Brielle1322's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Brielle1322's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your garden! And Monet is my favorite artist! Great job!
-- Mimi
- on April 27, 2018
Wow Brie, you're really getting good at drawing and painting! Keep up the great work!
-- Mimi
- on April 27, 2018
What a great looking pumpkin patch! Mmmm...makes me want a slice of Pumpkin Pie! You really are a great beginning artist-it looks I could just walk thru the grass and pick out my favorite one! Keep up the great work!
-- Mimi
- on April 27, 2018
Oh Brie! This is such a beautiful pinch pot! It would be so cute with a little cactus or even candy in it. You are going to have to show me how you made it...maybe we could even make one together? I just love it!
-- Mimi
- on April 27, 2018
The squares are so colorful. It kinda reminds me of windows in a building. Very neat! Keep up the great work!
-- Mimi
- on April 27, 2018
Oh Brie, that is beautiful! It reminds me of a kaleidoscope! I love the colors you chose! Keep up the great work, I love seeing them!
-- Mimi
- on April 27, 2018
I'm so glad I was able to be there to watch you start creating this masterpiece. It's really starting to look like your teacher's dress!!
-- Jessica
- on September 27, 2017
If all of the squares were colored in, this would look just like a beautiful stained glass window! Great job Brie!
-- Mimi
- on September 27, 2017
Oh, I love it! It kinda reminds me of a volcano at night with a lava flow going over a river. You are getting really good at painting!
-- Mimi
- on September 27, 2017
This is so colorful! You did a great job!
-- Mom
- on September 15, 2017