Emma34135's Comments (52)

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Below are comments about Emma34135's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I super like this one.
- Amy Elaine (Mother) on December 8, 2023
I can believe you did this with a pencil.
- Amy Elaine (Mother) on April 28, 2020
I feel all of those by looking at your drawings. No need for labels!!
- Grandma P on April 12, 2020
Emma, your creativity never ceases to amaze me!! Who knew that woodshop tools could look so great!!! Love you and how creative you are- Grandma P
- Grandma P on April 7, 2020
How did I miss this! Love how the bird is in focus and everything else background. Excellent??
- Gmac on April 7, 2020
I love butterflies and I adore this art piece??
- Gmac on April 7, 2020
The reflection in the water makes me feel nostalgicsitting by a waters edge, dangling my feet in the water and watching the ripples through the reflection of the trees around me. Wonderful Emma!
- Gmac on April 7, 2020
So you! I love your artists eye for making the simplest of things beautiful.
- Grandma P on April 7, 2020
I really like this one. It somehow feels symmetrical and balanced.
- Amy Elaine (Mother) on February 21, 2020
Pretty cool for just cardboard. Your creativity continues to amaze me??
- Grandma Partridge on February 19, 2020
What is scumbling
- Grandma P on October 16, 2019
Ball. And. Bowl.
- Nicholas on October 16, 2019
That looks just like a bowl and a sphere! ?????? You’re an amazing artist.
- Amy Elaine (Mother) on September 25, 2019
You continue to amaze me! Your eye for detail, color and symbolism are magnificent!!! I Love you?? Grandma P
- on September 11, 2019
This is beautiful! The concept of the “stitches” is perfectly done with the fabric being gathered up as one! The folds, the bird, the different countries represented—indeed a work of ART:). ??Grandma M
- on September 11, 2019
Emma! This is amazing!! I love it!
- on September 11, 2019
It is not a cow.
- Amy Elaine (Mother) on September 7, 2019
That is an OSM warrior!!! Just like you- strong, steady, fierce and faithful! I love you, Grandma P??
-- Elaine
- on September 4, 2019
You have an amazing talent my dear girl. I’m always impressed with your work. Love you, Grandma P
-- Grandma P
- on May 8, 2019
This turned out amazing! I love the light on the water.
-- Mom
- on May 8, 2019
Love it. Can't wait to see your bears in detail.
-- Mom
- on May 8, 2019
Look at all the neat techniques you are learning! I feel you have captured the eagle eye perfectly. Great job!
-- GrandmaMc
- on March 6, 2019
The contrast between the color in the background and the sharp, detailed eye is really striking. I like it.
-- Amy Elaine
- on February 19, 2019
Emma when I look at this beautiful landscape I can almost feel the chill in the air and the smell of pines around me. You have a gift and I am in awe.....
-- GrandmaMc
- on February 6, 2019
I love it! You said I was going to have to squint. Not true. This is fantastic.
-- Mom
- on February 6, 2019
Very cool, Emma.
-- Mom
- on May 23, 2018
This is sill my ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!
-- Grandma M
- on May 2, 2018
This makes me want jello--don't ask me why, but it does??
-- Grandma M
- on May 2, 2018
I love your bangs!!! You have captured your "thoughtful" look:)
-- Grandma M
- on May 2, 2018
Your title for this piece makes me think of a magical horse ride through starry skies. The look in the horse's eyes says to me, "I am ready to take you on a glorious adventure!" Great job!
-- Grandma M
- on May 2, 2018
Love the colors you chose Emma! Great use of your E's!!! Very creative and fun??????????
-- Grandma M
- on May 2, 2018
I love the Donald! It's about time.
-- Amy Elaine
- on April 24, 2018
That is osm! I didn't realize it was from your name till I read you description! Love you girl ??
-- Grandma Partridge
- on April 25, 2018
You are the best! I love this drawing!
-- Elaine
- on March 28, 2018
This really is amazing. Way to go!
-- Mom
- on March 20, 2018
Oh yeah! You are getting better!!! This is magnificent!! I love it! and I love you!!
-- Grandma Partridge
- on February 7, 2018
How do you do this? You are so talented! Love you!
-- Grandma Partridge
- on February 7, 2018
This is great! I can see his tail wagging!! Love you
-- Grandma Partridge
- on February 7, 2018
This is one of my favorites!!
-- Grandma Partridge
- on February 7, 2018
I love your drawing. It looks so professional! You have a great talent here, and I love that you are using it and learning more and more. I love you
-- Grandma Partridge
- on February 7, 2018
Wow Emma!! I am so impressed! That looks professional! You are an amazing artist. I wish I could do what you can.
-- Kristen
- on February 7, 2018
I really like this Emma!
-- GrandmaMc
- on December 27, 2017
You are a talented young lady! Beautifully done! I love you ??
-- Grandma
- on December 13, 2017
Very cool, as always!
-- Kristen
- on December 13, 2017
We love red hair too!!!
-- Kristen
- on November 1, 2017
I love it Emma!
-- Kristen
- on November 1, 2017
I love the colors on this one! Nicely done.
-- Kristen
- on November 1, 2017
Emma, your "Dancing with Doves" literally gave me chills. Your artistic perspective has grown into something so beautiful! Well done my darling girl. Air Hugs for you:} Grandma M
-- Jackie
- on October 25, 2017
WOW!! Good job incorporating the different flags from different countries. You are so creative. Love You Girl!!
-- Grandma Partridge
- on October 25, 2017
Emma I love the bright colors!! They match your beautiful personality. Love You Girl!!
-- Grandma Partridge
- on October 25, 2017
Osm, Emma!
-- Amy Elaine
- on October 12, 2017
Emma, I'm so impressed this piece of artwork! Well done! Thanks for sharing it with me too. I love to see what you're working on in school. Love you, Aunt Kristen
-- Kristen
- on September 27, 2017