Stig4's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Stig4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Stig, Going through my email I came upon this beautiful picture that you created! I love the blue, green and gold colors you used to express the colors of fall and the fallen leaves. They look to me like they are floating on a pond. Great work Stig! Love, Grandma
- Grandma on January 8, 2020
Dear Stig, I love this collage with it's bright colors and interesting shapes. It looks like it was difficult to do. Shhhhh! Don't tell Papa, but I ordered a mug for him with this design on it. Every morning when he drinks his coffee, he will be pleased to be able to look at your artwork. You're an art "rock star"! Love, Mormor
- Mormor on December 19, 2019
Dear Stig, You did a wonderful job on this picture. He looks good enough to eat. I wonder what flavor he would be. I especially like his scarf which has my favorite colors in it. I'm looking forward to seeing the actual picture soon. Love, Mormor
-- Mormor
- on March 14, 2018
Dear Stig, What a colorful picture! It is very modern in design-reminds me of Calder's work with the primary colors. Great work Stig! Love, Grandma
-- Grandma
- on January 18, 2018
Dear Stig, Another great picture! I really like the texture you did on the bowl. And the apples are very real looking. Which is your favorite color? My favorites are the red apples! Stig you are a very good artist! Keep having fun with your creations! Love, Grandma
-- Carol
- on January 9, 2018
Dear Stig, I love your colorful mouse picture. It reminds me of a story called "Mouse Paint", which I believe is the title of your artwork. Your mice have the cutest little squiggly tails and pink ears. Too bad real mice are not as colorful! Good work Stig. Love, Grandma
-- Carol
- on January 9, 2018
Dear Stig, I just got an email showing the artwork that you've done in first grade. I love all 3 pictures. They all look so creative and fun and I can't wait to see your next work of art. You're an awesome artist! Love, Mormor
-- Mormor
- on January 3, 2018