Ruby, Miles and Ziggy this weekend. We love you. -- POP
- on November 22, 2017
I love all the dots, Violet! It almost looks like a small animal like a bunny! -- Mommy
- on November 8, 2017
I love you so much Violet! Thank you for the great picture. -- Bradford
- on November 6, 2017
Violet, I love what you've done to give this lady some color. Great job giving her red lipstick on her lips and coloring her scarf blue! -- Brad
- on October 24, 2017
I like this one. It is colorful and one can have a lot of fun taking a walk between all the colors. One can pretend one is walking through a maze. -- Loretta